Seeing the visitor's attire, Han Cheng immediately guessed who it was - the cold-blooded bomber.

Later, he was an employee of Tiantianhao Group, collector of the Violent Virus, and the first-generation Bic bionic, nicknamed Cold-Blooded Explosion. He wore a pair of sunglasses, loved to eat lollipops, and was despicable and shameless. He was Li Xiaochou's true confidant.

Moreover, he was the enemy of General Duan Muyan. This guy was the culprit who killed Duan Muyan's father Duanmu Gushang.

"Hello, who are you?" Han Cheng asked, pretending not to recognize him.

"Why don't you recognize Mr. Han? It's me who is cold-blooded," Lengxue took off his sunglasses and put on a playful and smiling expression, but it always gave people a gloomy feeling.

Han Cheng looked carefully. It seemed that Li Xiaochou's biochemical experiment was completed well. The cold-blooded look in front of him was obviously in sharp contrast to the cautious beggar in his memory.

But that's fine, at least the cold-blooded success means that Li Xiaochou's experiment is at least reliable for now!

"Oh, I didn't even recognize Assistant Leng. Come in quickly! Is the teacher ready? I'm completely relying on the teacher now."

After Han Cheng figured out the key, he immediately happily welcomed Leng Xue in.

Lengxue was slightly startled when he saw the person in front of him. Is this still the unknown and withdrawn Han Cheng from two weeks ago?

It seems that the disease is more powerful than the virus, and it can actually make such a person make such a big change in a very short period of time.

Then he smiled and said: "Professor Li's experiment has already achieved a fruitful breakthrough, so there is no need for Mr. Han to worry so much. Moreover, as you have seen, the power of this vaccine is fully capable of treating all existing diseases. This is What a power.”

The cold-blooded temptation did not work on Han Cheng, but the initial sample of the virus in his mind was indeed as powerful as he said! And he has no way out!

"In this case, let's go to the laboratory as soon as possible! I can't wait to feel the power of the new humans!"

Han Cheng deliberately pretended to be in tears of gratitude and looked forward to the new world with an expression of constant yearning.

"No rush, no rush. Student Han should adjust his mentality first, and check with any classmates or friends to inform him. Maybe the experiment will not be short."

Lengxue looked at Han Cheng and said deliberately. He knew that the person in front of him had no father or mother, and no friends or relatives, but Professor Li had explained that only by constantly stimulating him could he ensure that this virus experiment would be a perfect success.

The Sangbang virus is different from his chip. The chip can gather the power of the virus and then transmit it to every corner of the body through bioelectricity.

However, the virus is completely integrated with the host. Once a rejection reaction occurs, the host will die immediately and the virus will enter a long dormancy period.

In that case, the experiment would be declared officially broken, and the grass on the graves of those who had been secretly studied by the professor would already be three feet high! But now there is a person who volunteers to participate. This is simply a God-given opportunity!

Sure enough, after Han Cheng heard Leng Xue's words, he felt an inexplicable sadness. Thinking about his previous life, he was also an orphan and was bullied. However, the same situation happened after time travel. Life was so miserable.

Just as Han Cheng was sighing, his brain suddenly went cold, as if he had been drinking ice water for three to nine days, and his whole body was as cold as if he had been drinking ice water for three or nine days. He had already died once, how could he still have such emotions? It seems that the ghost of the original owner is still there!

Han Cheng's eyes turned cold. Since he traveled through time, this body is naturally his own. As for the original owner who doesn't want to leave, then he will send him away personally.

"Cold-blooded brother, don't worry, I'm in a good mood now, and I think no one except the teacher will miss me now! Let's start the experiment quickly!"

Han Cheng smiled reluctantly and made a request to Lengxue.

Lengxue was overjoyed when he saw that his strategy had indeed worked. With this resentment, he might actually be able to succeed in the experiment!

"Okay, okay, let's leave now, so that Professor Li won't be anxious!"

Not long after, Han Cheng and Leng Xue drove to the school's extremely remote ancient genetic research building. This experimental building was originally an abandoned building with only three floors. It was obvious that Li Xiaochou's current situation was not easy.

Following the cold-blooded steps, I arrived at the third floor. The entire third floor was filled with chemical reagents and experimental instruments, with only a small room separated for human experiments.

Han Cheng looked around at this place that he had only visited two or three times.

"Hehehe, Xiao Han, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

I saw a middle-aged man wearing a white coat with a few strands of hair and a stubborn Mediterranean hairstyle walking forward.

Li Xiaochou, the top professor of biology at China University of Science and Technology, the future general manager of Tiantianhao Group, the god of Oxer, the host of the royal type Tyrannosaurus, the founder of the world of Oxel, and the biggest enemy of the Armor Team.

"Hahaha, teacher, my life depends entirely on you! You must save your dearest apprentice." Han Cheng deliberately joked.

Li Xiaochou's eyes narrowed, and then there was joy between his brows, and he grinned, "Hahaha, okay! This is the right time for the teacher to really see the power of the new humans!"

Obviously Li Xiaochou also understood Han Cheng's transformation as a manifestation of having to bow his head between life and death. Such a good person!

This kind of person is not only easy to control, but also has the fear of death, so he has a greater pursuit of life. The key to Oxer's experiment lies in the strength of willpower.

"It just so happens that now is the time when Xiao Han is in the best condition, so the teacher won't let it go!

You know the vaccine made by ancient genes. Now I need to make an all-round change on you, including everything in your body. It can be said that once successful, you will become the next superhero! "

Li Xiaochou did not forget to bewitch Han Cheng even at the last moment, which shows that he put all his effort into the Oxel experiment!

"Lengxue, you go and guard outside. No one can come in during our experiment. Do you hear me? No one can come in."

Li Xiaochou said these words heavily, Lengxue trembled all over, turned around and retreated silently.

"Teacher, let's start!"

Han Cheng took a deep breath, and then lay down on the instrument specially used by Li Xiaochou for human experiments. Feeling the cold instrument, he closed his eyes silently.

Li Xiaochou picked up a blood-red medicine from the table and injected it into the artery on Han Cheng's arm!

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