Sun Yun was surrounded by more than a dozen naked beauties with snake tails. They stuck out their strange forked tongues and spoke in human language.

: "Sisters, look, he is actually a wild man and a handsome boy."

: "Don't grab it, don't grab it at all, I saw it first"

: "Obviously I saw it first, it's mine."

: "Don't grab it, everyone has a share, I come first."


Sun Yun was fought over by more than a dozen women. Finally, a tall woman with a red tail wrapped her tail around him, and the women stopped fighting.

At this time, Ye Wuxin and Li'er also rushed over. Just now they blamed Sun Yun for running too much by himself. There was no danger anyway, and the few people didn't care about him.

Seeing the appearance of Ye Wuxin and the others, many snake beauties immediately looked at the three of them warily, glaring at them with vigilant eyes.

: "Everyone, I'm sorry, you caught our contractor. Can you let him go? Also, have you put on your clothes?"

None of the women spoke. They all looked at the leading woman with fiery red hair and a fiery red snake tail.

The woman frowned slightly, and dense snake scales immediately appeared on her abdomen, covering her key parts.

The red scales shone with a peculiar sheen in the sunlight, and scales of different colors also appeared on the other snake girls, like a piece of exquisite scale armor, covering key parts.

The leading woman looked at Ye Wuxin, her long forked tongue gently licked her sexy lips, she opened her mouth and smiled gently, with a row of neat and beautiful white teeth.

: "Welcome to the territory of our Snake Clan. I hope you can come to our Clan as a guest for a few days. We will do our best to welcome you. All you have to do is agree to our small request."

As he spoke, several other snake girls surrounded a few people.

Mira frowned and said to Ye Wuxin

: "It's strange. Many of them are intermediate professionals, so be careful."

Ye Wuxin gave her a reassuring look and said

"Of course we are willing to experience the style of the nobles. As for your request, I actually understand it. It's just that we have urgent matters and want to go to the violent bear territory in the north. I wonder if you can give us a ride then?"

The leading woman happily agreed, but she did not let go of Sun Yun. She placed Sun Yun on her snake as thick as a tree trunk, and then led Sun Yun towards her territory.

Along the way, Sun Yun learned that the name of the leading snake woman was Sisi, which was a particularly nice name.

Moreover, this Sisi is also the leader of this tribe, a senior professional and a senior ranger.

As for what they asked for, Sun Yun didn't know, but seeing the strange looks in Mira and Li'er's eyes, Sun Yun knew that it was definitely not the good thing he thought.

As expected, the Snake Man's tribe is a cave, but it is exceptionally spacious and clean inside. Sun Yun and others were arranged in a spacious cave. The snake people specially lit torches for them. Because the snake people had night vision, they did not need lighting. There were still some shiny crystals on the walls, but they were provided. The light was not enough for Sun Yun and others to see the road clearly.

There are only forty or fifty people in this snake tribe, and there are only three males among them, all of whom are very thin and weak.

There was nothing that could be done about it, because spring had just passed and their mating season had just passed. It was strange that these three male snake people were healthy.

The snake people warmly entertained several people, mainly Sun Yun. They were particularly kind to Sun Yun and served various fruits and delicacies to them.

But when Sun Yun looked at those strange foods and unknown meat, he really didn't dare to eat them, so he could only eat those fruits.

At this time, the snake girl Sisi also expressed her request.

: "What? Hatching eggs?" Sun Yun was extremely shocked.

It turns out that just a dozen days ago, the snake man had laid the first batch of eggs.

It is just because of the problem of birth rate that the number of Snake men is even more excessive.

It stands to reason that the gender of snake people is related to the temperature. When incubating eggs, the ones with higher temperatures are males, and those with lower temperatures are females. Although it is not absolute, this is generally the case.

Everyone with this temperature snake has their own experience. Although it is only a general control and cannot achieve a constant temperature, based on past experience, the probability of a male birth is not high, but no matter how high the temperature is, the egg will be damaged.

Snake people are cold-blooded animals and can only rely on other methods to increase their temperature. They cannot hatch eggs by themselves, so the birth rate and the chance of being male are particularly low.

But many years ago, an unknown snake man married a human. We will not discuss how they mated later.

Anyway, this snake man laid a clutch of eggs. Her husband slept with these eggs in his arms every night. Who knew that four male hybrid snakes would appear out of ten eggs.

This probability is too high.

Later, many snake people verified that this was indeed the case.

Snake people all know the body temperature of male humans, and hatching eggs have a greater chance of producing male snake humans.

That's why several people were so happy to see Sun Yun.

As for why no human being wants to marry a snake person, there are the following reasons.

First, snakes and humans have different organs, making it difficult to mate.

Unless someone's younger brother is particularly thin and very long, like a pig's, then it is possible to complete mating.

Second, snake people are generally poisonous. A kiss may kill you. Unless you have a condom during mating, you will also be poisoned.

The third is that snake people are not cold-tolerant. Although they will not hibernate, their strength will be greatly reduced in low-temperature weather.

The fourth is that they have different habits and eat different things.

The fifth and most important point is that the mating time of snake people is extremely long. It usually starts within seven or eight hours and usually lasts for one day. During this period, it takes more than ten times to spray seeds. Even if some snake people can modify the external entrance through surgery, But this mating time is unacceptable to humans.

Therefore, the snake people, a race that ignores the terrain, comes with its own armor, and has high attack power, is still an immortal species and is not loved by the human race.

And the snake tribe doesn't like the short-lasting creatures like humans very much. They simply needed Sun Yun's help in hatching eggs.

Sun Yun followed the snake people to visit their incubation room.

They spread a thick layer of hay on the ground, placed the eggs on top, and covered them with quilts made of animal skins to keep them warm. They also needed to replenish water, as the eggs would not hatch if they were too dry.

They were speckled eggs about the size of a head, placed flat together.

Each snake-man has his own incubation room.

Sun Yun only has one person, and it is impossible to hatch eggs for all the snake people.

he said doubtfully

"How many eggs can I hatch by myself? Haven't you tried constant temperature? Although this keeps the temperature high, the temperature difference between day and night is still quite large. As long as the temperature is constant, the birth rate and the probability of giving birth to a boy will be guaranteed."

Sisi, the leader, nodded and said

"We know the constant temperature you are talking about, but how can we afford the magic circle and the magic stone? Even if we have the magic stone, we don't have a magician."

At this time, Mira raised her head proudly, as if to say, the mage is here, come and beg me quickly.

Ye Wuxin was also ready to tell the snake man his long-planned method.

Sun Yun opened his mouth and continued.

"Magic circle? No, no, no magic required. Just light a fire. It's very simple."

"We have tried making a fire. Although the temperature has been raised, the effect is even worse. The hatching of snake eggs requires a lot of moisture. Building a fire will destroy the moisture in the air and even bake the snake eggs."

"What I said is different from what you think. Making a fire is not making a fire. We need water as a medium. It would be too ineffective to make a fire directly."

"Ouch? Let's hear it. If it works, you will be the benefactor of our clan."

"It's very simple. Do you know sauna? As long as you control the amount of water, you can control the temperature. It just needs someone to stay here continuously to sense the temperature changes. Compared with the expensive magic stone, manpower is worth so much. Money?"

"Can you tell me in detail?"

So Sun Yun briefly explained the principles of the sauna room.

"Okay, then we'll send someone right away to help you give it a try."

Several snake people immediately started digging under Sun Yun's command. They found a free cave, forty or fifty square meters.

Sun Yun asked them to find two huge flat stones, fetch a lot of water, and prepare firewood.

First, the cave was modified, a thick straw curtain door was installed, and a stove was built on the outer wall of the cave.

This stove has two passages, one leads directly to the outside, and the other leads to the inside of the cave. Dig a hole in the cave, connect the passages, cover the entrance of the cave with two stone slabs, and then lead the flue out of the cave. Leave ventilation and cooling openings at the top of the cave.

Next is the experimental stage.

To light a fire, first cover the chimney leading to the outside so the flames will lead to the inside of the cave.

After the stones inside the cave were heated, cold water was poured in, and a burst of water vapor rose into the air. A sultry breath immediately dispersed, mixed with thick water vapor, and continuously soaked Sun Yun's clothes.

After feeling the temperature, Sun Yun continued to add some water. Everyone was surprised to feel the change in temperature. It was hot, but not that hot.

Block the chimney leading to the inside, open the outside chimney, and the flame will burn toward the outside. Pour several basins of cold water on the rocks, and then open the vent.

The temperature in the cave immediately dropped a lot.

Sun Yun was already sweating profusely at this time. Only the snake people couldn't prevent sweating. They were so comfortable and excited. There were even a few smaller ones rolling all over the floor. This temperature was too comfortable for them, and the humidity Also suitable.

Sisi looked at Sun Yun carefully with her beautiful eyes. She licked her tongue impatiently. If she hadn't been afraid of Sun Yun being poisoned, she would have kissed him long ago.

Sun Yun conducted some experiments on his own and improved several smoking and unreasonable areas, and finally maintained the temperature of the cave at around 30 degrees, which is also the most suitable temperature for snake eggs to hatch. As for humidity, not to mention it.

After more than a dozen snake people stayed inside in person, they happily said that the temperature was very suitable for hatching snake eggs. Some snake girls even said, does this mean that they can also hatch snake eggs in winter using this method?

Compared with the snake girl's excitement, the three male snake men looked at Sun Yun with resentful eyes. They rubbed their waists in unison, with their eyes wishing to eat Sun Yun.

Mira poked and poked without intention.

"When did you tell him?"

"When did I tell him? Although I also have a way, his method is also very good. He can do this without relying on magic. It seems that sometimes I think about things too one-sided."

In fact, Ye Wuxin also has a way to solve the snake girl's problem. This is also the experience she learned from snake people elsewhere.

Using magic and magic stones to control temperature will cost more, but the effect will be better.

It's just that the magic stone is not cheap, and such a small snake tribe cannot afford it.

Snake people are not fools. Have they long known that some large snake tribes use magic stones for constant temperature incubation?

It's just that they are poor, can't afford the magic stone, and don't have a mage.

Some tribes use other methods to control temperature. But who would tell them plainly?

They confirmed the feasibility of Sun Yun's method after personal operations and experiments.

So in the next two days, Sun Yun helped them build three more caves of this size to meet their needs.

But Sun Yun also pointed out the problem with this approach.

The first is that a large amount of firewood is needed. In fact, the temperature is very high during the day, so there is no need to burn a fire. It is only needed after the temperature cools down at night.

The second is Sun Yun's requirement that each incubation cave must have an adult snake man inside, and there must be no one left in it. This is to prevent the temperature from accidentally being too high and not overcooking the eggs.

Regarding these two requirements, Sisi said that it was not a problem.

Because the incubation period of snake eggs is very short, generally no more than thirty days, so not much firewood is used. Moreover, snakes are the most sensitive to temperature and are natural thermometers, so the temperature will not be too high.

In the past two days, Sun Yun clearly felt that the Snake Man's attitude towards him was much friendly and respectful.

Sisi nervously asked Sun Yun if he could tell the rest of the Snake Tribe about this method.

Sun Yun said without thinking, of course, the more snake people know about it, the better.

Sisi showed an excited look. She hugged Sun Yun in her arms very gratefully. The slender snake tail kept turning on Sun Yun. The huge thing on her chest almost suffocated Sun Yun to death.

If she wasn't poisonous, Sisi would definitely kiss Sun Yun a few times, or kiss him somewhere else, so that Sun Yun could feel the flexibility and beauty of the snake man's strange tongue.

Sun Yun didn't even know that his random approach and allowing the snake people to tell other snake people tribes would lead to the birth of a huge snake people kingdom.

The status of snake people in this world is very embarrassing. Most snake people are poisonous, and only a very small number of snake people carry toxins.

The second is the mating issue. Because snakemen are poisonous, only those creatures with particularly high poison resistance dare to try it, such as dragons, Nagas and other legendary races.

Because of their uniqueness, snake people, although they are orcs, do not have a good relationship with the orcs, and their relationship with humans is even worse.

Moreover, other races have been deliberately reducing the living space of the snake people and weakening the strength of the snake people.

Because of the characteristics of snake people, they are too easy to destroy.

If you cast a few ice spells where they live, the next batch of snake people's children will all be female, and even many eggs will be damaged.

This allows a powerful tribe to decline quickly.

If you want to avoid this method, you have to buy human magic circles. Therefore, many large tribes of snake people are actually not living well. They are controlled by some powerful humans or orcs, just like a group of slaves.

Sisi's tribe is too small and is not qualified to be exploited.

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