Reincarnation: The Soul of Dashul

Chapter 89 Royal Carpet Flying

The sky is blue and white, the red wheel is shining high in the sky, and the air in early summer is already a little hot.

Schools in the town of Smallville have resumed normal teaching order. On the flying playground of Warnerdales Magic Academy, a magic teacher is teaching key points to his students and demonstrating the skills of magic flying.

"Flying magic is a skill that every magician must master proficiently. Our school's flying class was only started in the senior grades. Through the study in the lower grades, all students have initially mastered the induction, guidance and control of various magic elements. Gathering skills, nowadays, need to go a step further and master the precise control skills of elements." The magic teacher is very professional.

"Teacher Blue, do you need tools to fly? That broom is really ugly." A female student looked at the crude magic broom with her big eyes flashing, with a look of disgust on her face.

"You are all still in the realm of small magicians. You are only intermediate level three magicians at the highest. It's still early for you to fly on your own!" Teacher Blue looked at him with a serious look, and then softened, "Then A broom may be a bit unsightly, but you can choose a flying carpet, but flying on a flying carpet will be a little more difficult."

"In the future, as your realm improves, you will be able to use many flying instruments, such as cloaks, flower baskets, skateboards, chariots, etc. There are many flying carriers. Broomsticks and flying carpets are only the most basic flying carriers, just like your It's the same as the elementary wand. In the future, it will definitely be replaced with a powerful magic weapon." Teacher Blue is very patient and tireless.

Ledo was listening in the crowd, and he also felt that the broom was a bit shabby, and he would definitely feel nervous sitting on it. The first thing he thought of as a flying magic weapon was Lin Chuan's flying sword that he saw a few days ago. It was so majestic.

"Flying magic is silent magic. There are no incantations or chanting. You just need to choose your own flying magic weapon, then gather the magic elements, slowly guide the elemental energy to the flying object, and finally control the elemental energy to move. It’s very simple, the key point is to control the elemental power, which must be very precise.”

After Mr. Blue's demonstration, he rode a magic broom, floated into the air, and then quickly flew around the students.

Teacher Blue took out some magic flying carpets from the storage room and told the students to choose for themselves. Then some students started to try it. They found that the magic broomstick was easy to get started. According to the teacher, you can master it after one or two attempts. Many students began to fly close to the ground on the playground and slowly practiced.

However, activating the magic flying carpet is not so easy to master. Some students tried it several times, but they could only barely float and could not carry people on it at all.

"Who is it? Can't you do it? This is very simple." A student with a good foundation flew close to the ground, showing off and mocking Ledo.

"You're a loser at the end of the crane. I guess I won't be able to graduate in the future." Another student's words were also rude and unpleasant.

Such discussions have never stopped. Ledo doesn't care at all. He has developed the most rare ability - shielding power. He is thinking at the moment and has no time to pay attention to those words: "This flying magic, and my The art of controlling objects is very similar, can’t you see any difference?”

"Ledo, let me accompany you. You can try if you can. If not, forget it and fight again later..." Baker's golden hair flashed in the sun, and his blue eyes revealed sincerity. He whispered to Ledo. Say more.

"The magic flying carpet is a bit difficult, Ledo, you should try the magic broom first!" Seeing Ledo actually go directly to get the magic flying carpet, Evelin quickly persuaded her. Not to mention her girlish figure, she is the center of attention wherever she goes.

"It doesn't matter, this...I'm good at it!" Ledo smiled slyly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he casually pulled out a magic flying carpet.

Ledo hesitated for a few seconds, and then decided to follow Teacher Blue's teachings, step by step, learn slowly, and try flying magic.

However, this brief thought was ridiculed by several students who were already able to fly at low altitude: "It's better not to pretend to be fat and just take a broom and sweep the floor, hahahaha..."

Ledo did not speak, but slowly guided the elemental energy, and began to control the magic flying carpet according to the key points taught by the teacher. Now that he has made a breakthrough, Teacher Norman assessed that he is already a high-level magician.

However, no one knows, they don't even know that Ledo's magician certification level has been promoted to an intermediate level two magician in the town magic branch.

Ledo discovered that after breaking through the shackles of elemental suppression, he could actually guide the five elements at the same time, and it was extremely smooth.

At this time, Ledo felt excited. He looked inside and saw that in the furnace of his life, the elemental light bands of five colors, blue, purple, blue, red and yellow, were blended and tempered, turning into a ray of golden energy, slowly nourishing the golden saplings. Golden energy, full of vitality.

Ledo slowly pulled out a small amount of energy from the roots of the golden sapling to control the magic flying carpet in front of him. The magic flying carpet floated easily.

Upon seeing this, Ledo jumped up and controlled it with elemental energy. With a "swish" sound, the magic flying carpet flew out for more than ten meters. The speed was almost as fast as Teacher Blue's. This was his first time. Ride the magic flying carpet and try this flying magic for the first time.

"Huh? It's very fast. I can still sit and lie down, and I can roll from here to there..." Ledo found that this magic flying carpet looked much more comfortable than flying with a sword. Yes, but not as majestic.

"I secretly tried the magic of flying. No one should be able to tell the difference. Apart from the different nature of the energy they guide, what's the difference between the magic of flying and the magic of flying?" Ledo instantly mastered the essentials of flying magic and stayed close to the ground. Flying, gradually increasing speed.

"With the blessing of the Five Elements Art of Controlling Objects, if the secret technique of Wind Walk is used again, is it possible to use it on the magic flying carpet?" Ledo slowly ran the Wind Walk secretly.

Ledo can already run the great cycle of spiritual power at will. Coupled with the shielding ability of the hanging moon, even if there are martial arts cultivators from the Qianris Empire present, it is probably difficult to judge whether what Ledo cast is flying magic or magic. The art of controlling objects.

The Feng Xing Secret Technique was only halfway through its operation when the magic flying carpet suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground. Ledo was so frightened that he almost fell off. However, his physical fitness was so strong now. He instinctively flipped in the air, jumped over the dragon gate like a carp, and stabilized his body. posture, landing on the grass extremely gracefully, looking at the magic flying carpet and thinking.

"No? There is still a huge difference in the nature of the energy that drives it. The five spiritual powers of gold, water, wood, fire, and earth, and the five elements of wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth, although there are certain similarities in the form of energy expression, are not the same energy after all. ...Does this need to be transformed into each other? That would be too time-consuming..." Countless ideas flashed through Ledo's mind, and he wanted to verify them one by one.

"Forget it! Try this first..." Ledo suddenly thought of something, picked up the magic flying carpet, and threw it forward.

Under Ledo's control, the magic flying carpet flew up quickly, then circled around Ledo, directly carrying Ledo and flying high into the sky.

The speed of the flying carpet is more than twice as fast as before, and the movement of the flying carpet is extremely smooth now. It dances back and forth in the low air. One moment, stars are flying, and the next moment, it is crawling like a turtle. It feels so free. .

Ledo couldn't think of any other way for the time being. He directly controlled it with the magic of object control. He temporarily put aside the elemental characteristics of the magic flying carpet and used it as a flying sword, which is "carpet flying". Unexpectedly, the effect was amazing. good.

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