Reincarnation: The Soul of Dashul

Chapter 83 Thunder Storm

"Have you seen it? The wanted notice issued by the Barrett Alliance!"

“We haven’t seen an announcement of this magnitude in over a decade.”

"The first of the twelve signs of the zodiac? What are those things? Why have you never heard of them? They suddenly appeared."

"It is said to be a joint statement from the six empires. They all want members of the 'Light and Shadow Society'!"

"Many bizarre cases in the past few years are related to this light and shadow society!"

"They have the inherited magic weapon of the god Barret. Is this true?"


The day after the prison robbery, the entire town of Smallville knew about the sacrifice of the old city lord, but Norman hid the matter of the substitute. What was important was that everyone knew about the existence of the Light and Shadow Society.

All the information about this organization obtained by the town magic branch through interrogation was reported by Norman through the town announcement, with almost no hiding. Even the organization may possess fragments of the magic weapon of the god Barrett. Speak clearly.

On the second day, the county and district cities affiliated with Smallville Town also began to announce the causes and consequences of the light and shadow event, and the intelligence information was almost unreserved.

On the third day, all the citizens in Yuktra Hill, the royal city of the Dashur Empire, began to discuss the mysterious organization of the Light and Shadow Society.

At the same time, many investigators of mysterious events took advantage of the popularity and published all their years of investigation and research. Suddenly, there was a turmoil, lawsuits and disagreements.

In three days, a mysterious organization that had been lurking in the dark for many years was exposed. The amount of information was huge, and there was also very important secret information. This was undoubtedly a huge blow to the Light and Shadow Society. The beginning of Man's revenge.

However, this was far from over. The Minister of Magic of the Dashur Empire applied for an imperial investigation order and requested that members of the Light and Shadow Society be wanted across the country.

The Magic Headquarters also submitted a document to suppress the anti-human organization to the Barrett International Alliance through the royal family of the Dashul Empire, requesting the Barrett Alliance Army to dispatch to assist the six empires and comprehensively arrest all members of this anti-human organization.

The six empires suddenly caused a huge storm. In order to clear their relationship with the organization, all countries actively organized special investigation teams to cooperate with the Barrett Alliance Army to investigate the Light and Shadow Society.

The final result of the investigation was that all six empires defined the Society of Light and Shadow as an anti-human terrorist organization and wanted them all over the world.

"Look at what you have done, it is truly magnificent and earth-shattering!" In a small room, there is a huge circular table, surrounded by magnificent decorations, like a palace. A man wearing a mask sits at the end of the round table. On the chair inside, someone yelled angrily.

This is a woman. Her voice is clear and clear, like a warbler, but it exudes an extremely cold and intimidating force. Her mask is also very strange, without any pattern or shape, it is just a simple piece of light red gauze. Tangled, like a faceless person, looking extremely weird, she alone shocked the twelve people present.

The annular round table is divided into thirteen areas. The table tops and chairs in each area are engraved with different patterns. Starting from the faceless woman, the patterns circle counterclockwise, followed by Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer. , Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

This is the common constellation pattern of the zodiac. Twelve mysterious people sit around a round table. They all wear masks. The pattern of the mask is consistent with the constellation where they sit. They sit upright and listen patiently.

The area of ​​the faceless woman is completely blank, without any patterns, just like her mask. Among the gorgeous constellation patterns of the zodiac, it looks very incongruous and abrupt.

"President! This is my mistake, please punish me!" A man in brown robe was the first to speak and took the initiative to apologize. He was sitting in the Capricorn Palace. He looked very tall. He lowered his head to show respect. This was the prison robbery incident. The magician in ——Kepken.

"Is that Marquis of the Blood Tribe an idiot? The action has already ended, and he's still trying to attract fire!" The head of the Pisces Palace was obviously very uncomfortable. He thought it was because the Marquis of the Blood Tribe was too arrogant.

"Norman Carbison? Intelligence shows that he is a student of that old guy from the Dashul Empire. Didn't you investigate clearly before taking action? Why do you want to provoke such a difficult person at this critical juncture?" Taurus Palace The head of the palace, with a loud voice, sternly accused.

"Hehehe... It's a pity. The senior officer's ability is still very good, but he also knows a lot. Death may be the best destination! As for the vampires, they are never taught a lesson!" The voice of the head of the Aries Palace Enchanting and charming, but with a hint of coldness.

Next, the remaining palace chiefs began to summarize the information they had and expressed their opinions. For a while, the noise continued.

"Quiet! The twelve palaces of light and shadow, the head of the palace is listening to the order. From today on, all palace personnel are in full hibernation. All action plans are temporarily cancelled! The ongoing operations are stopped immediately! The responsible officers are on standby and are waiting for the next order. It is strictly prohibited. Anyone who acts privately and disobeys orders will be killed without mercy!"

At this time, the head of the twelfth palace discovered that there was a figure standing next to the president. The figure was extremely blurry, almost transparent, and there was no breath coming out. He was simply a ghost. This was the vice president of the Light and Shadow Society. long.




The head of the twelve palaces of light and shadow suddenly became serious. No one dared to continue making noise, and they all bowed their heads to show respect!

"Mr. President, does the Wemper Empire need a certain degree of punishment? Last time, the werewolf royal family was applying to revoke the blood royal family's governing rights in the empire..." The vice president lowered his head and asked for instructions, respectfully.

"There is no need to intervene. The Vampires lost a marquis. The loss is not small. This lesson is enough. The overall situation is the most important thing!" The cold voice of the president came out, and no one dared to neglect it.

"The meeting is over, step down!" the vice-president loudly announced the end of the meeting. Immediately afterwards, the ten palace heads disappeared from the bench. It turned out that they were not real people arriving at the venue.

This is the holographic communication technology originated from the Sai Enshi Empire. Only the Capricorn Palace leader Kepken and the Aries Palace leader in red were left. They came directly to the venue.

"Kepken! Describe what you know in detail." The president's voice was unhurried.

Capricon, the head of the Capricorn Palace, immediately responded: "Yes! The town is called Smallville, which is very remote. Norman Carbison was originally the honorary magician of Uktra Hill City, and after assessment, he should be a A junior magician, but the level of space magic he masters is at the level of a quasi-Jiuyuan magician. He is a genius..."

"What's really tricky is that Norman Carbison is a student of that old guy Fraser Rachel. He used to work in the magic headquarters of the Dashur Empire. He did something wrong and was sent to Smo. In a remote place like Vail, I serve as the minister of a magic branch..." Kepken looked at the head of the Aries Palace and continued to report.

"President, there is one thing you need to pay attention to. That Norman is proficient in the 'Dragon Spell' and can summon dragons! When I fought with him, he summoned the amethyst thunder dragon of the ancient dragon royal family. Maybe..." Kopken's voice trailed off.

"Maybe... he knows the information about the remaining fragments?" The vice president's tone was hopeful.

"The possibility is very high. The original elemental magic was inherited by the ancient dragon royal family from the god Barrett. The dragons of the ancient dragon royal family must know about the fragments of the god's magic weapon!" The head of the Aries Palace was dressed in red, but It couldn't hide her voluptuous and charming figure.

"It's really not that simple when it comes to that old guy Fraser. Iris, you go and make arrangements to sneak into Smallville and investigate the purpose of Fraser and Norman!" The president began to personally deploy secret operations.

"Yes!" Irissi, the head of the Aries Palace, immediately replied.

"Please ask the president for instructions on the matter of 'No. Zero'!" the vice-president reminded cautiously.

"Then let's investigate by the way. How did a fifth-level Turing warrior from the Sai Enshi Empire enter our Light and Shadow Society and become a director? And why did he appear in such a remote town and lurk in an inconspicuous magic school? "After the president finished speaking, he stood up, turned around and left.

"Remember? It's an investigation! Don't cause trouble!" The vice president's words were sharp. After emphasizing again, his figure gradually faded and disappeared from the table.

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