Reincarnation: The Soul of Dashul

Chapter 191 Fighting Dragon General together

"All the combatants are arrayed in front. Ninja techniques, earth escape, sand and gravel!" Bai Direnyi's clothes were torn, and he quickly formed seals in his hands, channeling his own energy, and displayed the secret ninjutsu, and then the dragon clan The reddish-brown earth beneath General Evid's feet began to squirm rapidly, like quicksand.

"All the combatants are arrayed in front, Ninjutsu, water escape, water swirling dance!" Momochi Sakurayo on the side, sweat dropped from his forehead, and he also formed a seal with his hands to perform the spell. Then, water suddenly appeared in the quicksand, Swirling around, it perfectly combined with the quicksand in an instant, forming a large swamp of mud in the affected area, tightly entangling Evid and slowly swallowing him down.

"The call of light, the sun is shining, the tracer is flashing, the light is coming!" Thain's delicate face lost its calmness and calmness, and looked very labored. His crystal ball flew towards Evid, and in Evid Not far in front of De, an extremely dazzling white light burst out in an instant, and flashed at a high frequency, blocking Avide's sight and interfering with his consciousness.

"The power is always there, the meteor light cannon!" The burly Jack tore off his shirt directly, revealing the mechanical arms. He had just received a magic attack from Aved, and his figure was not yet After steadying himself, his hands quickly closed together and transformed into a barrel with a very large caliber, which was aimed at the enemy as a beam cannon.

"Call of fire, baptism of fire and rain, destroy the earth and turn into dust, come fire!" Paul's red robe was stained dirty by the mud. He cast the spell again, and the mighty flame beam sped from the magic circle. It flew out, rolled up waves of heat, and attacked Evid. This same move was many times more powerful than the previous battle with Ledo.

"The call of thunder, thunder falling from the blue sky, cleansing away evil spirits, thunder is coming!" Edward gritted his teeth and worked hard to accumulate energy. He held a short-handled trident in his hand. The terrifying power of thunder gathered at the tip of the trident, and then , a spherical thunderbolt, flashing with thunderbolt fire, hit Evid's head.

Although the six of them have known each other for a short time, each of them possesses special skills, and they have worked together many times along the way. At this time, they cooperated and coordinated, and their attacks were smooth. The Baidi siblings controlled Evid's actions, and Thain limited his combat awareness. , Jack, Paul and Edward launched their most powerful attacks.

"Is this ninjutsu? The energy attributes of Momochi Sakurayo and Momochi Jinichi are very similar to the five elements of spiritual power of our Kanris Empire. Even the expressions of energy include water and earth. Could it be that... they are also related to each other? ?”

"Is it possible that, like the magic elements, the energy used in their ninja practice is also inextricably related to spiritual power? How many wonderful types of energy has the God of Barrett created? Why not unify these complex things? Wouldn’t it be better to pass on to the world?”

"Jack said that he was a mutant before joining the army. When he was in the Barrett Alliance Army, he lost two arms in the line of duty, and then voluntarily accepted Turing transformation, but only the arms were transformed, and the Turing core was not modified, so he only Can be regarded as half a Turing warrior..."

"Jack's original superpower is to forcibly absorb part of the energy of other people's attacks, quickly convert it into his own energy and then release it. It is just in line with the transformation of this kind of energy gun. The race of aliens is really wonderful..."

Ledo had already been lurking near the battlefield. He had previously detected the elemental fluctuations of Thain and others. He hid all the auras secretly and approached quietly. He had been observing secretly and wanted to take action at the critical moment. However, for a while, he did not have much chance. The best way was to wait and see what happened. He had not yet experienced the abilities of ninjas and aliens, so he became curious at an inappropriate time.

"Not good... Vulcan said that this Evid is a late-stage seventh-level monster. Last time we fought against him, his strength was definitely more than this level. It should be an eighth-level monster. It is better than Teacher Norman's Qihara." The level of the magician is still high, this... is not a battle of the same magnitude, it is impossible to win!" Ledo thought something was wrong, thinking rapidly in his mind.

At this time, the dragon general Evid was still stuck in the mud. Only half of his four-meter-tall body was exposed above the ground, but his expression was still wild and excitement was revealed in his eyes. , the three black obtuse angles on his forehead, and the black and blue light flashed from time to time. He looked at the powerful attacks of the six people in front of him, clenched the sword with both hands, and resisted various attacks in a defensive posture.

At this moment, the battlefield is already filled with sand and sand, radiant light, raging flames, and thunder and lightning. It looks like a natural disaster. With the perfect cooperation and full-out attack of the six members of Thain's team, they can easily kill the sixth-level monster. Even a seventh-level monster can be severely damaged.

However, the gap in cultivation is too obvious, and this is an insurmountable gap. When the burst of energy was over, Evid swung his sword and jumped into the air. The black armor on his body was burned red by the high-heat energy, but he himself seemed unscathed.

"At this level, I am so disappointed. I might as well hunt others!" Aved's face was unhappy, and he was actually angry that the enemy's attack was too weak and could not arouse his desire to fight.

"No! Withdraw!" Seen felt very bad when he saw this. Everyone fought with Aved. After only a few back and forths, six people were injured each. The strongest attack with perfect coordination was actually carried by Aved. He came down with no minor injuries at all, so how could he fight?

"Asshole! The dragon people are really despicable and shameless. They are so powerful and they still play those little tricks." Jack was very angry. He had not yet recovered from the farce of being deceived and played. He never imagined that he, a Barre, A retired soldier from the Special Alliance who is experienced in martial arts is actually being played by a group of half-human and half-animal creatures.

In fact, except for Ledo and Paul, the others didn't believe it at all when they first learned that they were being tricked by the Dragon Tribe. After all, Vulcan treated the group of them very thoughtfully, and with the strength of the Dragon Tribe, there was no need to be pretentious.

It wasn't until yesterday that after Ledo and Paul went to the last barrier to break the formation, the rest of the people were suddenly restricted from moving and locked in the cabin of the Dragonite warship. At this time, everyone had to believe it. Fortunately, Paul and Ledo had already arrived. With awareness and Mandela's early warning, Paul quietly sneaked back to the warship and they successfully escaped from prison.

At this time, Paul saw the huge disparity in combat power, and immediately recited magic incantations in his mouth, began to cast spells continuously, and activated the teleportation magic circle arranged in advance, hoping to take everyone away again. In a small area around him, the magic circle The light slowly turned on.

"You are still trying to activate the teleportation array in front of me, you are not taking me seriously!" Aved is worthy of being a general of the dragon tribe, with full experience on the battlefield. He immediately noticed Paul's intention, and that handle The giant sword burst out with cold light, slashing towards Paul with a red light.

The remaining five people immediately cast spells to deflect Evid's attack. Momochi Jinichi's movement skills were the fastest. He immediately rushed in front of Paul, blocking the knife with his body to protect Paul's continuous casting. Otherwise, it is estimated that Everyone must stay here forever.

I saw the gray-brown sword slash directly down, straight down from Momochi Jinichi's shoulder, directly cutting him in half. Strangely, not a drop of blood spilled out, just when everyone was shocked , Bai Diren turned into a cloud of mist and turned into a short wooden stake that was split in half.

This is a substitute technique of the ninja lineage. Jinichi Momoki's real body appeared behind Evid. The nine seals in his hands changed and he quickly used ninjutsu to pursue.

Unexpectedly, Evid didn't care about Jinichi Momochi at all. After slashing the air, without a trace of surprise or hesitation, he immediately raised his sword and quickly slashed at Paul again. Paul had no choice but to interrupt the casting, hurriedly evaded sideways, and the teleportation array was activated. Failure, everyone is in danger.

"Everyone come to me!" At this time, Ledo roared. He didn't know when he took out a weapon the size of an arm, which was a slender cylinder. It was the nomadic people on the East Norland Plains. The weapon used was then pointed at Evid.

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