Reincarnation: The Soul of Dashul

Chapter 168 Magic Barrier

Under the night sky of the Cerberus ruins, the outlines of many volcanoes are looming in the moonlight, outlining a mysterious and magnificent picture. The red light of the crater disappears and appears, like the flames of hell, in the Burning in the dark, beautiful and alluring yet terrifying.

In a messy group of stone pillars, Paul, dressed in red robes, lit up a five-pointed star magic array at his feet. The patterns of the magic array continued to evolve and change, emitting light of different colors. Paul closed his eyes tightly and clenched his teeth. There were beads of sweat on his forehead. He had been casting spells for more than half an hour, but there seemed to be no breakthrough.

"Remember when you first entered the Mountain and Sea Temple and obtained the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book, wasn't there a very powerful protective shield? Later, the big monkey said that it was an extremely powerful barrier that had been protecting the scroll of the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book. ..." At this time, Ledo was sitting quietly, waiting for Paul to break the barrier, and he was also thinking.

"The light curtain has a very similar effect to the barrier in front of him." Ledo immediately became interested. It was completely impossible for him to break this magic barrier. He had no foundation at all and could not start with this kind of thing. It's not something you can learn on the fly.

However, if Ledo can find the way he successfully entered the Shanhai Palace Light Mask back then, he might be able to try it on the magic barrier here.

This idea was something Ledo had never thought of. Ledo had actually come into contact with many barriers before this, but almost all of them were in battles. He had no extra time and energy to think about things he was unfamiliar with. , now that his thinking has changed, Ledo began to think carefully.

When Ledo was only nine years old, he inexplicably entered the light barrier of the Mountain and Sea Temple, and easily obtained the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book from the altar guarded by the Four Elephant Statues. He was too young at the time, so he naturally could not figure out the reason.

After Ledo became an adult, he also went to the altar of the Shanhai Temple many times. His adoptive mother also went to the temple to check in person, but in the end, there was no result. Only Ledo was still able to enter the protective light barrier, and no one else could.

Later, when he was busy practicing, the matter was dropped. Just now, Ledo saw Paul clinging to the barrier without being rejected. He had a little inspiration and began to carefully recall the situation back then, trying to find a breakthrough point.

"Is it... the art of seeing and hearing?" Ledo sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and recalled and thought for a long time. Suddenly he thought of something and opened his eyes.

When Ledo approached the light shield of the Shanhai Temple, he stretched out a finger and tested it very carefully. The moment his finger touched the light shield, the Seeing and Hearing Art began to operate on its own, as if he could see through the energy of the light shield.

Then the Five Elements Wheel burst into light and began to echo the energy of the mask. Ledo suddenly couldn't feel the breath of the mask. It seemed that he had integrated into the mask and became part of the energy, so he entered smoothly.

The Secret of Knowledge is a unique secret of the Ledo family. It is a basic secret that assists the operation of the Five Elements. It is a wonderful secret that evolved from the Five Elements Wheel. It has no words or graphics, no formulas or seals, and no documents. Or recorded in ancient inscriptions, it is a kind of spiritual thought imprinted in the blood, which is passed down from generation to generation along with the special blood.

Ledo has always relied heavily on the ability of the Seeing and Hearing Technique to have a photographic memory and to recite what has been heard and heard, thus neglecting to explore the other magical uses of the Seeing and Hearing Technique. Now think about it, it is absolutely impossible for this Seeing and Hearing Technique to be used just for browsing ancient books.

"I still remember... when my Five Elements Chakra first appeared, the Secret of Seeing and Hearing was completed. My spiritual perception suddenly became extremely sharp. My eyesight was clear and my ears were clear, and I could hear distant things clearly. I could distinguish them clearly immediately. The difference between the different Five Element Wheels seems to be... I can also feel the breath frequency of the five spiritual powers..." Ledo suddenly realized, and seemed to have found the reason.

"But... this is a barrier of magical elemental energy. Is it possible to use this spiritual method to detect it?" Ledo had already stood up and began to slowly approach the red barrier, thinking carefully and preparing to let go. Give it a try.

Ledo secretly urged the hanging to fall to the moon, blocking his own spiritual power, and then began to use the five spiritual powers in his body one by one, deeply feeling the energy changes of the five spiritual powers when they came into contact with the red barrier.

Ledo successively used the five spiritual powers of gold, water, wood, fire and earth to form light balls one after another in his hands, and then tried to push the light balls into the red magic barrier. The final result was as expected by Ledo. All failed.

Although spiritual power and elements have similarities, they are not the same type of energy. Ledo's spiritual power light ball was rejected by the elemental energy of the barrier as soon as it touched the barrier.

The spiritual light ball was either directly bounced away, or was consumed in confrontation with the barrier. Ledo thought: "The idea is not yet mature, and there is no spiritual barrier to experiment with, so this method probably won't work."

Just when Ledo was at a loss what to do, his Five Elements Wheel suddenly began to accelerate on its own, and forcefully extracted a trace of elemental energy directly from the red magic barrier into his body. The Jue of Knowledge actually captured the elemental fluctuations of the magic barrier. It seemed to have With his own consciousness, he understood that this elemental energy was not spiritual power and that he could not handle it.

As a result, the Jue of Seeing and Hearing operated on its own, transporting this elemental energy directly into Ledo's life pedicle through the spiritual veins all over the body, where Ledo's furnace of life and tree of life are, and Ledo's magic infrastructure .

Ledo's Life Furnace successfully received this elemental energy guided by the Secret of Knowledge, and then began normal refining, turning it into golden energy, nourishing the Tree of Life, and becoming Ledo's own magic power.

During this process, Ledo keenly discovered that this elemental energy seemed to become clearly visible after experiencing the operation and guidance of the Jue of Seeing and Hearing.

Ledo could very clearly feel the attribute characteristics, concentration and change patterns of this elemental energy, and he found the frequency of this elemental energy.

Lai was overjoyed. This was something he never expected. His level of magic was far from being able to sense the energy frequency of the elements in this magic barrier. However, the Knowledge and Knowledge Technique, a spiritual power technique, could actually analyze elemental energy. This surprised Ledo. His own idea was right.

The Art of Seeing and Hearing is the reason why Ledo can enter the protective light shield of Shanhai Temple without any injury. While Ledo was surprised, he also had questions: "My mother also has the Five Elements Wheel and the Art of Seeing and Hearing. Why can't she enter the light shield like me? It's strange. Already..."

Ledo was puzzled for a moment, but soon stopped being entangled. He began to pull the elemental power of the Tree of Life, slowly controlling the changes in his own elemental power, and gradually became completely consistent with the frequency of the elemental energy of the barrier. Then on the palm of his hand, It is covered with a layer of elemental power mask, and the mask is also red.

Ledo had not used this method for a long time. Before he discovered the shielding ability of Hanging Luoyue, he often adjusted his spiritual energy during battles to be consistent with the surrounding environment to achieve the effect of hiding himself.

At this time, with the help of the Art of Seeing and Hearing, Ledo has clearly detected the energy frequency of the barrier in front of him. Then he can apply this old method to the magic elemental power, and the effect is about to be verified.

Ledo stretched out his palm and slowly approached the red magic barrier. His own elemental induction was fully released, focusing on the process of this experiment so that he could adjust and try again after failure.

However, Ledo had no chance to experiment again. His hand covered with the elemental power shield actually stretched directly into the magic barrier without any hindrance or discomfort.

Ledo only tried it once and succeeded.

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