Reincarnation: The Soul of Dashul

Chapter 148 Saying farewell at the end of the year

The sky is pale and the morning clouds are dim. In the winter morning at Nolen Lake, the snow is covered in white. The dividing point between the sky, the earth and the lake has long been blurred. The sun lazily casts its brilliance, reflecting a piece of silver. Hui.

This is the last day of the old year. Hupan Village has been very lively since early in the morning. Many villagers who went out have rushed back one after another in the past few days to reunite with their families, which is their sustenance while working hard outside. and hope.

"You bastard! I asked you to take more care of this child. You'd better take care of his mother! Are you looking for a fight..." A scolding sound woke Ledo up from his sleep.

Ledo's eyes were sleepy. He hadn't slept peacefully for a long time. In the past six months, he was often attacked in the middle of the night in the dangerous Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts, which made Ledo's body conditioned to launch, and he was always alert. state, always ready to defend and counterattack.

However, after returning home, eating the food cooked by his mother, watching Teacher Norman indulge in ancient books, and visiting his winemaker, Uncle Du... everything was so harmonious and comfortable, and Ledo finally relaxed. I've been able to sleep well for a few days.

"This breath...Grandpa and Grandma Rachel!" Lai was overjoyed, his body floated, he stood up quickly, cleaned his face briefly, and hurried out the door.

" have misunderstood..." Norman was now mortified and running around. Behind him, Mrs. Rachel, who had no image of a nine-origin magician at all, was chasing him with a broom.

"I think... it's not bad. The girl is unmarried, the boy is unmarried, and the child is so old, so it's easier..." Master Rachel has gray hair, and the wrinkles on her face hide endless years.

"You too...are naughty!" The next second, Mrs. Rachel's broom greeted her directly, causing the master and apprentice to run away together, and the situation was almost out of control.

"So happy! Come and have some morning tea. I just prepared it recently. The taste is as good as the fine wine." Ledo's mother, elegant and feminine in green clothes, carrying a pot and a tea tray, invited several people to sit around the fire.

Master Rachel and his wife did not wear the magician cloak that symbolizes their status. Master Rachel wore a white robe, and Mrs. Rachel also wore a dark blue robe. They were dressed casually, presumably to avoid attracting attention.

"Grandpa... your hair has turned a little darker? However, you still don't look as young as grandma." Ledo is now considered to have achieved some success in magic. He admires the two old people in front of him even more, but he also Feel very friendly.

"Hahaha... I have grown taller, and my little mouth is still so sweet. Come on, come on... New Year's gift!" Mrs. Rachel's hair is no longer as silver as snow, but full of black hair, as if she has regained her youth. Average.

Mrs. Rachel raised her hand and waved, and a small nine-pointed star magic circle appeared immediately. The pattern of the magic circle was extremely complicated. The nine-pointed star continued to evolve, flashing nine colors of brilliance. Finally, it turned into a little starlight and shot into Ledo. The pendant on his chest fell into the moon.

"Teacher! This is blessing magic...'Archangel Protection'?" Norman was shocked when he saw this.

"Well, that thing is enough to withstand three Dharma King-level magic attacks!" Master Rachel said as he took out a book. "This is my New Year's gift, the third volume of "The Book of Rachel" The second volume was just compiled a few days ago."

Ledo stood up, took the book, and politely thanked the two old men.

Ledo is very familiar with the book's exquisite binding techniques, gold stamping and embossed decoration. The first volume of "The Book of Rachel" brought him into the world of magic. He was very curious about how he would open the second volume. What a magical world.

"Master, madam, you have taken such trouble. Duo'er is in your care and will have a bright future!" Ledo's mother was very grateful to the two saviors in front of her.

"This child is extremely talented. He is only fifteen years old, and he is already a Wuyuan Magician! Even stronger than I was! The early elemental suppression did not have much impact at all..." Master Rachel was very satisfied and pleased. So great that he didn't notice the shocked look in other people's eyes at all.

"What?" Ledo, Ledo's mother and Norman were all shocked.

"Why this expression? Don't you know?" Mrs. Rachel noticed something was wrong.

"Grandpa, I haven't had time to get certified yet. It should only be at the level of a first-level second-level magician. Moreover, it feels different from what is described in the book!" Ledo asked first.

"Let me see!" Mrs. Rachel didn't have so many questions. She directly took Ledo's hand and injected her elemental induction into Ledo's body. She carefully observed his life furnace and golden tree of life.

"Child, you... are indeed complicated. It is completely different from ordinary people. The natal magic circle is actually the Seven-Yuan Magic Circle. The root system of the Golden Life Tree is extremely developed. Although the crown of the tree is not large, it is enough to certify the Five-Yuan Magician!" The more Mrs. Rachel looked at it, the more surprised she became.

"Is there anything so strange...Isn't it true that I didn't go through the evolution of the Seven Elements Array and directly transformed into the Nine Elements Array? In this world, it's weird not to be a weirdo!" Master Rachel didn't care. He had already secretly explored Ledo's body, and there were all good signs, nothing wrong with it.

"Child, this 'Pluto Order'... is a legend after all, and we haven't studied it in depth. But now it seems that it's not a big problem. Just finish your sister's affairs first, and then I'll put a seal on you. That's totally fine. Ignore it." Master Rachel took out his pipe and began to enjoy it.

"You bastard, please be serious! If you are really interested in this girl, say it clearly like a man. We can be a matchmaker for you while we are here..." Ledo's mother went out to boil water. , Mrs. Rachel’s painting style suddenly changed.

"Teacher... this is too urgent. The child is still here!" At this time, Norman still had the aura of a minister of the magic branch. His face turned red to the bottom of his ears and he almost lost his voice when he spoke.

"I have an objection! Teacher Norman, your rhythm is too slow, I can't stand it anymore..." Ledo actually started to openly match up, joking with a smile.

"Look, the children dislike you for being annoying. Just take care of it yourself. We have to do business first. You guys chat while I go to the secret room." Mrs. Rachel was still the same impatient person.

In less than half an hour, Mrs. Rachel adjusted and arranged the new magic circle, using the Yaochi spring water brought back by Ledo as the source, to continue raising Ledo's sister's spiritual fetus.

Mrs. Rachel cooperated with Master Rachel to impose another Dharma King-level magic seal on Ledo's Dragon Spring Seal. Then she looked at Ledo kindly: "My child, do you know that we got it for you?" The name, the meaning of it?”

"I only know that the surname 'Rachel' is a very powerful family." Ledo once thought about it, but after all, his knowledge was limited and he was still young at the time, so he couldn't understand it.

"The word 'Ledo' is one of the twenty-four oldest rune characters in the ancient times. It means 'traveler' and symbolizes freedom and exploration. The word 'Gangnir' means A divine spear is the legendary spear of destiny, a magic weapon of God, which means unstoppable..."

"Although you have felt the desolation of the world when you were young, we still hope that your life will be full of enthusiasm and hope, that you will have strong power to protect what you love, and that you will be able to travel around the world freely and without restraint. Mountains and rivers, appreciating the rising and setting of the moon..."

"Tomorrow will be a new year, and you are about to start a new journey. With your teacher Norman at home, don't worry about anything anymore. You have to run hard towards the direction in your heart!"

"The sun shines brightly, the moon shines brightly, we are rich and prosperous, we live long and healthy, the New Year is coming, and we live in peace and happiness forever!" Ledo's eyes were joyful and resolute, shining with longing and hope for the future.

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