Reincarnation: The Soul of Dashul

Chapter 134 The Secret Forbidden Curse

Deep in the hinterland of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains, the sky is filled with yellow sand, boundless as far as the eye can see. In the desolate desert, a huge volcano rises abruptly from the ground. The volcano is relatively low, but the crater is unusually wide, wider than a piece of grassland. wide.

This is an active volcano, and lava flows and magma waterfalls can be seen everywhere. Parts of the volcano erupt on a small scale from time to time, spewing hot lava into the sky and forming plumes of smoke in this area.

Like lakes, volcanic activity also brings rich resources. The erupted volcanic ash is rich in various energy substances, which can nourish the surrounding soil.

The plants growing nearby are all unique to volcanic areas and can provide various food resources, thus attracting some creatures suitable for dry and hot environments to gather, gradually forming a unique ecosystem here.

The people who rule this volcanic area are the monsters of the Epu Demonic Ape Clan. They are one of the eight major ethnic groups in the hinterland of the Beast Mountain. They are huge in number and very powerful. The leader of the tribe, Manko, is a level nine monster with unfathomable strength. .

"Those losers from the Geni Leopard Tribe, haven't they collected all the key stone pieces for so long?" A demon ape said impatiently. He was in half-animal form, more than three meters tall, with a sharp mouth, monkey cheeks, and a head on his head. Not hair, but burning fire.

"If it's not trash, it's probably not easy to fool... The results are actually not bad. It is said that we have collected twenty-one key fragments, and there is only one missing." Another demon ape responded, this demon ape It is also in half-animal form, but it looks like an ordinary ape. It has a naked face, white cheeks and long arms. There is no flame on its head, but short brown hair.

"Why did the ancestors put the other half of the secret treasure in the middle and outer areas? Isn't this giving it away?" The third demon ape questioned in confusion. On his tail was a string of spikes, which looked like a hanging A hedgehog.

"If we were acting secretly, we should have collected the keys long ago. How could we still need those low-level leopards who are like wild beasts? However, there was such a big commotion that even the strong men of the alien race were attracted." The fourth demon ape has very long arms, reaching to the toes, from the armpits to the abdomen. Like a bat, it actually has retractable membrane wings.

"This is not going to end well, but... those alien races will never dare to easily set foot in the territory of the Warcraft in the hinterland, otherwise, it will become a hunt for us!" Another magic ape, with a strange hair crown on its head, His whole body was dark.

These demonic apes have similar faces and looks, and they all have the basic appearance of apes, but their physical appearance has its own characteristics, which are a bit weird. Their magical powers and talents are different. They gather together to discuss the group battles outside the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain. Their words A lot of secret information was revealed.

"Order! The clan leader has an order. All seventh-level apes, led by the ape leaders, will form a team and immediately go to the outer territory of the Ereni Leopard Clan to hunt the aliens and leave no one behind!" Suddenly, an urgent order came, interrupting the interruption. A hot topic among all the demon apes.

"Did you hear that right? Are you asking us to directly intervene in the peripheral battles? Isn't that inappropriate? Will the other ethnic groups in the hinterland watch us move freely?" A seventh-level demon ape had just woken up and was still vague. Confused, he questioned the order and asked the ape directly.

"How dare you question the patriarch's order? You are seeking death..." An eighth-level demonic ape waved its huge palm and struck the seventh-level demonic ape, knocking him down from a rock. He rolled to the ground and screamed.

Seeing this, the other demon apes no longer dared to hesitate, howling, and quickly gathered into teams under the leadership of their respective demon ape leaders, getting ready. Suddenly, the already hot and dry environment was transformed. The pre-war atmosphere was extremely noisy and restless.

At this time, in another place in the hinterland of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, in a broad lake shaped like a crescent moon, there are swarms of fish and shrimps, lush water plants, and countless beautiful moon elves and dragons, chasing and playing here, hunting for lake delicacies, and a scene of prosperity. .

Beside the moon pool at the bottom of the lake, Ledo finally regained consciousness. He moved his limbs and constantly checked his spiritual veins, spiritual sea, and Tianling Dantian. After making sure that they were all fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ledo was very puzzled: "Grandpa Moon! The water of this moon pool has miraculous healing effects. Just now when I was breathing in and out of water energy on the shore, it was very smooth, without any obstacles or abnormalities, and my own cultivation has indeed improved a lot. Jie, why was it that after direct contact with the lake water, it was corroded by this 'Death Lock'?"

"The forbidden magic spell of 'Pluto's Order' should actually be said to be a 'magic curse'. Its mode of operation is very strange. It does not exist in your body in the form of energy imprints or soul imprints... but as a poison." The insect's foster care method, symbiosis with you!" The next words of Patriarch Munn shocked everyone present.

"So, it's not actually an injury, it's not poison, it's not even a method of attack... I don't know the complicated details. After all, the records are limited. I just read through the ancient books a few times, and it's almost the same. This is all the information our clan knows." Chief Munn was still frowning, and it seemed that he was really worried about Ledo's condition.

"Since it is a parasitic symbiosis, it will not interfere with the host's normal practice. It will only interfere with the normal practice of the host. It will only interfere with the host's normal practice when some special conditions arise, such as the energy it likes. The toxins you encountered before should be the food it likes very much. , it gradually recovered, and this time it came into direct contact with the Moon Pool water. The infinite vitality in the pool must have made it extremely excited, and it immediately became active." Patriarch Munn continued to analyze.

Patriarch Munn paused for a moment and became confused: "However, the strange thing is that if it is parasitic, it should theoretically draw energy directly from the host's cultivation core, but what it shows in your body is that it cannot do this and can only Find your own energy, use it as food, and slowly evolve."

"I'll go! Are you cursed by that ghost thing?" Bai Kongqing was worried that Ledo would be scared, so he made fun of him, trying to ease his mood.

"However, don't be too nervous. This pattern is obviously incomplete. The legendary Pluto's Order has six devil sheep horns in its imprint. There are only two of them, and one of the horns has not been fully formed. It should not be the Pluto's Order. The original spell is a variant spell, a mysterious curse... There are actually human beings who have obtained this kind of inheritance!" He warned others not to be nervous, but the wrinkled face of the Munn clan leader was filled with worry and more worry. Showing vicissitudes of life.

"Isn't this the ghost thing called 'Six Charms Lord' in Dark Swamp, the ultimate secret technique created by himself? How could it be such a terrifying ancient magic forbidden spell?" Bai Kongqing was very puzzled. Ledo was injured that year. The location is extremely far away from here. How could it be related to the forbidden curse of the ancient dragon royal family?

"Perhaps his clan, by chance, received the inheritance of the Pluto Order, but because it is not a true inherited bloodline, it can only extract and develop this half-baked 'Death Lock'... This can only be explained, otherwise, Wouldn't it be stupid to leave the complete and powerful Pluto Order unused?" The analysis of the leader of Koala is more convincing.

"Is this okay?" Bai Kongqing was speechless, but when he remembered that he had improved some secret techniques, he gradually became convinced.

"All magics in the world are unified. Almost all magics are inherited by the god Barrett. The same secret method will definitely have many different changes and inheritances. This is normal..." Patriarch Munn deserves to be called The head of the ancient dragon royal family is well-informed and can get to the point with a little analysis.

"What can we do about this? There is no way to resolve or cure it? If it is allowed to grow freely, one day it will become a catastrophe! No... Ledo, follow me back to the mountain and find my master..." Bai Kongqing paused. After thinking about it, I realized the seriousness of the problem, and the forced playful smile froze in an instant.

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