Reincarnation: The Soul of Dashul

Chapter 130 Moon Dragon Clan

In the hinterland of the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains, there are vast expanse of rock deserts, gravel deserts and deserts. They are irregular and intertwined, and you can't even see the edge. The rocks here are exposed, gravels are everywhere, the ground is desolate, and yellow sand is flying. The terrain will calm down after a while. , ups and downs for a while.

Ledo's spiritual sense has clearly explored the terrain ahead, but when he really saw it with his naked eyes, he was still quite shocked. This natural environment was too different from the green mountains and green waters in the middle and outer areas just now. Big, Ledo even doubted whether these were two worlds.

When Ledo was about to ask Bai Kongqing the direction of his destination, they were flying over a very wide range of exposed rocks, and a crescent-shaped lake suddenly emerged. Ledo was extremely surprised because he had not detected anything here at all. A trace of spiritual breath.

Ledo knew that he had arrived at his destination. The creatures here, like his Hanging Luoyue, had the ability to shield the aura. However, such a large lake was blocked. What a terrifying innate ability this was.

"Who is coming?" A moon elf dragon standing guard, in half-animal form, holding a silver halberd, asked Ledo and the two loudly in universal animal language.

"Please tell Captain Jenny that Bai Kongqing is visiting..." Before Bai Kongqing could finish his words, he saw a familiar figure flying from a distance.

"You're here, this... please come with me!" Captain Jenny is the moon elf dragon who was unfamiliar with Bai Kong Qingbu Da before. He is also in half-animal form and is as tall as an adult. Wearing aqua blue cotton and linen casual clothes, he has two short beards fluttering backwards on his forehead. He has exquisite facial features and a handsome appearance, and looks gentle and elegant.

Ledo secretly sent a message to Bai Kongqing: "Big Monkey, is this leader...a male warrior or a female warrior?"

"Actually, I don't know...I don't dare to ask! Anyway, it's very powerful. As for the eighth-level monster, please stay out of trouble. I still hope to have a happy date with the clan leader..." Bai Kongqing's reply was, Ledo was left speechless.

Just now it was an endless stretch of Gobi desert, with not even a patch of green to be found. But now, before Ledo's eyes, there are overgrown water plants and green trees. The lake has brought a sense of vitality. It is a large oasis and the cradle of life. .

There are countless moon elf dragons living here. Their bodies are colorful and beautiful. Some are as golden as agate, some are as red as crystal pomegranates, and some are silver like cotton balls. White……

Although the colors are colorful, these dragons all have some common characteristics. They are all small in size. Ledo visually inspected that the largest moon dragon was only eight meters long with its wings spread. Unlike other dragons, any one of them is as long as Up to tens of meters.

On the heads of these dragons are two long whiskers, and the bright-colored crowns are very beautiful. They all have spindle-shaped slender bodies, looking slender and delicate, with shiny spots all over their skin, which shines in the light. Under illumination, it reflects psychedelic colors.

In the monster form, the Moon Dragon's forelimbs have evolved into wings, and there is also a pair of flying wings on the abdomen and back, forming two pairs of beautiful thistle-shaped wings. The wingspan is not long, but it is delicate and coordinated. The hind limbs are relatively thick and have long wings. The long claws have slender toes and are extremely sharp.

These dragons also have one of the most conspicuous features. They have a long tail. On the tail, there is a surrounding luminous mark. Only if you look carefully can you see that it is a curved moon mark. At the end of the tail, there is a Bright shining tail hammer.

"No wonder it's called the 'Moon Elf Dragon'. It's simply an elf among the huge dragon clan. It's so beautiful..." Ledo thought of the Apaco Amethyst Thunder Dragon that Teacher Norman summoned through mysterious space magic. When the dragon wings are stretched out, the wingspan is more than thirty meters long.

The dragon clan has a very high status on this planet. Their level of civilization once surpassed that of the human race. The current magic was first inherited and spread by the dragon clan. This clan has countless blood branches, no matter where it is. One branch is a very powerful existence.

However, later on, for unknown reasons, all the dragon clans began to hide their traces almost overnight and no longer appeared in the world easily. They seemed to be avoiding something, and directly handed over the rule of the world to the increasingly powerful people. The human race has created an eternal mystery that has yet to be explained.

Ledo knew this from history class. He also heard Teacher Norman mention that deep in the hinterland of the Beast Mountain, there were two dragon tribes, but he didn't know that one of them turned out to be the Moon Elf Dragon Tribe.

Ledo and Bai Kongqing followed Captain Jenny to the island in the lake. This is an island in the middle of the lake. There are some dragon buildings on it, all made of giant branches and strips of plants. It is large in scale and simple in simplicity.

All the building components here are intertwined diagonally and vertically, showing a grid-like structure. The tops of the buildings are open, allowing the dragons to change and fly freely at any time. It looks like a huge bird's nest. To be precise, this It's the dragon's nest.

Ledo and Bai Kongqing arrived at the main hall of the Moon Elf Dragon Tribe. Ledo, who had always been curious, was still observing the structure of these buildings, thinking to himself: "The scenery from this huge skylight is shocking, but... now If it rains heavily, won’t everything get soaked?”

At this time, an old man's voice came: "Young man... look at the buildings of my tribe, do they have the atmosphere of your human race?"

Ledo was shocked. His spiritual consciousness seemed to have lost its ability to detect any spiritual information here. He took a closer look and saw that the reception table in the main hall was filled with all kinds of fresh fruits, fish and shrimps. Sitting was an old man with gray hair.

"Don't be dazed, this is the Moon Dragon Clan's leader Moon Elf." Bai Kongqing had already sat at the table, looking like a regular customer.

"Hello, Patriarch Munn! I am Ledo Gangnir Rachel, a human magician." Ledo heard that the old patriarch's words were kind, and this scene was about to use delicious food. Delicious food was served to him, and he paid his respects politely.

"Hello, young man. You're welcome. We have been observing you for a long time and have learned about your relationship with Norman Cubison. We are friends, not enemies. You can rest assured here." Chief Moon said simply. In just a few words, the first meeting between strangers turned into a chat between close friends, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

"Clan Chief Munn, are you familiar with Teacher Norman?" Ledo curiously observed Patriarch Munn. He is a kind old man who is in human form at this time. His forehead is densely wrinkled, like hundreds of ravines, and his hair is short. He is gray and has deep eyes. He looks strong and energetic.

"...Alas! It's more than just familiarity! When my granddaughter passed away, he was full of resentment. He fought with me and snatched her dragon core from me... Now, she is hidden by you. In my arms!" Patriarch Munn recalled the past, and there was sadness in his tone of voice.



Ledo and Bai Kongqing exclaimed at the same time. The fresh fruit Bai Kongqing had just put into his mouth almost spurted out...

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