"The Yireni Leopard Tribe is not a local Warcraft tribe in our Ten Thousand Beast Mountains. They are refugees who suddenly arrived here more than seventy years ago. According to them, they suffered invasion from alien races in their hometown. They were even bloody massacred, and they were forced to leave their homes and come all the way to the Beast Mountain, hoping that here they could get a chance to survive."

"At that time, the heads of the Warcraft clans of several of our groups discussed and divided an area with relatively rich resources for them out of compassion for their kind. Not only did it give them a place to stay, but it also helped them adapt to the environment here and assist them in establishing their own home..."

"Most of the magical beasts in this group are scorpion leopards and rock leopards, and there are also some fire leopards. They are indeed very smart and very powerful. They use the help of all the magical beasts around them and the rich resources here to keep themselves quiet and secure. It developed quietly and rose rapidly, and in just a few decades, it became one of the top Warcraft groups here."

"But I didn't expect that this group of duplicitous and sanctimonious things began to reveal their true colors. They suddenly began to publicize the superiority and inferiority of races and the classification of classes, demanding that the 'inferior race' of Warcraft groups vacate their original habitat. resource area, and then gradually began to commit cruel acts..."

"The Geni Leopard tribe began to invade other ethnic groups' resource areas, block water resources, prohibit some ethnic groups from practicing magic beasts, and even restrict their fertility. They destroyed other ethnic groups' medical facilities and educational facilities in various names. In the end, they directly The cruelty of genocide began.”

"The poor Surya rainantelope clan, in just a few days, the entire clan was slaughtered! Immediately afterwards, another weak clan was expelled and attacked by the monsters of the Yireni Leopard clan. Killing and selling, the end will be miserable..."

Under the magical effect of the palm lotus mushroom, the leader of the Aribo Bear Clan, the koala grandmother who saved Ledo, finally woke up. She had a vicissitudes of life on her face, and her body was still very weak. She was not even in half-animal form. Unable to maintain her position, she could only lie down half-lying and slowly tell this period of history.

"Aren't there other powerful ethnic groups to restrict and sanction them?" Ledo was very puzzled as to why he had to wait for an ambitious ethnic group to grow stronger before he started to be afraid of them.

"This is originally a place where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive. The further you go to the periphery, the more primitive the animal nature of the monsters becomes. Several of our larger groups of monsters live in the transition zone between the inner and outer peripheries and belong to a group with a medium level of strength..."

"The more powerful ethnic groups are usually found deep in the Beast Mountain. The resources there are more abundant, and of course, more complex and cruel. Only powerful monsters can live there. They have no intention of coming. Take care of peripheral matters..."

"In the long-term development, our various Warcraft groups are relatively close in strength and have relatively balanced resources. We all focus on harmonious development and unite to fight against the outside world. The focus of the struggle is actually against your human race and other alien races... …”

"The Geni Leopard Tribe has caught us, the old tribe, in the long-term consumption period of confrontation with foreign tribes. They speculated and developed silently. They have become stronger and stronger. The aggressiveness in their bones has gradually emerged. From the beginning of the test, , and now you are so unscrupulous!”

"If they just want to unify the central and peripheral regions, for the purpose of peaceful development, we can still understand and negotiate. However, under the guise of maintaining peace and pursuing stability, they label other ethnic groups indiscriminately, and what they are doing is genocide. There was something vicious happening, so various ethnic groups formed an alliance and began to fight against it together..."

"But we never imagined that after several of our tribes united together, experienced five wars, and fought countless battles of various sizes, we could only be tied with the Yireni Leopard Tribe, or even slightly weaker than this one. Foreign ethnic groups..."

"In the long-term war, the tribesmen of our alliance suffered more than 100,000 casualties, and their development was also severely affected. Slowly, differences began to appear among the several ethnic groups that were originally united. The main warlords and the main warlords continued to argue, and the alliance There is growing disunity internally, and the Geni Leopard Clan will take advantage of this opportunity every time to crazily encroach on resource-rich areas..."

"The monsters of the Yireni Leopard Clan rely on fighting to support war. They are a group of extremely smart and cunning invaders. Now, they have controlled more than 70% of the central and peripheral areas. We have tried to contact the large groups deep in the Beast Mountain. , but most of them are just waiting and watching..."

"Deep in the Beast Mountain, there are only a few kind-hearted ethnic groups who have sent food, medicine and other relief to the ethnic groups in our alliance that are extremely difficult to survive, but that's all. They are also helpless. Although they pity the plight of their kind, they still You must not participate in the dispute, otherwise it will trigger an all-out war in the mountains of beasts..."

"Nowadays, the ethnic groups that are slightly closer in strength, have development potential, or have strong resistance have been almost slaughtered by the monsters of the Geni Leopard Clan. The rest are some weak monsters. They have been killed by the Geni Leopard Clan. Slavery, starting to work hard in some places..."

"After we secretly investigated, we learned that the leader of the Yireni Leopard Clan had enslaved monsters digging around the Beast Mountain day and night, as if he was looking for some artifact fragments..."

When Ledo heard this, he was shocked. After listening to Grandma Koala's story just now, he felt that the behavior of the Yireni Leopard Tribe was definitely not that simple. The slogan of "maintaining peace and pursuing stability" was not like A group of Warcraft, as you can imagine, is more like some organizations of the human race...

After hearing the intelligence news about the "artifact fragments", Ledo's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly realized: "Grandma Koala, please rest in peace and recover. There should be a very powerful force behind the Geni Leopard Clan. Now we Internally, we must keep a low profile, accumulate strength, and avoid large-scale frontal conflicts and battles. Externally, I may have some methods..."

"Xiao Bai! We, the Koala Clan, really understand your wishes! But you must not take any risks. Don't forget that you were careless back then and were besieged by the scouts of the Yireni Leopard Clan. You almost died here unjustly. ...You can't solve our problems, you have to protect yourself first." The leader of the Koala tribe was kind-hearted and couldn't bear the death of Ledo at such a young age.

Ledo suddenly remembered the tragic battle in which he almost died. He was indeed frightened. After that time, facing this extremely dangerous mountain of beasts, Ledo's initial pride turned into a kind of awe. However, It's not that he's timid.

Ledo's character has now been tempered and mature, and he will no longer handle things simply and rudely, especially matters of life and death. The reason why he is determined to participate in this war is not to avenge himself, but to avenge himself. Go and fight for a while.

Ledo, who was in a persecuted Warcraft tribe, kept hearing that many mothers from the Aribo bear tribe were holding the bodies of their children with tears in their eyes and crying out in despair. He kept seeing that the fathers of many children had just covered the eyes of their elders with their own hands, and then stood up to block the flying spears, leaving blood splattering on the door of their house...

The cruelty of the Geni Leopard tribe's war behavior is so horrific that wherever they go, it is hell. They would not even let go of young monsters, but would attack and kill them indiscriminately. If it were in human society, this would already be a very serious war crime, and would be condemned and punished by all human beings.

In this alien war, what Ledo saw and heard was ruthlessness, cruelty and tragedy, and frankness, kindness and kindness. Here, it was undoubtedly a sharp blade piercing his chest.

Ledo's mind began to make rapid plans...

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