Reincarnation: The Soul of Dashul

Chapter 101 The birth of a dark horse

"Who is controlling that Gugu demon? It's so easy..."

"It's amazing! It was obviously a water elemental monster, but it easily defeated the earth elemental monster."

"There was also a fire elemental Gugu demon just now. In the water elemental field, it was still blazing with flames."

"It seems to be the same student's Gugu Demon. He seems to have three Gugu Demons. There is no limit on the number of substitutions in the selection. He has changed twice."

"It's unreasonable! It's probably because the controller's level of magic is too high."

"Isn't this the selection of new players? Why does it feel like a big game..."

At this time, on the court of Warnerdales Magic Academy, a trial for new members of the Gugu football school team was being held. This was the fifth and final trial. Many teachers and students saw several very strange elemental Gugu. Monster, there is a lot of discussion.

Although there is no complete relationship between the nine major types of magic elements, there is still a certain degree of restraint between the five basic elements of wind, thunder, water, fire and earth. The water element suppresses the fire element, and the earth element suppresses the water element... This is Common sense.

But today, the teachers and students saw several Gugu monsters, which were all very strange. Their elemental attributes were obviously suppressed by their opponents or the mass field in the arena, but they were not affected at all and could still move freely and quickly.

Those strange Cuckoo monsters are all controlled by the same person, Ledo.

Ledo was secretly happy. After testing the waters just now, he had mastered the rhythm of the trials. Xiaoqi was wearing a competition uniform, and outsiders could not see the changes in his body appearance at all.

As for Xiao Qi's wings, Ledo and Xiao Qi have discussed that they cannot reveal its many elemental attributes for the time being. According to the needs of the competition, the elemental attributes must be converted in the Life Furnace before coming out to compete.

After more than two months of training, Ledo has mastered the changing characteristics of Xiaoqi's body element types. Every time when players are changed, Xiaoqi appears with different elemental attributes. From the outside, it seems that Ledo has Several gurgling monsters.

Evelin on the viewing platform had clear blue eyes and a smile on her face. Baker also snickered secretly: "Ledo and Xiao Qi acted really well. I wonder if Xiao Qi has any brothers or sisters? This is quite interesting. With one man in charge, there is no way anyone can stop him..."

In the second half of the trial, with only the last ten minutes left in the game, the last scoring eye appeared. It was a golden vortex, a ten-point eye.

What Ledo controls this time is the water element's Xiao Qi, which is position three. In official games, positions three and five are mostly defensive positions, because water elements and earth elements are more suitable for assistance. and cover.

However, today the blue team's No. 3 position, Xiao Qi, did not play according to the rules at all. At the beginning of the second half, the fire elemental Gugu Demon in the red team's No. 4 position was too strong, which directly caused the blue team's No. 2 position to The Thunder Elemental Gugu Monster was injured prematurely and was unable to assume the responsibility of active attack.

Therefore, Ledo directly requested to change the formation. At this time, the blue side where Ledo was located had changed to a one-four formation. The water element Xiao Qi was directly at the front, fully responsible for all offensive tasks, and the other four Gugu demons , to cooperate with defense.

After a perfect performance in the first half, the players on the blue team all trusted Ledo very much. Seeing that he actually had three Gugu demons, they had long thought that he was a Gugu ball master.

Ledo's overcoming obstacles in the first half of the game also proved that he lived up to the trust of his teammates. In the first half, the wind element and the fire element Xiaoqi actively attacked, made crazy steals, dribbled the ball quickly, and kept hitting the ball to score. It was simply a complete performance. The field's leading scorer.

At this moment, the water element Xiaoqi is still brave and fearless, running rampant on the field, completely ignoring the interference of the elemental environment, like a water dragon in the rain, with ease and power.

Xiao Qi's chubby body looked very cute, but carrying the golden scoring ball, it was speeding through the elliptical column-shaped playing field. Its momentum was unstoppable.

In fact, Ledo was also very surprised. He did not use any elemental magic or Five Elements Technique at all. He only relied on the strength of his body and the ingenuity of the Five Animal Techniques to project it on Xiao Qi. He did not expect it to be so powerful.

"Of course, a group of rookies just entered the novice village and met a boss who had been training for two or three months. Now they are just little cabbage, being harvested by Ledo one by one." Seeing this, Baker felt pity. He became Ledo's opponent.

There was absolutely no suspense in this trial, and the blue team won perfectly. After the game, Ledo's exceptionally good performance was noticed by the school team's coach, Mr. Futbo, who noted it in his notebook. He analyzed and concluded that Ledo is A talented player.

In this way, Ledo once again became a popular figure in the entire Warnerdales Magic Academy. He was like a dark horse, breaking out of the tight encirclement and standing out in the highly competitive selection of players for the Gu Gu ball competition.

What's even more amazing is that Ledo was directly registered as an official member of the school team, and will soon participate in the Smallville Cup Cuckoo Ball Competition next year with many old players. This is the first time in this school for hundreds of years that such a player has appeared. situation.

In the next few days, many students were still discussing Ledo's wonderful performance. No matter where Ledo went, he became the center of attention, which made him feel a little uncomfortable now.

Now Ledo is no longer the immature child who loves to be in the limelight and likes to feel vain. It has become his habit to live in seclusion and practice in a low-key manner. After all, the secrets about him are becoming more and more secret. More and more.

Ledo didn't expect that it was just a trial match, and he had not even finished warming up, but it would attract so much attention. He was glad that he did not use high-level magic or techniques at that time, otherwise he really didn't know what kind of commotion he would make.

This school year is finally over. Ledo has successfully achieved his small goal. In the magician level certification test at the end of the year, in the eyes of everyone's disbelief, Ledo easily passed the high-level second-level magician level certification. Same level as Evelin and Baker.

Of course, this is the level that Ledo conservatively certified. If he goes all out, he might have reached the level of a high-level third-level magician, or even be close to the level of a junior magician.

Half a year ago, when Ledo had not yet broken through the realm of martial arts, he relied on the five elements to follow the secret method and passed the certification of an intermediate level two magician.

Now, he passed another certification and was promoted to three minor levels in a row. He directly broke through a level and reached the level of a high-level second-level magician.

"This scene seems familiar! A monster-level talent!" The chief certifier who came to Warnerdales Magic Academy this time to preside over the students' magic realm certification happened to be the one who certified Ledo individually at the magic branch half a year ago. Man, he was extremely shocked, unable to move his tongue, and kept sighing and praising.

From then on, Ledo became a blockbuster and truly became a dark horse magician. His years of hard work and sweat finally paid off.

At this time, Ledo's feet were like a whirlwind, and he flew quickly through the jungle back home, startling birds and roaring beasts.

Ledo was very excited today because his mother had told him before that starting from this year's winter break, he could officially practice the most orthodox sword technique in the Lis Empire.

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