"They are in the same group."

The big Sikal plucked the leaves in front of his face with both hands and moved his nose slightly.

Bogart pressed the hat on his head, frowned and retorted, "How is that possible?! Which pirate ship would have so many children? They must have been abducted!"

He was categorical.

Quite sure of what he said.

Sikal stared at him blankly, wondering why this man was so persistent in his own ideas.

However, they are really in a group.

Forget it, he didn't need to remind him.

"So do you want to go over? If you don't go, I will go." Sikal didn't want to say more and urged again, swallowing as he spoke.

The aroma of the food already made him salivate!

Bogart calmed down a little and said in a deep voice: "Wait a little longer."


The deafening sound broke the calm.

Bogart stared blankly.

What the hell is going on? !

"Hey, quietly!" he yelled through gritted teeth.

Sikal lowered his head apologetically, but his empty stomach could no longer bear the torment of gluttony, so he ran out with a "bang bang" step.

Cause the earth to tremble.

this moment.

Bogart wanted to die.

He immediately turned around and hid behind a tree, his face gloomy and secretly unhappy.

This giant is so reckless!

He shouldn't have brought him here.

Exposed so easily!

Sikal was the slave who accompanied Bogart in the dungeon. He was deceived into Wingenis a few years ago. After the Battle of Shamba, he followed Bogart to the navy camp.

At this time, the two came with a mission.

Sikal stepped barefoot on the beach and arrived behind the wooden shed in two steps. His broad body squatted down, with saliva hanging from his mouth and flesh in his eyes.

"Oh! It's Sikal, why are you here too? Do you want to join us?" Peterm raised the bowl in his hand and asked drunkenly.

Sikal drooled and said happily: "Is it possible? Can I get meat if I join?"

He was really hungry for that meat.

If you can join, that would be great!

Roger's cheeks were also stained with blush. He turned around and put his hands on the back of the chair. He looked at the big man in front of him and smiled.

"Brother, if you join us, you can not only eat meat, but also drink heavily!"

After the captain finished speaking, someone immediately handed Sikal a piece of meat.

"Eat this piece of meat! You are ours!"

"We are having a welcome party right now. Come on, brothers, welcome Sikal to join us!"


"Oh oh oh!"

The crisp clashing sounds and cheers rose again.

Alaya held the meat in her mouth, looked at the drunken adults in a mess, and shook her head.

What a mess.

However, this is also good.

"Cheers!" Alaya raised the drink in her hand and clinked glasses with the two people around her.

Everyone in the excitement didn't care at all and dug into Bogart's corner while drunk.

A group of people here celebrate the addition of a new member.

Behind him, Bogart looked at Sikal, who had perfectly integrated into the Roger Pirates within a minute, and secretly held his forehead in pain.

The subordinate he managed to deceive yesterday!

Was he just co-opted by others? !


Bogart clenched his fists and decided to walk out from under the tree.

Not only did he want to recapture Sikal, but he also wanted to rescue the children from the pirates. He didn't believe that the pirates could protect them!

He will feel relieved only if it is handed over to the navy!

He took one foot out angrily, but when he raised his eyes, he only saw an empty beach. Leaves were flying messily from the wooden shed. Where were the pirates?

Um! ?

What about people? !

He immediately ran out and passed through the wooden shed and fell straight into the sand pit.

On the ship at the beach, the pirates who had packed everything were already preparing to set sail. The anchor was slowly raised and recovered, and the sails were blown by a gust of wind. Everything was going on quietly.

The Orr Jackson moved away from the beach and followed the current to the west.

Bogart cursed two words fiercely, raised his head and shouted: "Damn Roger Pirates!"

Sikal, who heard his shout, carried the bones and bones, stood on the side of the ship, and responded to him apologetically: "Life here is very good, I won't be a navy, brother Bogart, go find someone else!" You are a good person, thank you!”

One sentence pierced Bogart's heart like a sharp sword.

His body was stiff and beads of sweat were streaming down his face.

He remembered that when he deceived Sikal last night, he also promised that if he became a navy, he would have good treatment and a good life.

Turns out it’s not good enough to be in the Navy?

It actually made him feel that life on a pirate ship was better? !

However, speaking from conscience, he was very kind to him, and he agreed to come with him today only because he wanted to give him some experience.

Sikal, he was so disappointed.

Bogart was heartbroken and looked at the direction the ship was heading. His livid face suddenly returned to normal.


Isn't that the current temporary base of the Navy?

Did Sikal bring that group of people there on purpose?

He wished he could slap himself awake. He was wrong!

Well done! Sikal!

However, is the reality really what the simple and kind-hearted Bogart thinks?

on board.

After Sikal formally bid farewell to Bogart, he felt much better. Now he no longer had to feel that he had failed such a good navy.

No guilt at all.

He turned around and finished the last bite of meat, came to the center of the deck, and said: "Captain, there are many naval forces in the gap to the west, but only Iron Fist Garp is stationed, and another vice admiral is escorting the prisoners back."

"And Bogart is here to monitor your movements. The navy will surround all exits before dawn tomorrow and catch us all at once."

Fortunately, he didn't want to stay in a strange place, so he came out with Bogart, and Bogart didn't refuse him, otherwise, their pirate group would be in serious trouble!

The navy's strategies are always so unexpected, and they actually want to make a sneak attack before dawn.

Fortunately, fortunately, everything is thanks to him, Sikal!

At this moment, Bogart never expected that the person he cared about would not only betray him, but even reveal his background.

Roger stood on the deck at the bow of the ship, with one hand on his hip and high spirits.

The blush on the face is still very obvious.

He laughed and said to the crew: "I have a bold idea, which may be a bit exciting, but such an adventure is essential during the voyage!"

Crew: "Oi! For the great adventure!"

Roger waved his hand again: "Kids, don't take it lightly, always be prepared to run away!"

Crew: "Run!"

Roger grinned: "You must show your strongest momentum. This is a sign of respect for the enemy!"

Crew: "Respect!"

There were loud shouts on the boat, but Alaya covered her ears and remained silent.

Why does this look more and more like a ship sales organization?

And he, Roger, is the most dazzling ship salesman!

Especially after drinking too much, everyone on the boat seemed not right!

As the boat got closer and closer to the gap in the west, the people on the boat became more excited, standing together and discussing what kind of posture was best.

Alaya was also encouraged by Bucky and ran to the east deck, stepping on a high stool.

Bucky put his thumbs down on both hands and looked at the shore of Wengernessi Port with an expression of contempt.

After finishing the action, he turned around and asked, "How is it? Is my action just now domineering enough?"

Elleya glanced at him. She originally felt bored, but the corners of her mouth suddenly raised and she nodded in praise: "It's good to incite hatred."

She suddenly wondered what it would be like if the Navy saw them do something like that?

Garp will be furious, right?

Just thinking about it makes me feel great!

"But, I have a better idea." Then she moved closer to Bucky and Shanks and began to whisper to each other.

-five minutes later-

The Orr Jackson could already see the warships at the west port, and the pirate flag did not escape the navy's sight and was accurately monitored.

Soon the navy's alarm sounded.

"Report! The Roger Pirates are approaching!"

Garp, who was sitting on the boss's chair and munching biscuits, was startled by the sailor who pushed in the door. He was caught by his subordinates secretly, and he was a little lost his temper, but he calmly cleared his throat immediately.

After reacting for a while, I finally came to my senses!

Shouted loudly: "What?!"

What the hell did you do?

"Where's Bogart? Why hasn't his news come back?"

The sailor was sweating like rain, and he stumbled and said, "I don't know, it hasn't been sent back yet."

Garp didn't look very good. He picked up his cloak and put it on casually before walking out. He came to a stunned sailor and grabbed the monocular from his hand.

When his eyes touched the pirate ship that was about to leave the gap in Wingennis, blue veins popped out on his forehead, and a bunch of big "#"s popped out.

The fist is hard.

On the pirate ship, there was a row of people standing on the side of the ship, waving their hands in unison, with happy smiles on their faces.

Everyone smiled sincerely.

It seemed like he was saying a friendly farewell to them.

There were even three children in an inconspicuous place, picking their noses at him, looking fearless and ignorant.

it is good!

good good!

Good on you Roger!

This is a naked provocation!

"Crack--" Garp crushed the telescope.

"I want to kill someone" was written all over his gloomy face, and he roared: "What are you doing standing still! Chase me! As a navy, do you want to let pirates pass by in front of you!?"

The sailors immediately panicked, quickly packed up their things, lowered the anchor and lowered the sails, and the warship quickly left the port.

Compared with the seriousness and anger of the navy.

The pirate was already laughing his head off.

"Hahahahahahaha, the captain's idea is really interesting!" Elleya burst out laughing, tears streaming down her face.

Bucky laughed and rolled around on the deck, "Your proposal is great too, hahaha!"

Shanks also touched his belly, bent over and laughed.


"Hahaha, hurry up, run away!"

"The navy is coming after us!"

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