His words made the two people who were still laughing at him feel a "thump" in their hearts. They stared coldly at the man who was not angry but smiling.

But there was a big noise under the ring, and another shock caused the entire arena to shake.

The iron cage outside Alaya also began to topple and roll.

She hurriedly shouted: "Hey, hey, hey, help me."

If it falls down, it will be soaked again.

Just as she roared, a long icicle stretched out from the side of the water where she had fallen, rubbed against the iron cage, and pushed her back.

The iron cage was stable, and Alaya hung there upside down.

"Huh~" She breathed a sigh of relief.


Then he pouted in discomfort.

Being forced to stand on my head is so uncomfortable!

But what the hell is this?

She turned her head and looked at the icicles that suddenly appeared, feeling very confused.

Is ice breaking out of the ocean floor below? But where does the ice come from under the sea?

Not to mention that this island is an island that combines summer and winter. There are two seasons, but it is divided from the mountainside. The top of the mountain is snow and the bottom of the mountain is hot. She has not figured it out yet. Among the thick icicles, there are many white ones. The frozen man was pushed out and landed on the ring with a "boom".

In the hollow space in the middle of the icicles, a middle-aged man wearing a tattered down jacket, a pure white scarf and gloves came out and jumped in front of the frozen people.

The man rubbed his hands together and let out a breath of cold air. There was still ice on his stubble, and blood was still flowing from the wounds on his face.

His eyes flashed red under the light, and he said without any emotion: "Dot, I brought the person you want."

Dorthold lowered the corner of his mouth and said dissatisfied: "You are still so rude, Fhord, but you did a good job. It seems that these are the goods I want."

Fhord Ross did not respond to him, but stood aside blankly, rubbing his hands vigorously to breathe, as if he was cold.

He repeated his movements, stiff and mechanical.

Dorthead looked down at the six people frozen by the ice. He poked them with his stick. The ice was very strong.

Spotlights suddenly lit up from all directions, illuminating the entire arena. The light reflected on the ice, revealing the entire scene inside.

In the clear ice, Spencer's eyes widened, and there were many scars on his body. He still kept drawing the knife.

In the ice block that was bigger than him, Sambel felt as if he had been put into a freezer, and his originally yellow-green skin was frozen to the point of turning blue.

He was a fishman before, but now he is a frozen fish.

Yao's hair, which was originally flying like flames, was now frozen into rime, with a helpless expression on his face.

The other three people maintained their respective postures, frozen, their bodies stiff, and their expressions frozen.

At this scene, Alaya was dumbfounded.


It turned out that quite a lot of people were arrested, and there were only a few people in the boat. Now half of them were taken away!

Let’s not talk about their current miserable situation, just based on Dortmund’s behavior.

She knew that he was going to be finished!

Forgetting the low blind confidence of this expert with fish-eyes, he was jumping repeatedly across Roger's minefield.

You know, on a pirate ship, the crew members are family members. Roger is very tolerant of his companions, but has zero tolerance for those who hurt his companions.

He also stole children and robbed his partners.

This fish in Dortmund is completely hopeless~

However, Dorthead did not realize the seriousness of the matter yet, and commanded: "Take your abilities back, I will use these people."

That arrogant look was not at all as humble as the islanders said.

Fhord Ross is the master of the island, right?

Isn't Dortmund a "pet"?

Could it be that you are arrogant because of your favor?

Elleya watched secretly, and she naturally had a lot of doubts as she didn't understand Dorthead's abilities. What she didn't know was that Rose was already under control at this time and was obeying Dorthead's orders.

Ross took off his gloves and placed his hands on the ice wrapped around Spencer. The ice gradually receded and returned to his hand.

This behavior shocked Alaya again.


Did she read that correctly?

The ability to freeze fruit?

Isn't that the fruit of the three great generals Qing Pheasant? Why does it appear here? Oh, this should be a former fruit capable person?

Elleya thought for a while and immediately showed a look of understanding.

Now, she was the only spectator on the field. Not only was she not panicking, she was also analyzing the situation with gusto.

Seeing that Spencer and the others who were heading to the first ring were frozen at the moment, Roger's anger level was already maxed out. When he saw an extra natural fruit ability user, he frowned.

I couldn't help but curse secretly in my heart.

Garp can’t do it either. The intelligence is not at all accurate. There is more than one difficult person on the island, right?

Isn’t this a fish that has slipped through the net?

While secretly complaining, he drew his sword and raised it. The "sizzling" black domineering energy wrapped around Ace's sword. In less than a second, Roger swung the sword and slashed it.

"Zheng——" a sound.

The knife was caught by a handsome man with flowing orange hair.


Elleya and Roger were stunned at the same time.

The person who caught Roger's chop was Spencer on the boat. He held the hilt of the sword with both hands, straddled in front of Dorthead, and turned the sword's edge upward to meet Roger's blade. The collision caused sparks.

Roger's hand relaxed.

Spencer pushed up the knife on top of him, and when Roger relaxed, he struck Roger on the shoulder with the sword.


The sharp weapon sank into his body, and the plum-colored liquid dyed Roger's white shirt black.

The knife on his shoulder was pulled away, and blood dripped down from the red-stained blade.

Alaya, who was hanging in the cage, twisted her body, her face lost all color, and she shouted anxiously: "Spencer! No! Stop!"


"Pu Chi——" Another knife penetrated Roger's body, and the snowflakes splashed high.

Elle's eyes widened.

how come?

How can a crew member kill the captain?

How can there be any fool who doesn't move away from being slashed?

"Are you an idiot?! Captain, get away, this is not normal at all!" Elleya was so angry that she twisted even more. The chain made a "clicking" sound as she struggled, and her ankles were also worn. Broken skin.

Anger ignited in her.

Dorthead, who was hiding behind Spencer in a villainous manner, had a contented smile on his face, holding his hands together and watching the scene of cannibalism in front of him.

He laughed lowly, "Look, how wonderful this play is! This kind of stage is the best!"

Moments like this are what he loves most!

He looked at his masterpiece proudly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, as if he was planning the next show.

Roger took the two slashes without saying a word.

The white shirt on his chest was soaked, but he didn't even moan.

With his eyes flickering, he watched Spencer, whose eyes were red and covered with tears, raise the sword in his hand again, with trembling hands, the silver blade of the sword flashed across, as if he wanted to strike at him again.

Spencer has been controlled and lost his mind.

"Spencer, keep your heart, will you be defeated so easily?"

Roger looked at him intently.

Spencer's actions stopped there.

Dorthead sneered, took off the black leather gloves in his hands, snapped his fingers, and a drop of water vibrated between his two fingers, and flicked into the back of Spencer's head with a wave of his hand.

"Cut it down!" he shouted loudly.

Spencer held the sword high, his face already stained with tears, and a smile gradually appeared in his dull red eyes.

"Puch" the sword pierced his abdomen.

Elleya, who was still struggling, stopped moving and gradually revealed a mask of pain.

"Hiss~" gasped.

Now it's better, there is one more person who feels distressed.

Roger's hand that squeezed the handle of the knife suddenly loosened, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Even though he was injured, he showed a strong smile like a spring breeze.

His injury was not in vain.

At least his Spencer is back!

The pain in his abdomen succeeded in waking up Spencer. He grinned and drew out his sword. Without saying a word, he turned around and swept towards Dorthead. The sword was filled with wind and the sharp blade fell down forcefully.

Dot, who was still complacent, could not react. A sword was cut through his clothes, leaving a hideous gash in his heart.

"Cough." Spencer's turning movement caused more blood to ooze from the wound on his abdomen. He bent down to cover the wound, full of annoyance.


It's too harsh!

He was also very cruel to himself, and now the tearing feeling in his abdomen was tugging on his pain nerves.

Everyone is numb.

Roger and he were both injured.

The injured Dortmund took a step back, water oozed from the fingers of his hands, his face was sinister, "Water wave impact!" The water with rippling waves was thrown towards them.

Roger jumped back to avoid it, almost tripping when he landed.

"Boom--" The water droplets fell to the ground, and several holes were made in the ground.

Spencer was too close and had no time to dodge. He was hit by the water droplets with strong impact. His skin and flesh were dented, and he half-knelt on the ground holding the sword.

Both of them were embarrassed.

Dorthead touched the blood on his chest and turned to look at Rose beside him. He saw him squatting on the edge of the ring with his back turned to him. He didn't know what he was doing. He immediately yelled loudly, "Fhord! You are here?" What to do! Unlock everyone else's ice quickly!"

If one person can't deal with them, he doesn't believe that a group of people can't!

When he controls the rest of Roger's crew and surrounds him, he can still capture them both!

Ross, who was squatting on the edge of the pit, shivered, and his nose was frozen into ice. He turned around and said blankly: "No, there is a difficult guy coming down from the water. I am using my ability on him. Teng Don’t do it anymore.”

Dortmund was furious: "You!"

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