Apocalypse Magician

Chapter 32 Campus Competition

After struggling in the water room for a long time, Li Xingkong re-entered the classroom visibly haggard. He was very glad that he didn't think anything wrong when he saw her back. At the same time, he hoped that the entire department would respect her as a department beauty for at least one year in the future. Feeling deeply sad.

"Handsome guy, my name is Mei Haishuang, what's your name?" However, Li Xingkong's schoolmate clearly had a strong crush on him.

"My name is Li Xingkong. It's our first time meeting you. Please take care of me." This time, Li Xingkong behaved much more normally. His gaffe just now was due to the strong contrast between his back and front. Now that he is mentally prepared, there is nothing to make a fuss about. Even Mei Hai Shuang's voice was as hoarse and harsh as a broken gong, and Li Xingkong endured it and tried to accept it slowly.

In essence, Li Xingkong never actively harbors prejudice against people.

However, the next moment Li Xingkong realized that he was still too simple.

"You are my roommate, so I will naturally take care of you in the future." Li Xingkong originally wanted to say something polite, but Mei Haishuang agreed unconsciously and expressed dissatisfaction with his previous actions, "But you just said What do you mean by running away after seeing this girl? How can you say that this girl is also a woman who is ashamed of herself, how can I see anyone in the future if this word spreads?"

So, Li Xingkong rushed into the water room again without any suspense and almost vomited out his stomach. It's not your fault what you look like, but it's important for people to be self-aware. If you still claim to be like a fish and a goose, are you really not afraid of being struck by lightning...

After struggling for a long time, Li Xingkong finally recovered. However, when he looked in the direction of the classroom, his heart was filled with fear, as if there was a ferocious beast there that was choosing people to devour. It was still early at this moment, so Li Xingkong decided to try his luck at the water department teaching building first. Even if he could only see Luo Yingxue's back from a distance, he would be satisfied.

When Li Xingkong came to the door of the water department teaching building, it was the peak period for students to go to school. As soon as Luo Yingxue walked into the main hall on the first floor, she was surrounded by stars like a moon. More than a dozen aristocratic gentlemen came to please them with smiles and gifts. The scene was like a public selection of a son-in-law by a daughter of a famous family. There were also a number of candidates who were hesitant to talk, probably because they were too short of money to spend. A decent gift.

Li Xingkong looked from a distance through the door and window. The worst of the gifts were in units of high-level magic crystals. The colorful lights made the entire hall look like a dream, and the value of each gift exceeded Li Xingkong's entire net worth at this time. More than ten times. The magic crystals on Fantasy Continent are also divided into ten grades from ninth grade to the best. Due to the scarcity of resources, the value of high-level magic crystals far exceeds gold and silver. Even though it is the size of a palm, it is worth more than the king of the past. A cart of gold, silver and jewelry used by a rich man to propose marriage is even more valuable.

The sensational scene at this moment is actually easy to understand. With Luo Yingxue's superb magic talent and her peerless appearance that could captivate a country, she was recognized as the school beauty as soon as she entered the school. Apart from her lack of family background and status, she was simply the second best. Mo Xianwu. However, compared to Mo Xianwu's aloofness, Luo Yingxue, who was born as a commoner, seemed much more approachable. Those fancy young men who did not dare to openly pursue Mo Xianwu finally found a perfect target to pursue, so now the scene is even better than When Mo Xianwu entered school, it was even more grand.

But all this glitz was so dazzling in Li Xingkong's eyes. He really wanted to rush over and push all those annoying people away, and then take Luo Yingxue's hand and run into a world of two without anyone else. However, Li Xingkong didn't know in what capacity he wanted to do this. After all, he was not Luo Yingxue's person...

"Hey, aren't you that poor guy who walked through the market with a piece of junk in the early morning?" When Li Xingkong was hesitant, a guy with a pockmarked face and a bright starry face suddenly walked over and thought he was very stylish and handsome. He looked at Li Xingkong with great disdain, "You want to pursue Miss Luo Yingxue, the goddess in my heart, with this thing? This is not a place for you, a poor man, get out of here!"

"Who are you, who can control me?" Li Xingkong was filled with anger and instantly found a target to vent his anger. He was like a powder keg that exploded at the touch of a button, ready to start a war at any time.

"Listen up, uncle, my surname is Fan Mingjian. It's not something, ah, no, it's something, it's not right..." Fan Jian has been struggling with whether he is "something" since he announced his family name. In the end, he could only get angry. Looked at Li Xingkong.

"Sure enough, the person lives up to his name, he is really mean." Li Xingkong suppressed his smile and showed a half-smiling look, but it looked even more irritating.

"Oh, how can I talk to you? Do you know that I am the only magician in the whole school, the undisputed number one seed player?" Fan Jian extremely arrogantly took out his magic equipment, lifted a stone slab from the ground, and used magic to The words "Poor devils and dogs are not allowed" were engraved on it and hung at the door of the teaching building.

Li Xingkong clenched his fists, but just narrowed his eyes and looked at Fan Jian. Obviously, the magician does not need to use magic equipment to carve words on the stone slab. The other party takes out the equipment purely to show off their strength. Li Xingkong was able to fight against the swordsman a year ago, and now he should be able to defeat the magician as long as he tries his best. However, he cannot defeat the magician with a super turtle shell. It is like the last game of the entrance exam, where he hangs himself Brains can't break through the opponent's magical defense.

Li Xingkong really wanted to rely on his passion and go up to fight even though he knew he couldn't beat him. However, the training of the killer organization for many years told him that he must be calm in this situation.

It is not a hero to die in vain. A truly strong man should know how to wait for his opportunity.

So Li Xingkong gave up the unwise move of taking action here and turned around to leave. Of course, this matter would never be forgotten. It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.

"You know what's going on!" Although Fan Jian would never let Li Xingkong leave with his usual style, he unexpectedly did not continue to pursue him this time. In fact, Fan Jian also regretted why he took the initiative to stir up trouble on a whim. It was not that he was worried about his own strength or the situation on campus. It was just that he had already sorted out his appearance and prepared to appear gracefully in the team pursuing the goddess Luo Yingxue, but If I delay for another moment and a half, I'm afraid I really won't have a chance to play.

Fan Jian then roared into the water department teaching building, but did not notice that Li Xingkong looked back for a moment. His eyes were as sharp as a lone wolf in the desert. Once he identified the target, he would never give up and patiently waited for the best opportunity. A sure hit!

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