He found out that it was Team Leader Sun who was helpful to him. He was scared for a moment just now. Yun Chen didn't even notice him in the corner.

Yun Chen quickly ran to Leader Sun's side, and then shouted.

"You...how are you? There are so many people dead. I'm so scared when I see them."

Leader Sun coughed up some blood and then said to Yun Chen.

"Don't worry, it's okay. That group of robbers has been wiped out by us, but we have also been wiped out. I am still breathing a sigh of relief, but I am also seriously injured at this time and will die soon. , before I die, I want you to do me a favor. In return, I will give you the most precious thing among these goods. I wonder if you can help me."

Hearing that Team Leader Sun was about to die, Yun Chen didn't know what to say for a moment, so he quickly spoke.

"No, I know there is a pharmacy in our city. Let me go and get you some medicine. You will be fine."

Leader Sun thanked Yunchen, then waved his hand and said to him.

"It's useless. I know the extent of my own injuries and can't be saved. My only wish now is for you to go to Lingcheng, and then tell my wife that I went to a distant place and ask her not to wait for me. Yes. Can you send a message for me?"

When Yun Chen heard what Leader Sun said, although he wanted to say that he didn't know the road and didn't know how to get there, he swallowed the words.

"Okay, I'll help you say it. Don't worry, I will definitely help you get the words to you."

Hearing Yunchen's words, Leader Sun showed a smile on his face, and then handed a token in his arms into his hand.

"This token is the most important thing to be escorted this time. When you take this token to Lingcheng, you will definitely achieve a lot. There are some gold and silver jewelry in the car. You can take them together. Go and use it for transportation on the road and for your future life. As for the other things that are useless, you can’t take them away even at such a young age. Don’t touch anything else here after I die. Someone will definitely come to investigate by then, so, Those things that cannot be taken away will be treated as evidence at the scene."

Listening to Team Leader Sun's words, although Yun Chen didn't understand what they meant, he still nodded.

After Leader Sun finished speaking, his face became very pale. Trembling, he took out a sachet from his arms and handed it to Yun Chen, telling him that as long as he showed this sachet to his wife, she would know who sent it. Leader Sun's voice was full of endless nostalgia and reluctance, as if he had a premonition of his impending death.

Yunchen took the sachet and felt Leader Sun's deep longing and concern for his wife. He looked at Team Leader Sun and felt moved in his heart. In this turbulent era, people often only care about their own life and death, but Leader Sun is still caring about his wife.

Leader Sun took a breath and continued: "My wife lives in..." He struggled to tell his wife's address and other information. Yunchen listened carefully and kept all this important information in his heart. Leader Sun knew that his time was running out. His eyes gradually dimmed, but there was a peaceful smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, Yun Chen felt extremely sad. He kowtowed deeply to Leader Sun to express his respect and gratitude to him. After getting up, Yun Chen silently packed up the valuable items on the carriage.

Yun Chen took Leader Sun's horse and put the things on the horse. He looked back at Leader Sun's body and was filled with emotion. He took out the map given by Leader Sun, found the location of Lingcheng from it, and then left the place.

The first time he left this place, Yunchen inevitably felt a little strange in his heart. However, there was nothing worthy of nostalgia here. Every day he spent here was thinking about how to eat and fill his stomach. He never thought about leaving in this life. .

On the way, Yunchen was also riding a horse for the first time, and it was inevitable that he would experience various discomforts. However, after half a day of study, he could still walk normally while riding a horse.

According to the map, Yun Chen needs to pass through two cities and a mountain range to reach Ling City. Although Yun Chen's riding skills are not very good on the way, he can still walk a distance every day. Fortunately, he is not too anxious about this matter. , it was relatively safe along the way, and there were no twists and turns. Yunchen was also very careful on the way. After all, he had a lot of treasures on his body at this time, so except for stopping to buy some important food, the rest I didn't dare to interact with anyone.

Fortunately, he was such a kid, and although everyone felt that he was a little out of place riding a horse, everyone saw that he was wearing rags, so he definitely didn't have anything valuable, so no one took any chances with him.

After walking like this for about a month, Yun Chen finally arrived outside Lingcheng. At this time, Yun Chen looked very embarrassed. His clothes were cut by vegetation when he passed through the mountains, and he also encountered a man. Gang of robbers.

However, when the group of bandits saw that Yun Chen was dressed in such rags, and he must be a kind of miserable person, they let him go. They had no idea that there were a bunch of gold and silver treasures in the large and small packages on the horseback. If they really knew it, it would definitely be a different story.

At this time, Yun Chen jumped off the horse and then pulled the horse into the city.

According to what Leader Sun said at the time, their location was in the southeast corner of the city. Now that Yun Chen had arrived here, he didn't have time to rest, and then he led the horse and headed there.

After arriving there, Yun Chen inquired about it for a while, and then came to a gate that looked pretty good. He raised his hand and knocked gently on the door, politely but firmly waiting for a response. After the people in the house heard the knock on the door, a woman about forty years old asked, "Who is it?"

When Yun Chen heard that there was someone inside, he quickly said to the woman inside: "Is this Mrs. Sun? I was asked to come here by Sun Hengyi."

After the woman heard Sun Hengyi's name, her face showed a hint of surprise, and then she quickly ran forward and opened the door. Her movements were a little eager, as if she was expecting some important news.

After seeing Yun Chen's appearance, he discovered that he was a beggar. At this time, Yun Chen was wearing rags and had no idea why this person was here. He actually knew his husband.

"Who are you? How do you know my husband's name? If you are here to beg, I still have some food at home. I will get it for you right now."

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