Pokémon's Little Adventure

Chapter 350 Afu vs Mingyi (5)

"Now for the second half of the championship match, please send out Pokémon from both sides for the fifth round."

"The decision is yours, Axetooth."

"You must win, Great Sword Demon."

"The fifth round, Ax-Tooth Dragon vs. Great Sword Demon, the battle begins!"

Mingyi decided to attack preemptively, pointed her little hand and said: "The Great Sword Demon uses the shell blade to attack."

"Dragon Dance Dodge."

The Great Sword Demon took two shells and poured water energy into them, forming two energy swords and slashing at the opponent. The Ax-Tooth Dragon danced a weird dance to dodge the attacks one after another.

"The Great Sword Demon uses water dipping now!"

"Despicable! This will disfigure your face. Axetooth uses a scary face."

"Haha~ It's too late~"

Just when the Ax-tooth Dragon was still preparing a scary expression, the Great Sword Demon in front of him spit, making the Ax-tooth Dragon's whole body soaked.

Yeah~ Axetooth Dragon has become a water attribute now.

It feels uncomfortable~

How about letting the axe-tooth dragon act like a dragon sucking water? ? ?

Seeing that the strategy was successful, Ming Yi couldn't help but said excitedly: "The Great Sword Demon uses Super Horn Strike."

Seeing the sharp horns of the Great Sword Demon heading towards the Ax-toothed Dragon, Ah Fu quickly shouted: "Dodge the Dragon Dance!"

Damn, this little girl is getting more and more cunning. Want to kill my Ax-toothed Dragon in three moves? Beautiful thought!

"What a pity, it's just a little short... Come on, Great Sword Demon, use split attacks."

"Then use Dragon Dance."

The Axe-tooth Dragon, which used Dragon Dance for the third time, had adapted to the opponent's attack speed. After dodging two attacks calmly, it even raised its fingers provocatively.

(This time it’s not a provocative middle finger!)

"The annoying Dragon Dance, I have to find a way to break its rhythm. Just use the impact on its dance steps."

"After the Axetooth dragon survives, it uses malicious pursuit."

Facing the rapidly approaching Great Sword Demon, the Axetooth Dragon did not flinch, but bravely faced it.

It stood up steadily and leaned forward slightly, as if it was ready for the collision of its opponent. It stretched out its hard and sharp claws, like iron pliers, and firmly grasped the body of the Great Sword Demon.

The impact of the Great Sword Demon was extremely strong, but the Axe-tooth Dragon's claws seemed to have infinite strength, and he blocked the sword of the Great Sword Demon firmly in front of him.

The Axetooth Dragon grabbed the long horn of the Great Sword Demon, lifted it up with a loud howl, and threw it to the ground with a beautiful over-the-shoulder throw.

Mingyi didn't expect that something unexpected happened when her plan was not implemented. When she saw the wailing look of the Great Sword Demon, she cried out distressedly: "The Great Sword Demon!"

Ah Fu shouted with great aura: "A dragon with water attributes is also a dragon! The axe-tooth dragon attacks with its claws!"

The Axe-tooth Dragon swung its sharp claws towards the head of the Great Sword Demon and gave it a heavy blow. The powerful attack almost scratched the head of the Great Sword Demon.

The blood of the Great Sword Demon is quite thick! You have to continue to output moves to win!

Ah Fu decided to pursue the victory and shouted without hesitation: "The Axe-tooth Dragon uses split, this time aim at its vital points!"

At this moment, Mingyi gave the order: "The Great Sword Demon uses water jets."

The Great Sword Demon, who was still facing away from Loess with his mouth raised to the sky, adjusted his angle so that the water covered his body, and together with the water, he quickly pounced towards his opponent to attack.

The axe-toothed dragon was caught off guard and flew out, and its bright claws also faded away.

The Great Sword Demon stood up again, carrying its pride!

Mingyi waved her small fist and shouted: "The Great Sword Demon uses the wave of water. We have to get back double the pain just now."

The Great Sword Demon sprayed a stream of water and knocked the Ax-Tooth Dragon away again.

"It hurts so much. This little girl Mingyi can whip corpses. The most annoying thing is that in order to avoid being hurt at close range, she also used water wave attacks..."

So cruel~

"Can Axetooth still fight?"

The Ax-toothed Dragon, which was holding back the pain, looked at Ah Fu and nodded vigorously. Full of fighting spirit, it felt that it had met its most powerful enemy. This great sword ghost was not bad at all!

Ah Fu's lips curled up slightly when he saw this. His concern for Pokémon was not just "are you okay?" "stand up quickly" and the like. Those words were too popular, and sometimes they had to be changed.

Coupled with a little psychological induction, making the Pokémon feel the trainer's concern and thinking that winning or losing is not important, most of this will rekindle the Pokémon's fighting spirit, so that it can make progress.

One last thing...

"Well done Axetooth Dragon, let your opponent see the bond between us..."

This will make the bond between the Pokémon and the trainer deeper, and may have unexpected results.

For example...evolve again...

"Okay, I thought too much and used the Dragon Wave attack."

Axetooth Dragon fires a dragon-shaped energy beam from its mouth at the opponent, hitting the Great Sword Demon head-on.

"The Great Sword Demon uses the wave of water." Mingyi originally wanted the Great Sword Demon to dodge, but considering its meager physical strength, she decided to use moves to block it.

"The Axetooth rushes over and uses wide-area destruction."

"We use Yan Hui!"

The Great Sword Demon used agile movements to avoid the sharp sweep of the Axetooth Dragon's tail, and directly hit the opponent with its tough horns.

"Oops, the blood of the Ax-tooth Dragon is not enough. Narui-chan, you forced me to do this. The Ax-Tooth Dragon uses provocation."

The axe-tooth dragon howled loudly, and both claws raised their middle fingers, directly provoking the big sword ghost opposite.

"Uncultured scoundrel dragon, the Great Sword Demon uses Super Horn Strike."

Ah Fu was waiting for this moment to come, and whispered softly: "The power of the waveguide lies in my heart."

Ah Fu, who had activated the power of the waveguide, established a connection with the Ax-tooth Dragon. Ah-Fu could intuitively experience the five senses of the Ax-tooth Dragon. After facing the sharp-pointed attack of the Great Sword Demon, the Ax-tooth Dragon calmly dodged and brightened. He raised his claws and kept slashing at the big sword demon's head.

In an instant, the axe-tooth dragon's claws attacked the Great Sword Demon six times.

Link's time is indeed the trump card for counterattack.

"Big Sword Demon, stand up quickly... Damn Ah Fu, Link's time has been used this time, disgusting!!" Ming Yi puffed up his face angrily, losing another general.

"In the fifth round, the Great Sword Demon lost its ability to fight, and the Axe-tooth Dragon won."

Ah Fu exhaled a breath and said with lingering fear: "Huh~ I finally won. This little girl Ming Yi is really difficult to deal with."

"Come back, Great Sword Demon. I have two more Pokémon. I didn't want to use them at first, but you forced me to do this, Ah Fu. Come out, Dragon-headed Gopher."

"Dragon-headed gopher? Why haven't I seen it before? Damn it, Mingyi, did you do it on purpose? Did you do it for the sake of a championship?"

"Hmph~ I don't care, you know my lineup so well, how can you make a comeback without some trump cards!" Ming Yi snorted.

Ah Fu smiled bitterly and said: "This is going to be difficult... My mother-in-law, you really will give me problems."

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