
C·455 stood on the rooftop of a building and looked at the toilet assembly line base below.

A steady stream of toilet men appeared from it, which made the sixth-line combatants feel more and more stressed when they saw the countless toilet men they could kill.

Fortunately, the combatants on all fronts have already prepared to die. The pressure in their hearts is probably because they are worried that if they die in battle, they will cause trouble to their comrades...

"Commander...is our commander still there...?"

A large monitor behind C·455 asked him nervously, but the uneasiness in his tone was particularly obvious.

"...As in" C·455 kept looking at the toilet base below without looking back. After a while, he replied with a regretful tone.

"I understand...Sir" After hearing the reply, the large monitor gradually gained strength and clenched his fists tightly with his hands, turned around solemnly and left the rooftop.

C·455 heard the monitor's tone and gradually felt a little shaken in his heart.

"No! Now is not the time to worry about personal matters." C·455's just shaken heart was immediately suppressed by his rationality, and he continued to observe the toilet assembly line base below.

There are about 450 toilet people in the outer base of the base below. Among them, they are composed of small and medium-sized ones and there are no large or even cadres.

The specific conditions inside are not yet clear, but because it is an assembly line, there must be a lot more toilet people inside, and there must be large toilet people.

If so...

"A group of machine No. A dropped incendiary explosives at the east gate of the toilet assembly line base at xxx, xxx."

"A group of Machine B dropped incendiary explosives at the west gate of the toilet assembly line base at xxx, xxx."

"A group of aircraft C will drop white phosphorus bombs near the center of the toilet assembly line base at xxx, xxx. Remember! Once this mission is completed, continue the mission of seizing the airspace."

"Understood! x3"

C·455 quickly gave instructions to his own air force, then turned and left the rooftop to prepare for an attack.

The three surveillance planes flew towards this side one after another and began to carry out their mission objectives.

"stibidi stibidi stibidi stibidi yes?"

The people in the toilet chatting with each other looked up to the sky after hearing the sound of emptying, and they only reacted when the surveillance plane successfully dropped the explosives on them.

“stibidi stibidi!!”

When these toilet people saw this, they immediately started to run away, but even so, they were still a little late.

As the sharp sound sounded first, a burst of white light and white powdery smoke directly covered all the toilet occupants at the preset landing point, causing them to ignite flames out of thin air, engulfing them in one breath.

There were also explosions in the east and west parts of the base, and raging fires were set off.

All kinds of fires engulfed the toilet people, and no one could escape from them. unless......


After C·455 saw that the support props dropped by the surveillance aircraft were effective, he immediately raised his arms behind him and shouted.

The signal representing the charge suddenly sounded, and a large number of monitors and sound people rushed out from the dark corners of the alleys and buildings.

Everyone began to look for their enemies and launched a fierce attack

This wave of impact directly disrupted the order of the toilet people, resulting in the counterattack not being as strong as expected.

Seeing this, C·455 also breathed a sigh of relief, and then followed the pace of the large troops and rushed towards the depths of the base.

Those who saw the surveillance personnel rushing towards them immediately realized that they were flying toilets. They immediately took off and tried to distance themselves.

But just after flying ten meters high, the surveillance aircraft that had been watching the situation here used coagulation rays to shoot them down one by one.

At this point, the airspace in the south is controlled by the monitoring party.

C·455 flushed away the toilet man rushing toward him, and immediately prepared to rush into the interior of the assembly line base with his companions.

As the door was blown open, C·455 also saw the machines running automatically inside and more people on the toilet.

Those toilet men are almost all defective products. Although they attack C·455 and the others violently, they are basically vulnerable and can be taken down easily.

After confirming that there was nothing extra inside, C·455 took out the explosives used to blow up the door and started attaching them to the assembly line.

The group of toilet workers on the assembly line who were just about ready to attack could only watch helplessly as C·455 and the monitors attached explosives, with very desperate expressions.

As the last explosive was posted, C·455 immediately took everyone out of the base and came to the open space outside.

Immediately after confirming that all his companions had come out, C. 455 pressed the explosive trigger without mercy.

Boom! ! Boom! !

Continuous explosions were heard, followed by huge sound waves and air waves, overturning everything around them.

C·455 hurriedly bowed down to resist the impact of the explosion

The force of the impact was so strong that some of the monitors and sound people who did not react were thrown away and hit the wall, and some even flew out directly.

Just when the violent impact slowly disappeared, C·455 was about to relax

A huge toilet scream and the shaking of the earth shocked C·455, the monitor and the audio system

"stibidi stibidi"

A huge cadre of tentacled toilet man crushed the monitor who had not yet recovered from the explosion and came to everyone. He smiled wildly and wrapped his tentacles around his companions who had no time to escape, and used the tentacles to crush them from everywhere. disconnected, and fell weakly to the ground in front of C·455.

"You tm...!!"

C·455's anger was ignited by the scene he just saw. Just as he was about to rush forward to fight, the Toilet Man's tentacles wrapped around his waist and grabbed him.



C. 455 tried hard to hit the tentacle, but the hardness made it impossible for C. 455 to do anything. The cadre tentacle toilet man looked at him jokingly, as if he knew that C. 455 was the commander of this team, and he had been delaying. Instead of killing him, let him clearly see the miserable condition of his other companions.

While slowly applying pressure to the tentacles, C·455 can see the death process of his companions in detail.

During this period, C·455 felt extremely tormented.

(Surveillance planes cannot hit cadres. Those who can kill cadres will be accidentally injured on a large scale)

"Strategic Commander, here is the captain of a group of surveillance aircraft. I'm sorry that we can't provide support to you now. At least with the weapons we carry so far, we can't do anything."

The Air Force transmitted the information to C. 455, which made the latter angrily raise his hand and smash it at the tentacle wrapped around his waist, pouring out his anger, but it was meaningless.

"stibidi stibidi~"

The pain of the monitor and sound man made this cadre toilet man very happy, and then he increased the intensity to make the current situation even more serious.

The strength of the tentacles around C. 455's waist gradually increased. Under this torture called incompetence, C. 455 finally became exhausted and could be manipulated at will like a doll.

Seeing that the commander who was monitoring the person had no reaction, the cadre tentacled the toilet man and curled his lips, crushed it into pieces and prepared to grab another "toy"

But when C·455's body crushed by the tentacles fell, a huge mechanical roar and scratching sound came from behind the cadre tentacle toilet man

The man in the cadre tentacle toilet looked over in confusion, but before he could fully see his figure, he was knocked away with a fist and smashed into a nearby building. Thick smoke exploded.

The Titan Monitor slowly fell from the sky and gently stood on the ground observing the mess around him.

Seeing the mess around him, the screen of the Titan Monitor turned red slightly, and he rushed directly towards the Cadre Tentacle Toilet Man.

The Titan monitor grabbed the cadre's tentacle toilet man and crashed into one building after another, causing explosions. Finally, he rushed out of the building and threw the latter into the air, causing him to fall freely into the yellow sand.

The Titan Monitor unfolded its wings and flew into the sky. After seeing the struggling figure of the Cadre Tentacle Toilet Man from high altitude, he fell freely in the air and hit the latter.

The huge weight of the Titan Monitor and the assistance of gravity directly smashed the Cadre Tentacle Toilet Man deeply into the yellow sand. I don't know whether he died or not.

But if life is worse than death, then there must be something

The Titan monitor flew back and looked at the messy scene around him. He slowly squatted down and looked at his companions with eyes that seemed full of sadness.

After a while, he stretched out his hand and held C·455 and part of the body and parts of the monitor and sound man in his hand, spread the wings and flew towards the mobile base.

The remaining monitors and sound people in the area also searched for their companions' parts and evacuated.

However, the physical injuries were basically very serious, so not all the remaining people could take away the parts.

Fortunately, the logistics helicopter unit accompanying the Titan monitors immediately arrived and began repairs on the spot.

"Sir, how is he...?"

"It has been picked up by the synthesizer, don't worry"

"That's good"

(Even if the responsibility is heavy, you are not going alone)

The second network process is over!


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