Star Dome Railway: My pioneers were abducted

Chapter 20 Changes in the Wind Dragon Ruins

After reaching an alliance with Diluc, Diluc began to arrange for people to purchase wound medicine from Liyue and transport it to Dawn Winery in batches. In order not to cause turmoil in Mondstadt's internal market, everything was done in secret.

Ye Xiao was looking for suitable team members. It was definitely not enough to rely on himself and Diluc. After careful consideration, he felt that Fischer and Bennett were more suitable.

As an archer, Fischer has Oz, who is responsible for long-range and reconnaissance. Although Bennett is a "forsaken son", his strength is actually very good.

And according to the news from the Adventurer Association, although it is not as large as Bennett in the game, it can still provide buffs to one's own people, and the effect is very good. In addition, the melee sword and the mid-range "Dawn" Grandpa Lu, a team composed of several people has no obvious shortcomings.

You ask what Ye Xiao is doing in the team? Of course it’s the logistics and chefs!

No kidding, chefs and logistics are just a small aspect. Ye Xiao's current recovery ability and resistance to attack have become very strong with the blessing of talent, and magic power can also offset damage very well in battle, so he and Bennett can It forms a good line of melee defense.

Moreover, the Sword of Vowed Victory is also an insurance policy, which is the upper limit of the entire team's output. Ye Xiao took the time to ask Wendy that the power released by the previous treasure phantom would cause injuries even if the demon was caught off guard.

However, this move has great flaws. To ensure its power, you need to accumulate energy, and it has a straight range. Therefore, unless you can contain the enemy, if you want to hit an opponent who is stronger than you, you can only hope that the opponent will be stupid and stand still. Do not move.

Yexiao made up her mind and immediately went to the Adventurers Association to look for Fischer.

"It turns out it's you. The ties of fate have brought you into my eternal night again. I wonder what my followers have to say." Fischer was still the same as he always was.

"Miss, I'm glad to see you. I wonder what you want." Under Meng Shi's admiring expression, Oz translated.

"Every time I hear Oz translate such a difficult passage, I feel so amazing!" Dream Sense exclaimed.

"Miss Mengshi is so complimentary."

Ye Xiao sent out his invitation and asked about Bennet's location.

"Since it is a request from a minister, I naturally have no reason to refuse." Are you asking that ill-fated young man? He has been abandoned by the world, but now he has to compromise with the world because of his body. How sad! "

"The lady said that Bennett was eating, "at the Deer Hunter Restaurant, where the lady and I just saw him. "

"OK, then Fischer, and Oz, thank you! The time is 8 o'clock the day after tomorrow, so please come to the appointment in time!" Ye Xiao said. After a brief thank you and farewell, Ye Xiao walked towards the Deer Hunter restaurant.

"Are you really going to invite me to join the team?" Bennett said in surprise.

"Huh? What's wrong? Is there something that can't go away?" Mengshi said.

"That's not true. It's just that I'm very unlucky. Every time I go to complete a task, I always encounter a lot of troubles, such as pits that suddenly appear, rocks that come from nowhere, tents that burn out for no reason, and Qiuqiu people who intercepted them halfway, well, I'm worried about dragging you down." Bennett felt a little embarrassed.

"Is it really that unlucky?" Mengshi couldn't believe it.

"It's okay. I'm more optimistic about your strength than illusory luck, and stepping on [misfortune] under your feet is also part of growth." Ye Xiao didn't care at all.

"Really? It's been a long time since I went on an adventure with others! When is the time!" Bennett was no longer worried after hearing Ye Xiao's words. After hearing what Ye Xiao said about the gathering time, he said that he was going back to prepare. After picking up my luggage, I ran out of the door happily.

"He's so motivated -" Meng Shi sighed, but she hadn't finished her words yet.

"Ouch, where did the bottle come from!" The sound of someone falling came from outside the door.

"Um, do you really want to invite him?" Mengshi continued.

Ye Xiao also scratched his face, this guy was really unlucky.


Ye Xiao planned to take a boat to the vicinity of Ming Guan Xia, and then go to the Fenglong Ruins from there.

"Huh, why are we going to that Wind Dragon ruins?" Mengshi asked with some confusion.

"Really? I really wish I had never heard of this name. There should be only one Old Mondstadt ruins over the Mingguan Gorge, right?" Bennett asked. The question about dream consciousness was okay, but Bennett's question confused Ye Xiao. What? There is no such thing as wind dragon ruins.

Wait, let me figure it out. It is true that the Wind Dragon Ruins are from Old Mondstadt. Bennett said that there are no Wind Dragon Ruins. Could it be that the Wind Dragon Ruins are what happened after Tvarin was corrupted? Then I wasn’t exposed? Thinking like this, Ye Xiao looked at Diluc and saw him speaking calmly.

"According to the route you planned, the Wind Dragon Ruins you mentioned are indeed the ruins of Old Mondstadt. Although I am curious about where the name of your so-called Wind Dragon Ruins comes from, these things are not important. I just need to make sure you mean no harm," Diluc said.

"Ah haha," Ye Xiao said with a confused eye, "Indeed, what I want to say is indeed the ruins of Old Mondstadt, but because of my body perception, I always thought that the source of this incident was a dragon, so subconsciously I just mentioned the Wind Dragon Ruins, sorry."

Several people agreed with Ye Xiao's explanation which was full of loopholes. Compared with why Ye Xiao called Old Mondstadt the Ruins of Wind Dragon, Diluc was more concerned about the word wind dragon. If Ye Xiao didn't lie, then the problem would be huge!

Diluc can't think of any other wind dragons in Mondstadt except Tevalin, the dragon of the east wind. But if it is really the dragon of the east wind, why would he cause chaos among monsters as the guardian of the four winds? Diluc is very confused about this. .

Mingguanxia is located in the Mingguan Mountains. As the name suggests, there are many mountains and hills here. This canyon is extremely long from west to east, connecting the Fruit Wine Lake and the Wind Dragon Ruins. It is close to the ruins, and large monsters often appear. In addition, they appear from time to time. The ruins guards and even the ruins heavy machine are even more daunting to most adventurers.

"It's time to attack!"

"Night Fantasy!"

"Here, the verdict is pronounced!"

With the outburst of everyone, several ruins guards were destroyed on the spot, and Ye Xiao used as a bait to gather these big guys who suddenly appeared together to facilitate the output of the next few people.

"Wow, where did these guys come from?" Meng Shi was a little scared. Just now, everyone was preparing to take a break and eat something. Suddenly, more than a dozen missiles came straight towards them. If they hadn't reacted quickly enough, they would have directly The group was destroyed.

"I'm so sorry, my bad luck has happened again." Bennett was a little frustrated. Every time he took an adventure, he would always encounter a variety of powerful enemies. This time, he must have been attracted by his bad luck.

"It's just a mere machine, how can it compare to the warriors of my Youye Pure Land."

"Miss, you don't need to worry about it."

"No, something is wrong this time. Ye Xiao, I kind of trust your judgment." Diluc checked it for a while, "It smells like the Abyss Cult. It seems that there is really something about this old Mondstadt ruins."

"Co-author, Grandpa Lu, you don't believe me until now!" Because we have been together in the past few days, the relationship between these two people can be said to have grown a lot, and Ye Xiao also spoke much more casually.

"First of all, there is no basis for what you said before. I just followed you out of curiosity. Secondly, my name is Diluc. Please don't call me by that strange name." Diluc's brows twitched.

"Hey, it's not important. Besides, don't you think the title of Grandpa Lu is very affectionate?"

"No!" Diluc said with a dark face.

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