"Tianwu City?"

"Yes, this is the original birthplace of super alloy and an important mining area. There seems to be a competition being held recently. The reward for winning is super alloy. Not only is the quantity sufficient, but the quality is basically high!"

Tianwu City is quite far away from Binhai City, and it takes a long time to take the train, and you have to pass through a relatively dangerous forest area on the way.

"If you are worried about school, you don't have to worry. Because of the joint training, several schools in the first and middle schools have closed classes!"

"I can only take you to the city. You have to walk on your own on the way back. I want to return to the Phoenix Mountain Secret Realm to continue investigating the Han Shadow Group!"

"Just send it to the city. Thank you, Instructor Chen!"

"Stop calling me instructor. I failed to protect you and am not qualified to be an instructor. If you still respect me, you can just call me Brother Chen!"

"Brother Chen!" Zou Xu called out sincerely. He had no grudges with the other party. The other party not only informed him of the information about the super alloy, but also tried his best to send him back to the city. Naturally, he could bear Zou Xu's gratitude. .

"Do a good job. I can see that you have great potential and a promising future!" Chen Po showed a smile on his face, patted Zou Xu on the shoulder, said a few words of encouragement and left.

After Zou Xu and Chen Po separated, they had nowhere to go and could only go back to school. Fortunately, although the No. 1 Middle School was closed, the school was still open, otherwise Zou Xu might have spent money to sleep in a hotel today.

Zou Xu didn't meet anyone along the way. Except for a few security guards, the school seemed to be deserted.

Showing his student ID card, Zou Xu came to his dormitory door without any hindrance, took out his student card and swiped open his dormitory door.

The furnishings inside are the same as Zou Xu's previous furnishings. It seems that the school has not given Zou Xu's room to other students.

The loss this time was not big. Zou Xu had his computer and other things with him since he had the space wristband.

It was inconvenient to carry a bag before, but now it’s better to just use a space wristband, how simple it is.

Zou Xu finished cleaning the room and called Wang Xuerou. After all, he was not dead yet, so he still had to notify the school.

Someone answered the phone almost as soon as the call was made, and a surprised voice came from the other side.

"Is it Zou Xu?"

"Yes, Teacher Wang, it's me!"

"I knew you were destined to be lucky. Where are you now?" the person on the phone asked anxiously.

Zou Xu was a little surprised. In fact, the teacher and student had only known each other for a short time, but Wang Xuerou was so interested in him.

"I'm in the school dormitory!"

"Fortunately, I didn't ask the school to cancel your student ID card and kept your dormitory!"

"Do you reserve the dormitory, Teacher Wang?"

"That's right, otherwise your student ID card would have been canceled long ago. Aren't you very touched!"

"Thank you!" Zou Xu didn't say much, just two words of sincere thanks.

"Okay, okay, don't be so nauseous. Now that you're back, do you have any plans?" asked the other person on the phone.

"I want to go to Tianwu City now, but I need to rest for a while first!"

"Tianwu City? Oh, it's because of the super alloy thing. The joint training thing caused the school's original opportunities to be messed up. Tianwu City is an important mining and processing place for super alloy. You will definitely be there. Something you need!”

Wang Xuerou also agreed with Zou Xu's action, and then Zou Xu asked: "When will the school be closed and for how long?"

"It will probably take more than a month. Anyway, it will definitely not delay the campus festival. This is a big event of the school!"

Zou Xu nodded. Asking this question does not mean how much Zou Xu loves studying, because he wants to participate in this school festival. Even if it is not for the school's investment, he is also coveting the school's championship prize.

Electromagnetic steel, this is a rare secret treasure, and under Zou Xu's data eyes, he discovered that this thing can also be used by Mechanical Greymon, temporarily turning into Electric Greymon.

Speaking of which, I have to mention the changes in Zou Xu's sixth-level mental power.

The first thing is to activate the data eye, and there will no longer be any traces in the eyes. In the past, when Zou Xu's mental power was not enough, a blue light would flash in his eyes. You don't have to worry about it in the future.

The second is his plug-in Tyrannosaurus Rex machine, this is the real plug-in.

There are three abilities. The first is that you can superimpose Zou Xu's spiritual power onto a Digimon, and you can also borrow the power of a Digimon for a short period of time.

This is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is its second skill conversion, which can convert various energy secret treasures into cards. For example, Hei Zouxu's fallen black energy is converted into the power of X-antibody.

Through the analysis of Data Eye, Zou Xu found that the Tyrannosaurus Machine could convert this electromagnetic steel into a card of Electric Greymon.

Paired with the third skill, the ability to swipe to use cards.

It can even allow Greymon to evolve directly into ElectricGreymon, even skipping the stage of Mechanical Greymon in the middle.

The disadvantage is that the level of electromagnetic steel is too low and the energy is too little, so it can only be used as a one-time consumable and trump card.

But Zou Xu is already very satisfied, Lightning Greymon!

That was the Ultimate Digimon. Compared with the world's Collapse-level combat power, it was considered the world's top combat power, if not the ceiling.

And he also asked just now that the rules of the campus festival have been changed again, because the joint training incident has hit No. 1 Middle School too hard, so No. 1 Middle School urgently needs a chance to prove it, a chance to wash away the frustration.

This campus festival is the best opportunity. The school will invite a TV station to the school to film the campus festival.

Naturally, there can be no more restrictions, but more encouragement should be given to students to show their strongest combat power.

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