Ultra Dimension: The Power of Bonds

Chapter 30 The Envoy of Nongmart (Part )

"1 2 3 4 5 6, plus a Teppet, a total of 7 cards, a great harvest!" Kuang Meng counted happily. With the experience last time, he quickly synthesized a three-star Teppel this time. Special card.

Not a single card was wasted, but the energy fed back was not satisfactory.

"It's very weak, and it's normal to have little energy." Kuang Meng could only comfort himself, put away the cards, covered himself with a quilt and fell asleep.

At night, Kuang Meng couldn't sleep well, tossing and turning, and his forehead was even covered with fine sweat.

There were flames on the sea, and "Ultra Guardsmen are all madmen" echoed in their ears.

After a while, the sound of gunfire stopped and the smoke filled the air.

Before Kuang Meng had time to react, he fell into darkness again.

Kuang Meng was very familiar with this cold and lonely universe. Looking around, he saw the lifeless Severn floating in the universe, making no sound.

"Brother Seven!" Kuang Meng opened his eyes suddenly, and when he came to his senses, he realized that he was still in the dormitory.

Kuang Meng stood up, poured herself a glass of water, and forced herself to calm down. In fact, so far she had not been able to think of a solution that had both ends.

But it seemed that she had no time to think. This early warning meant that Nongmart would take action soon.

If she doesn't do something, according to the original trajectory, the Nongmart people's habitat on the seabed will soon be destroyed.

Kuang Meng looked out the window. The night was slightly cooler and the moon was shrouded in thick clouds.

Kuang Meng went back to bed and lay down, forcing herself to continue sleeping so that she would have the energy to do the next thing.

The next day, Kuang Meng went directly to the Ultra Security Team to find Zhu Xingtuan, and decided to test his tone first.

When Kuang Meng called the Ultra Guard, he was told that Moro Hoshituan and Yuliannu were on vacation at the beach.

When Kuang Meng arrived at the beach, he happened to see a boy talking to his friend.

Before Kuang Meng could pass by, the boy left because he saw the figures of the stars.

Immediately, the ship parked on the sea exploded.

Zhu Xingtuan, who had just sat down, immediately stood up, ran to the Porter chariot and picked up the microphone: "The regiment is calling the command center. Please answer if you hear it."

"I'm Captain Kiriyama," Kaoru Kiriyama answered the call with a smile, "How are you, are you enjoying your vacation at the beach?"

"The ocean development ship Seaworth exploded, and the cause is unknown." Zhuhoshidan reported the explosion to Kiriyama.

"Okay, got it, we'll be there soon."

After receiving the reply, Zhu Xingtuan put down the phone and caught a glimpse of Kuang Meng standing on the side of the road, his eyes focused.

The two of them sat in a restaurant by the sea. Kuang Meng looked at the sea in trance, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Xiao Meng, do you know anything about the exploding ship?" Zhu Xingtuan asked.

"Nongmart people," Kuang Meng bit his lower lip, and finally decided to tell him, "Brother Severn should understand what Nongmart people mean in the Kingdom of Light, right?"

Zhu Xingluan obviously did not expect that Kuang Meng would spit out such a name. He was a little shocked and nodded at the same time, "Nongmalte is the name of the people of the Earth in the Kingdom of Light, that is, human beings."

"Brother Seven, have you ever thought that the Nongmartes do not refer to humans, but the real people on earth?" Kuang Meng asked again.

"If humans are the invaders and the Nonmartians are the indigenous people, what should you do?"

"If humans choose to cover up this mistake and kill the surviving Nongmalte people, what will you do?"

Kuang Meng's series of questions were not only about Zhu Xing Tuan, but also about herself. She even had to consider what she should do if she was against Zhu Xing Tuan.

Yuri quickly packed up his things and turned around to look for Zhu Xingtan: "Tuan!"

Zhu Xingtuan followed the sound and looked over. It was Yuli waving to him, and then ran towards him.

"So you are here, let's go quickly, the captain asked us to find the little boy." Yuri said.

"Okay, then..." The stars turned around, only to find that Kuang Meng had disappeared, leaving only one sentence in his ears, 'If you don't believe it, you can look for the Omega file, there will be the truth you want. ’

Zhu Xingtuan drove Yuri to various houses to ask about the whereabouts of the little boy. He was not online the whole time and just followed Yuri.

"Tuan, let's go." After getting a negative answer again, Yuri was a little discouraged and turned to Zhuhoshidan.

However, the stars did not respond. Instead, they frowned, thinking about something.

"Tuan!" Yuli called out twice more before waking Zhu Xingtuan out of his thoughts, "What's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

Zhu Xingtuan shook his head, "It's okay, let's go. Where should we go next?"

"Go to school. There are many children there. Maybe you can find him." Yuri said.

The two returned to the base without finding anything, waiting for news from the principal.

At the same time, Staff Officer Takenaka also brought a recording, and a little boy's voice came out: "The bottom of the sea belongs to the Nongmart people."

"Who? Nonmart?" This name was too unfamiliar to the Ultra Guard.

"If humans bother them, the Nongmart people will definitely not let them go." The boy's voice stopped suddenly, leaving many questions.

"What are the Nonmartians?" Captain Kiriyama's face was full of questions, but Furuhashi felt that this was just a story compiled by children and there was no need to pay attention to it.

However, there were waves in the heart of Zhuxingclus. If Kuang Meng told him about Nongmart, he would not be surprised, but when a human boy said this word, where did he know it?

These questions lingered around the stars, making him seem a little silent.

Another phone rang, Suojia answered it and handed it to Yuri.

Yuri took the call and smiled, "It's the principal, okay, we'll be there soon."

"It's possible to find the boy," Yuri said, putting down the phone.

"I'll go with you," Zhuoxingtuan said after being silent for a long time.

Along the way, the stars were still very silent.

"Tuan, are you really okay?" Yuri asked again, with a hint of worry in his tone.

"I'm fine," Morohoshidan said.

The Potter chariot drove into the campus, attracting a large number of children: "Look, it's the Guardians of the Earth!"

The children rushed to the side of Zhuhoshidan and Yuliannu, pushing each other and squeezing together.

"let us see!"

"Stop blocking me!"

"Stop squeezing and let me see too!"

The children were noisy until the principal came forward and asked them to leave.

"he came,"

"Let him in."

The conversation between the principal and the teacher attracted Yuri's attention, and he turned to look over.

Yuri saw the first child and shook his head at the principal.

"Thank you, next one," the principal said.

I looked at several people in a row and found none.

"This is the last one. See if he is the one you are looking for." The principal said.

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