Star Railway: I have told you, I am not Otto

Chapter 52: 7 Thunders of Purification

It has a similar appearance to the "virtual stamen (red)" that I encountered before that can explode void materials. The difference is that the top of this artificial stamen blooms with golden light.

In the game, the artificial stamen (gold) drops light cone experience, character experience and credit points, and the one located in the large mining area naturally drops credit points.

"It seems that some people will not be able to earn credit points in the future."

May looked at the artificial stamen (gold) and said with a chuckle.

Touching the hand, ripples rippled on the surface of the artificial stamen, which directly shook May's hand away.

Sure enough, [Bite of True Self] can only be activated against targets that are unable to resist and do not pose a threat to themselves. When faced with the artificial stamen condensed by the violent energy emitted from the star core, you still need to defeat the mobs inside it first. .

Wu Wu felt it a little bit, and found that the monsters inside this flower were still the same as the third brother, the three automatic robot brothers.

And this kind of automatic soldiers all have a common weakness, and that is the thunder attribute.

After looking at the young believers following behind him, May decided to act cool occasionally.

Wuyue stretched out his hand, and the pale golden light surged. Using the energy he had just extracted from Cha Bao, it condensed into a sword emitting purple thunder in Wuyue's hand.

The sword is long and slender, with a bright purple blade. Just one look at it makes you feel like countless lightnings are surging inside. The dark handle snakes up, eroding the small half of the blade like thorns, adding a strange sense of beauty.

In addition, there is a red snake that resembles a dragon's horn on the handle of the knife, as if just picking it up can transform into a giant red dragon to fight for you.

The sword that can be selected by May and mimicked is naturally not a mortal thing. In the collapsing universe, it has a resounding code name and name——

[The Key of the Third God: The Key of Judgment·Seven Thunders of Purification]!

The Seven Thunders of Purification are called the Seven Thunders of Purification because the person who designed it created seven forms for it, including but not limited to swords, sniper rifles, slingshots, and even lipstick.

The Seven Thunders of Purification created by May's mimicry are not as powerful as the real Seven Thunders of Purification, and they only retain the [Seven Thunders of Purification·Ming] in the sword state.

But this is enough. After all, May's energy is not rich. If you want to use the Mimicry of Void Manzo to create a real God's Key, it will take at least the energy of a star core.

Wuyue waved the sword in her hand, and the Seven Thunder Ming, who was originally taller than her, shrunk in a very humane way and was held in her hand.

May touched the golden light at the top of the artificial stamen, and immediately entered the glass world inside the artificial stamen.

Three automatic robot soldiers slowly walked out of the glass fragments on the periphery and launched an attack on May without hesitation.

The Beetle Robot was the first to bear the brunt. The four mechanical legs worked together and ejected violently like May.

May, on the other hand, smiled confidently, neither too much nor too flashing, and the Seven Thunders of Purification in her hand were inserted into the ground like a cane.

"Boom boom."

Not to be outdone, the War Dog Trooper fired small bombs from his back and bombarded May.

The spider robots have begun operating the self-destruct module.

"How do you say that?"

May showed a thoughtful expression, then stretched out her right hand and said,

"If I snap my fingers, you might die."


Purple lightning surged, but it did not bring destruction, but decomposition.

The moment before the beetle's body hit May, it was like hitting the guzheng project inside a certain body. The body was directly "decomposed" into countless fragments, all flowing to May's body.

May stretched out his hand towards the Spider Robot and the War Dog Robot. Like a nano-robot attack in a science fiction novel, the bodies of the two automatic robots turned directly into fly ash, as if they had never existed from the beginning.

Of course, the reason why they turned into ashes was not because May took the form of Thanos and snapped his fingers, but because of the Seven Thunders of Purification in May's hands.

As the Third God's Key created from the core of the Herrscher of Thunder, the Seven Thunders of Purification have the power to control electromagnetic force. This power does not sound powerful, but if the user is strong enough, it can eliminate the interference between microscopic particles. The electromagnetic method achieves the effect of decomposing objects at the atomic level.

At least in the current scientific community, the atomic decomposition of the Purifying Seven Thunders is an irresistible method, because the essence of matter is that the order of atomic sequences is different. When the electromagnetism between them disappears, the order of atoms will be disrupted unless A star god with a special destiny is born, otherwise, this will be a "decomposition death" in the true sense.

What a coincidence is that May's body can absorb all materials for its own use. The energy that is broken down into atoms is nothing more than liquid food that can be eaten as quickly as possible to her. Once the atoms are absorbed by May's body, , that would be an absolutely unsolvable move in the known universe. Even if the Star God comes forward, it will no longer be possible to separate the decomposed person from May's body.

" consumes a lot of energy, but fortunately the efficiency is extremely high. The energy harvested is three times more than the energy consumed. It's worth it."

May looked at the purple sword in her hand and nodded with satisfaction.

By the way... what would happen if the atomic decomposition ability of the Purifying Seven Thunders was used directly against the artificial stamens?

Based on this thought, we can further speculate that if the Seven Thunders of Purification are allowed to break down houses or rocks, will May’s [True Self-Bite] really be able to swallow the sky and the earth?

Such a bold idea came to May's mind.

And just when May was thinking wildly, the Seven Thunders of Purification had already killed all six waves of enemies. Against this weak atomic creature, its efficiency was indeed extremely terrifying. From the moment May entered the virtual stamen to the last one It only takes ten seconds for the enemy to be killed.

After exiting the virtual stamen, Wuyue looked at Eleanor and the crying Cha Bao.

"I'm sorry, Lord God... I may not be good at comforting people..."

Eleanor bowed slightly towards May and said apologetically,

"Please give me some time, I will definitely..."

"It's fine."

May waved her hand carelessly, not paying attention to the crying Zha Bao, but looking directly at Eleanor.

For children who cry and make a fuss when their parents take away their lucky money during the Chinese New Year, it is definitely not good to hit them, and it is also not good to just go along with it.

Just let him cry for a while and he will forget about it in a few days.

Zha Bao is in such a state now. May said it is understandable that no matter whose child he is, his parents will not feel any better if his parents take away 90% of his lucky money.

"Let's get down to business."

May pointed to the artificial stamens behind her and said to Eleanor,

"The monsters here are not strong enough to train you. We may have to go further later to look for the 'Condensed Shadow' here."

"It's all up to you."

Eleanor, who didn't understand those names, believed every word of May unconditionally.

Wherever the god goes, he will follow.

"Bidong, are you looking for something? Is it going to be Zha Bao's turn?"

Zha Bao, who was crying and making a fuss in anger just now, flew in front of Yu Yue again and said,

"Bidong, but you have to agree to the treasure hunt first, and you will be responsible for the treasure hunt in the future."

"I may not have that much time, can you let my sister be your guardian?"

May shrugged.

"Bidong, your sister? That's okay too."

half a month later.

Xing Wang kept beeping in his ears, repeatedly disturbing himself and March Qi to discuss life, and even used his precious trash can as a treasure hunter...

Star's murderous intention gradually arises...

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