I abducted HP's friend on his wedding day

Chapter 94 Three people who reached a consensus

Salazar happily pulled Dobby towards St. Mungo's.

Behind him were Sirius, who was confused, and Snape, who was looking down in thought.

Sirius really didn't understand why Salazar suddenly let go of the Malfoy family, although the reasons Salazar himself said seemed to be valid.

But Sirius didn't agree.

"Why do you want this house elf?"

Sirius asked tentatively. He did not ask Salazar why he let Malfoy go, but asked a question that was relevant but not so relevant.

Salazar didn't intend to hide it, so he briefly explained what Dobby had done.

This surprised Sirius. He also understood creatures like house elves, but... Dobby was still a little beyond his understanding.

Salazar continued: "Dobby is a house elf of the Malfoy family after all. If Lucius asks why Harry did not fall into the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange, he will definitely tell the truth. You If Lucius, can he tolerate an elf like Dobby?"

Without waiting for Sirius to answer, Salazar sighed and said as if he was distressed: "Dobby will definitely be executed if he stays at the Malfoy family. He has protected Harry no matter what. If Sister Lily finds out, I definitely hope to save it.”

Salazar invited Lily to speak, and then continued: "So, even if it's just for its little kindness towards Harry, I have to find a way to save it."

"Is the main purpose of what you told Lucius was to save this elf?"

Sirius looked at Salazar and felt that this could not be said to be the main purpose.

At the same time, Snape said quietly: "This is a very deadly secret for Lucius."

Salazar nodded: "Even if there is an unbreakable curse, Lucius's agreement to this deal is indeed a handle."

"Are you going to use this as a reason to blackmail him in the future?" Sirius' eyes widened.

"Why not? We can still come and go in the future." Salazar smiled particularly brightly. "Although this is my first time doing business with Mr. Malfoy, it has been a pleasant experience. Will there be opportunities for cooperation in the future?"

Sirius shook his head and said: "Damn it, I don't think Lucius would find it happy! Can he agree? If he comes to his senses later, he will even want to kill you!"

"I don't think so. Mr. Malfoy should be a smart man. He will know that it is very good to reach today's deal with me." Salazar was very confident. "There will be times when he will be lucky in the future."

Sirius held his forehead and sighed. He didn't know where Salazar's confidence came from, but after all, Salazar and Lucius had already reached this deal and cooperation. Even if Salazar and Godric helped him rescue Regu, Sirius couldn't even tell Les' face.

"I will treat what happened today as it happened."

When he said this, Snape, who knew Sirius's temperament, looked over strangely.

[Is this still Sirius Black? This young man in front of me can actually influence Sirius? Can it still have such a profound impact? 】

But Sirius only owed Salazar and Godric his life because they saved Regulus, so even if it violated his own principles, he still planned to hide it from Dumbledore and James.

He also knew that the Brown brothers probably had a very deep impression on Dumbledore, whether it was good or bad, he couldn't tell. This kind of cooperation with Lucius Malfoy can be said to be complicit. If Dumbledore knew about it, I am afraid that the two people's basic impression points with Dumbledore would plummet.

Even the upright Lily and James would question it if they knew about it.

Sirius understood people's prejudices so well that he decided to help Salazar keep it a secret.

The only problem is probably Snape's side.

Then, Sirius looked at Snape.

Salazar followed Sirius's movements and looked at Snape.

Snape was speechless.

"This..." is not that easy to solve. Sirius scratched the back of his head, distressed.

Salazar rubbed his chin, looked at Snape, and then asked: "I think you are at least willing to protect Lucius Malfoy, don't you?"

Snape couldn't deny this. Lucius Malfoy, the senior, took good care of Snape both when he was at Hogwarts and after he left school.

Even if Lucius had to defend himself at first because he was a prefect of Slytherin, he later became more and more interested in Snape because he discovered Snape's talent in potions and became enthusiastic.

But Snape couldn't deny Lucius' help to him.

"Of course I won't talk nonsense."

If anyone else knew about this, what Lucius Malfoy had done would probably be spread to Voldemort's ears, and I'm afraid he wouldn't end up well. If Dumbledore knew, he might use this kind of thing to threaten Malfoy, or find a way to use Voldemort's hands to reduce the power of the Death Eaters.

In short, Lucius will not end well.

Snape tilted his head: "Like this stupid big dog, I don't know anything today."

Sirius immediately choked: "What do you mean, stupid big dog? Damn snot!"

"Ha!" Snape glanced over coldly.

Salazar's eyes lit up, he touched his chin and said, "Is Gryffindor and Slytherin falling in love and killing each other in a classic way?"

Sirius: "Huh?!"

Snape's face suddenly turned cold, and a cold wind rose all over his body.

"Isn't it?" Salazar asked.

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