I abducted HP's friend on his wedding day

Chapter 75 No. 23, Spider End Alley!

The hostess of the Dursley family at No. 4 Privet Drive, Little Huy King, Surrey, was enjoying her own afternoon tea.

Her husband went out to work, and her baby son was about to be put to sleep by her. In the rare clean atmosphere, Penny decided to make herself a cup of coffee and bake a cake to reward herself for her hard work.

Just when she was holding the freshly baked cake and smiling with satisfaction.

There was a loud bang.

"Open the Alaho hole!"

The wooden door flew out fiercely, hit the stairs, and broke into pieces.

Petunia stared blankly at the wooden door that was already in pieces. Then, Dudley's frightened howling could be heard from upstairs.

"Are you Lily's Muggle sister?!" Sirius rushed to Petunia and shouted loudly.

Penny rolled her eyes, fainted, and the steaming cake fell to the ground.

Salazar glared at Sirius, and a stream of clear water woke him up.

"Lily is in danger now, we need your help!"

Sarah looked at Sirius and said, "That snot-nosed name on your lips!"

The corner of Sirius's mouth twitched, and he said in a low voice: "Severus Snape!"

"Ma'am, do you know this person's address?"

Salazar showed a gentleman's polite smile and looked at Penny.

He responded with a sharp scream from Penny, who then grabbed the cake on the floor and threw it in Salazar's face.

Salazar: "..."

Sirius quickly pressed down Salazar's raised wand, trying to calm down Petunia's agitated mood in a friendly manner, but was clawed mercilessly by the other party.


As Dudley cried almost exhausted, Sirius and Salazar walked out in embarrassment.

Sirius's face was scratched by Petunia. Salazar took a piece of steaming cake from his hair and even subconsciously put it to his mouth. Then he regained consciousness and shook his hand.

"The Imperius Curse is a forbidden curse..." Sirius groaned and whispered.

Salazar asked with a cold face: "Do we have time to waste on this woman? Wait for her to calm down? By then, James and Lily won't know what's going on!"

Sirius' voice was very low: "I will pretend not to know..."

But this kind of ruthlessness and unscrupulousness...

Sirius was secretly shocked.

"Let's go to No. 23 Spider End Lane quickly."

Standing at the door of No. 23 Spider End Lane, Sirius felt that he had not yet recovered.

Salazar was already knocking on the door.


A cold voice sounded.

Salazar looked at Sirius silently.

Sirius had no choice but to clear his throat and said, "It's me, Sirius Black!"

It was quiet inside the door. Severus Snape probably never expected that he would hear Sirius's voice. It felt so fake, which forced him to become silent and start to think about whether he was hallucinating.

"Snape..." Sirius tried to maintain a calmer tone. "I have a very anxious situation!"

"..." On the other side of the door, Snape remained silent.

"Something happened to Madam Pomfrey!" Salazar couldn't stand Sirius's irritation. He could see that Sirius was very awkward and seemed to have a very complicated relationship with the owner of this room, but time was very urgent and he couldn't help it. Why is Sirius so awkward at this time?

"Mrs. Pomfrey was found unconscious in the basement of her home. As you know, Professor Dumbledore arranged for her to help Lily deliver the baby! But her hair was cut, and she is not with Lily now, and Lily's due date is , or in other words, Harry's birth date is very likely today! Today is July 31st!"

Salazar slapped the wooden door hard.

"If Madam Pomfrey didn't go to Lily's place! Someone pretended to be her, got the address from Hagrid, and went to Lily's place! You know who the imposter would be, don't you?!"

With a creak, the door opened, and a dark man with a pale face came out. He stared at Salazar with wide eyes: "Are you telling the truth?!"

"Something has indeed happened to Madam Pomfrey! Regardless of whether that person succeeded in getting Lily's address, it now means that something will happen to Lily! Something may happen..." Salazar and Snape looked at each other. "Please take Sirius and I to Lily's current address! We can't afford to bet on any eventuality!"

Snape took a deep breath, looked at Sirius, and then looked at Salazar.

"Can I trust you?"

Salazar tugged at Sirius.

"You can doubt me, but you know Sirius, now you can check to see if Sirius is real!"

This is why Salazar and Godric must call Sirius.

He and Godric had only lived with Lily for less than a week. In such a time, not many people would be willing to believe that they would risk their lives to help Lily and the James family, or even doubt their intentions, and this suspicion might It will undoubtedly take a lot of time for Salazar and Godric to find a way to prove themselves.

But it's different with Sirius. As long as Sirius stands with Salazar and Godric, then people will trust their actions because of the relationship between James and Sirius' close friends.

The better the relationship between Sirius and James, the more people trust him. Besides, he is also the godfather of little Harry. He has every reason to stand up and fight for the Potter family.

Even if the Potter family was just a false alarm later, people wouldn't blame Sirius. He was just worried about something happening to his friend's family, right?

There is no doubt that Snape thought so too. He was sure that the Sirius in front of him was real with just one glance. As for whether Sirius betrayed James and came here specifically to deceive him and let him lead the way to find Lily and the child, Snape Pu wouldn't think about it at all.

James Potter and Sirius Black are working together! In their relationship, if Black betrayed him, how heinous he would be!

Snape glanced at Sirius, and finally his eyes fell on Salazar.

"I'll go with you!"

There was only the slightest bit of doubt, the slightest bit of danger to Lily, and Snape couldn't let it go.

But why would Sirius bring someone who looked very young?

Snape could probably guess the identity of the boy in front of him. He had heard Lily talk about that special pair of brothers.

But there was only one person in front of him, and he remembered Lily's description. This was the younger brother among the brothers. He was only fifteen or sixteen years old. Is Sirius Black crazy? Taking a Hogwarts student who hasn't graduated yet to save people?


Sirius quickly replied: "He went to see Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom!"

Snape understood, and a trace of panic flashed across his face.

"Only us going?"

Salazar asked helplessly: "Gust stays with Madam Pomfrey and will notify the others, but we are probably the first ones to get to Lily's side."

So, how many enemies will Lily have on her side?

Can the three of them save the Potter family?

No one dares to say this.

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