I abducted HP's friend on his wedding day

Chapter 11 Slytherin Standards

Hogwarts Castle has gone through thousands of years, and there are countless secret places and corners. Although there are many house elves responsible for cleaning and maintaining the entire castle, some places are still prohibited for house elves to enter.

As the principal, Dumbledore does not fully grasp the secrets of this castle, but there are some places that he has long wanted to clean up, such as the Room of Requirement that has always been legendary among the student community.

Not to mention anything else, the accumulated books in it were a huge amount. So, under the command of Professor Flitwick, the headmaster of Ravenclaw, Salazar and several other punished students did not use any magic. In this case, these stacks of books are moved manually.

Such tiring and dusty manual labor is a complete chore for both Slytherins and lively students in Gryffindor.

Salazar was also very confused. He could only force himself not to care about the clothes that were stained with dust again and again, and moved the books back and forth.

Just when Salazar was quietly keeping silent and lowering his head to carry out this corporal punishment, Godric came over quietly.

Salazar put down the pile of books in his hand and couldn't help but beat his shoulders with his dusty hands. He no longer cared about whether they were dirty or not, and then he saw Godric standing against the wall from the corner of his eye.

Salazar glared at Godric, thinking he was here to watch a show.

Godric shrugged and noticed that after Sara looked at him, he slowly walked to him and said, "You can rest for a while, and I will move the rest for you."

Salazar raised an eyebrow and looked at Godric: "So kind?"

Godric spread his hands and said that he had no other purpose: "It's just good intentions."

It is impossible for students to move books all the way to the end. It only stipulates an approximate number. When they are finished, they can leave, whether they go to rest or do homework. You still have to write homework anyway.

Godric sat down on Salazar, rolled up his sleeves, and began to help him. Professor Flitwick, who was watching them from a distance, seemed not to see Godric, and was still checking the books from a distance.

Salazar just sat on the ground naturally, watching the others and Godric continue to work.

One of the Gryffindor students looked envious: "In this case, can I ask someone to help me work together?"

"Can you try? Let's see who is willing to come over and help you do this!" A Slytherin student on the other side of him showed a mocking look.

This is an elder brother, a biological brother, or an older brother who has been dependent on each other after losing his parents. It is natural that he feels sorry for his only relative and comes to help.

The Gryffindor student scratched the back of his head, really feeling that he could do this, and then ran to Professor Flitwick and asked: "Professor, can I ask someone to help move it together?"

Professor Flitwick quickly retorted: "This is your labor punishment, not anyone else's. Can punishment help?"

"What's the situation with Cyrus Brown? Why can he ask his brother Gust Brown to come over for help?"

"Cyrus? That's because Guster said that he is the parent. If Cyrus makes a mistake, he, the patriarch, cannot escape responsibility. You can ask your father for help. Your father is the one who makes the decision in your family, right?"

The student immediately lowered his head and refused without thinking: "Then it's better not to do it. I'll do it myself."

Salazar naturally heard the voices on the other side, and then his expression turned particularly ugly. When Godric came out carrying the books and saw him like this, he thought he was tired, so he couldn't help but said jokingly: "Sure enough, He’s an eldest young master, he’s never done any hard work, but he can’t do anything like this?”

Salazar gave him a hard look.

"What's wrong? What I said is wrong? You haven't endured hardship, so you can't do it." Godric shrugged and continued to complain. "Young master, just have a good rest and leave it to me, the big brother."

Salazar sneered. Seeing Salazar like this, Godric finally realized that he was angry. He thought that he had angered Salazar with his casual teasing, so he had to bow his head and apologize.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry. I'm just going to say a few words to you casually. I don't mean anything bad. Are you so stingy today? Or are you still in a irritable mood while working? I'm here to become your vent? Don't be angry, I'll apologize if you can."

Godric smiled and stretched out his dusty hands, pulled Salazar's cheeks on both sides, and said casually: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, young master, I didn't dare to tease you, okay? Don't be angry. , just smile."

Salazar was angry and funny. He felt that he had no way to deal with a guy like Godric. The main reason was that the people he usually came into contact with were well-educated people. No matter how despicable and cunning he was, he had to keep his persona straight. There is no one as thick-skinned and as relaxed as Godric.

Salazar slapped Godric's funny hand away and said with an air of air, somewhat ruthlessly: "You are only one year older than me. Why are you acting like a patriarch? Do you really think that your brother can play the role of my father?"

Godric blinked and finally understood why Salazar was angry with him. He could only lower his head and lower his hands, saying honestly: "I was wrong."

Salazar turned his head, not wanting to talk to him.

Godric lowered his head and whispered into his ear to explain: "Isn't this because I am the only one you know here, and I am a little older than you, so I want to protect you and take care of you? Nothing else. mean."

Salazar pushed Godric away, just snorted, moved his arms, and continued to do his punishing labor. He didn't mean to pay any attention to Godric, even if Godric talked around him. There were a lot of things, but Salazar never said a word to him.

Godric was dejected and could only chat with the other Slytherin students who had been punished.

"Do you have such a particularly arrogant younger brother or sister in your family?" Godric looked a little pitiful and lowered his eyes.

The Slytherin student happened to have a younger sister in his family, so he said, "I do have a younger sister. Although my younger sister is also very willful, she doesn't get angry easily. She just likes to scream and act. If she doesn't get what she wants, If you want something.”

Then he showed a helpless look: "Although it is annoying, as long as you give her what she wants, she will immediately become a lady. Besides, she is just like this at home. She has never been rude when going out. Especially if there are other people around, they won't show off to me." At this point, he carefully glanced at Salazar secretly.

Probably in his eyes, it was very rude for Salazar to lose his temper with Godric, his brother, regardless of the presence of outsiders. He looked at Godric with eyes full of sympathy.

"As an older brother, I can only tolerate the indulgence of my younger brothers and sisters. It's not easy for Guster either."

Godric just smiled awkwardly. Of course he knew that he was Salazar's brother. Salazar Slytherin was the only eldest son and heir of the Slytherin family. Godric was just a wandering orphan. That’s all.

Perhaps Salazar was unhappy because Godric took matters into his own hands. Thinking of this, Godric's eyes dimmed and his expression became a little gloomy.

The Gryffindor students over there were envious of Salazar.

"That's great. Cyrus, your brother is so kind to you. He can also help you bear part of the punishment labor. If it were me, my brother would probably laugh at me."

"That's it, one thing to say, Cyrus, your brother is a Slytherin. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with your brother, and I don't see anything wrong with him, but there are a lot of bad people in Slytherin. You have to Be careful not to let your brother be led astray by those people."

The student who warned Salazar was quickly bumped on the shoulder by another person, reminding him that he shouldn't have said that.

"That's my real brother, and I have a very good relationship with him. Don't say that, Cyrus will be unhappy."

Salazar frowned, but kept a tone of pure incomprehension and said to the Gryffindor student who warned him: "I don't understand. Is Slytherin this house so bad? Can you tell me about it."

"Well...actually, it shouldn't be that bad."

"Slytherin produced two very, very bad wizards, and there are many bad wizards who also graduated from Slytherin, so everyone says that Slytherin specializes in producing bad wizards."

Another student immediately retorted: "Slytherins are not all bad wizards. Cyrus, listen to me. In fact, my grandmother is a Slytherin. She is a very gentle person, not bad at all."

Salazar pretended to be innocent and said: "I seem to understand what everyone means. It's because Slytherin has produced particularly bad guys, so everyone thinks Slytherin is bad, right?"

Originally, a few Gryffindor students wanted to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that Salazar was right. It was indeed because Slytherin had bad people and everyone had a bad impression.

"But the founder of Slytherin is a bad wizard. It is said that the students his college wants to recruit must be bad people at heart. Only young wizards with bad personalities can enter Slytherin."

Then someone immediately objected: "No, my family said that the founder of Slytherin House, Salazar Slytherin, only requires pure-blooded little wizards."

"That's not right. In fact, there are also mixed-bloods in Slytherin, but only very few."

"What you are saying is wrong. What I know is right. Slytherin only accepts young wizards with dark wizard qualifications."

Salazar blinked, watching the classmates start to argue about the standards for recruiting new students to Slytherin House, and then looked past them to the Slytherin students with different expressions on one side, clearly reading in their eyes. Some meaning.

Gryffindor students must have had their brains hit with a troll stick. They are so stupid! They are so stupid!

Finally, incredibly, a student who couldn't make any noise to the others turned around and shouted to the Slytherin students: "Hey! Tell yourselves, what standards does Slytherin House use to accept students?"

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