Pokémon: Newborn Ash Ketchum, starting from Hoenn

Chapter 44 The 7-Night Wishing Star—Jirachi

Naturally, there are not only entertainment facilities in the amusement park, but also various vendors selling souvenirs! Naturally, more and more people come to visit, especially at night, when it becomes more lively.

At this time, Xiaoyao was dazzled by the various souvenirs. "This is so cute!" Xiaoyao came to a stall and saw an ornament with seven stars connected together.

"That is the talisman of the Millennium Comet, the star of dreams." The stall owner boasted to death, specifically to deceive simple people like Xiaoyao, "It is also called the wishing star of Qiye. During the seven days when the Millennium Comet can be seen, every day Recite your wish silently every night and fold it into a star. When the seven nights are over, your wish will definitely come true!"

If your jewelry can make wishes come true, why do you need the priesthood of Jirachi?

(?>?<?) But Xiaoyao was obviously deceived: "I want it, I want to buy this."

The stall owner showed some conscience and left a way out for himself after selling it to Xiaoyao: "Not necessarily! Hahaha, it will definitely be achieved."

At this time, various beautiful Pokémon fireworks began to bloom in the starry sky - Pikachu, Pikachu, etc.!

Xiao Sheng still held the crystal: "Look! It's fireworks! Jirachi, it's very beautiful, isn't it?"

Until late at night, the playground became quiet and the lights went out one after another! The four of them, Xiaozhi, were sitting on a boulder, waiting for the arrival of the Millennium Comet. At this time, a breeze blew, and the white color in the starry sky dispersed, and a silver beam with a long tail appeared in the starry sky.

"That is the Millennium Comet!" Xiaoyao sighed, "Ah! I have to make a wish quickly."

Xiaoyao quickly took out the Dream Star to make a wish, and folded a petal with a star engraved on it.

"Once in a thousand years?! We have really caught up with a good era!" Xiaozhi sighed. It should be said that Xiaozhi's halo as the protagonist is really powerful. Legends that have not been released for thousands of years will appear one after another as long as Xiaozhi is present.

At this time, the purple crystal in Xiaozhi's arms suddenly emitted a dazzling light, "The stars... the stars are calling me..." This time, not only Xiaozhi and Xiaosheng heard it.

"That was Jirachi's voice just now?" Xiaoyao said in surprise, it turns out she is also an innocent girl!

"It's telepathy! This is Jirachi's telepathy. Jirachi should be waking up this time!" Xiaozhi said.

At the same time, in the depths of Farnes in the distance, the rocks emitted green light. The green light rushed out of Farnes and rushed towards the location of Xiaozhi and others. A figure chased after the green light. The green light finally Gathered on the purple crystal.

The crystallized light in the eyes of Xiaozhi and others became more and more dazzling, floating into the air, stretching out many white lines in the white light, and slowly deforming at the same time.

When the white light faded, the crystal turned into a fantasy Pokémon with a shape like a star and a 'wishing note' representing wishes on its head - Jirachi!

"Jirachi is awake!" Xiaozhi said, thinking at the same time, "The battle is about to begin!"


[Attributes: steel, super power]

[Characteristics: Tian’en (the chance of additional effects of moves x2)]

[Strength: Priesthood (weak, elite level)]

Jirachi floated down, and the cloth covering his body unfolded and was placed behind him, making him look very cute.

Xiao Sheng quickly stepped forward to catch Jiraqi. Jiraqi slowly opened his eyes in Xiao Sheng's arms, looking at everything around him in confusion.

"This is Jirachi! She's so cute!" Xiaoyao was captured on the spot!

Everyone began to introduce themselves to Jirachi.

At this time, Diane ran over to understand the situation and invited Xiaozhi and the four of them to Diane's RV, while Diane went to notify Butler!

After Butler got the news, he said, "The moment has finally arrived!" There was madness in his eyes, which made Miss Diane very uneasy.

As for Xiaozhi, "Jirachi, come and help me fulfill my wish!" Xiao Sheng looked at Jirachi with expectant eyes!

"Wish?" Jirachi was confused.

Just like that, Xiao Sheng made a real child's wish - to have endless snacks. Jirachi closed his eyes and floated up, and the 'wishing paper' on his head lit up.

Bags of snacks appeared out of thin air, shocking everyone. Their wishes came true, and everyone entered the ocean of snacks!

Now that there were more and more snacks, Xiaozhi quickly stopped him, "Wait a minute, Jirachi! Look at the labels on the snacks, it shows that these snacks are from the amusement park, but they were transferred out by Jirachi through teleportation. , we still have to return these snacks."

"Ah! No!" Everyone was shocked. Xiaogang took a closer look and it was true. Several people crawled out of the sea of ​​snacks in despair. Also, Jirachi was not created out of thin air, but was a porter of nature.

Xiaosheng Xiaoyao looked at Jiraqi in despair, and Jiraqi blinked his cute big eyes innocently.

At the same time, Butler and Diane ran over, "Oh my God! Where is Jirachi?" Butler asked anxiously.

"It's here!" Xiao Sheng pointed at Jiraqi, and Jiraqi also said happily: "Here!"

"What did you do?" Diane asked suspiciously, looking at the snacks around her.

Everyone had no choice but to explain the situation. Just when everyone didn't know what to do, Xiaogang suddenly said: "It would be great if we asked Jirachi to send the things back to their original place!"

"Yes! That's it, Jirachi, quickly restore things to their original state." Xiao Sheng said to Jirachi excitedly.

Then, Jirachi closed his eyes again, the 'wishing paper' on his head lit up, and sent the snacks back.

"I feel so sleepy now..." After saying that, Jirachi closed his eyes and fell asleep in Xiao Sheng's arms.

(?﹏?) Xiaosheng said in despair: "Is Jirachi going to sleep for another thousand years?"

Butler explained: "After seven days, it will sleep for another thousand years. Now it is just a temporary rest after using its ability."

Xiao Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, "That's great!"

The next day, Xiaogang, who was charging for love, came to ask Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao to help Butler and Diane. Unfortunately, Xiaozhi took Xiaoyao and ran away to the playground early.

"Xiao Zhi, is it really okay if we don't tell Xiao Gang and they go to the playground to play?" Xiao Yao asked worriedly.

"Based on what I know about Xiaogang, alas~" Xiaozhi was walking and suddenly stopped, "Here! Look at that!"

Xiaoyao followed Xiaozhi's gaze and saw Xiaogang putting on a clown suit and handing out leaflets.

"Ah! Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise it would have been over!" Xiaoyao looked at Xiaogang's appearance and patted his chest and said happily. How can a beautiful day be spent on free labor! Xiaoyao no longer has any burden in his heart!

"Pika~" Pikachu imagined what he would look like and shook his head in disbelief.

At this time, Xiao Sheng came over with Kiraqi on his head: "Ah! Xiaozhi, sister! You are here, Xiao Gang was looking for you just now!" After hearing Xiao Sheng's words, he was sure that Xiao Gang had no good intentions. And Xiaozhi discovered that Jirachi had returned to the gym level!

The three of them played happily all day long. Only Xiaogang, who worked hard for love, distributed flyers for the whole day.

While eating dinner, Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao clearly felt Xiaogang's overwhelming resentment. His resentful little eyes kept staring at the two of them, making the two of them eat faster.

After Butler's magic show, Xiaozhi and others helped pack away the props. Xiaoyao was pushing the scaffolding backstage, but tripped over a piece of wood. Xiaoyao quickly held on to the scaffolding, "Ah! Xiaosheng, hurry up." Come help.”

Xiao Sheng quickly put down the things in his hands and came to help Xiao Yao hold up the scaffold. The two of them worked together to straighten the scaffold. At this time, Jirachi became playful and took off Xiao Sheng's glasses and ran away. Xiao Sheng immediately let go and chased Jirachi.

Unfortunately, Xiaoyao was the only one left, and he couldn't hold up the scaffolding. Fortunately, Xiaozhi arrived in time to pull up the scaffolding.

"Phew! Thanks, Xiaozhi!" Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay!" Xiaozhi waved his hand!

"This way...this way..."

"Jirachi, give it back to me!"

Xiao Sheng and Jirachi were still playing the game of chasing each other, and suddenly Xiao Sheng exploded into the small universe: "Don't try to escape Jirachi, I've caught you!"

"I was caught by Xiaosheng!" Jirachi said happily.

Xiaosheng put on his glasses and looked at Jirachi angrily: "See how I can fix you!"

"Woo~" Bang! Suddenly the mirror was broken, and a Pokémon with white hair and a sickle-like horn on the right side of its head appeared behind the mirror!

To be continued…

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