Legend: I have a systematic start

Chapter 96 Xiaobai’s family survives the thunder tribulation

Jie Fei walks alone in the courtyard of Beechi Palace~

Looking at the surrounding environment, it is really beautiful. There are flowing rivers, woods, ponds, rockeries, and a tea table in the pavilion...

Let’s talk about the size. This house alone is comparable to a castle in real life, and with the garden as big as a park, I don’t know how much it would cost if placed in the real world!

Gee, what’s interesting is that the houses in this secret realm have all been purchased by the palace. Just asking, who else is there? The important thing is... you haven't spent any money yet!

Jie Fei was in the midst of being extremely fussy when he suddenly noticed that several women in the team had appeared~

Yurouzi: Xiami, what are you doing? Have they ever given you any trouble?

Mengyao: Yes, a few of us have reached level 40, and we still have half the experience to reach level 41. After a while, we will complete the last Scarlet Moon Demon quest, and then we will open Cang Yue Island, and then we will be there together. The map of Cang Yue Island has been upgraded and they are causing trouble, so we will fight them a few times.

Shui Yiren: We have some of them, too.

Xiao Xiami: Give them a break. I'm practicing construction skills now. When they find out in a few days that I haven't gone out, they probably won't be checking me. Then we can just enter the map and upgrade.


Jie Fei returned to reality and sat on the sofa in the living room.

Hey, I'll go...it's really on time!

Jie Fei put out the cigarette butt in his hand, stretched his waist, and then walked into the bathroom to wash up~

After coming out, he was about to go to sleep, but he found that Xiaobai's family was showing signs of waking up. Then Jie Fei walked forward to check. After squatting down, he felt that the spiritual energy in Xiaobai's family was extremely manic, as if at any time... .

Ying Yueyang: Young Master, Xiaobai and the others have continuously broken through to the Great Perfection Realm of Demonic Pills while sleeping in the past few days, and now they are going to advance to the Soul Condensation Realm.

Jie Fei: Is it equivalent to a human’s advanced Nascent Soul? Wouldn't that mean we have to go through a thunder tribulation?

Ying Yueyang: Yes, they should wake up soon. Master, we have to find a location to survive the thunder tribulation in advance. It cannot be in the city.

Jie Fei: No problem, just leave it to me.

Then Jie Fei carried Xiaobai's parents with both hands and Xiaobai under his arm and teleported to a mountain 50 kilometers away from the city.

At this time, Xiaobai's family was still in a hazy state and had not fully woken up.

Ying Yueyang: Young Master, the risk of the three of them going through the tribulation together will be greatly increased, and there must be no outsiders around, otherwise they will be regarded as interference and provocation by the tribulation, which will increase their danger, and even you will be implicated.

Jie Fei: Then I will disperse the three of them to other places immediately.

System: You integrated the magic blood stone in the secret realm into their bodies!

At this time, the system's voice sounded in Jie Fei's mind.

Jie Fei replied in his mind: My sister must be reliable!

Then Jie Fei quickly used the Yin Yang Pearl to take out three magic blood stones from the warehouse and integrated them into the bodies of Xiaobai's family.

Ying Yueyang looked at the sky: Master, we have to leave this area quickly.

The next second Jie Fei flew out of the air ten kilometers away and looked up at the top of Xiaobai's family. At this time, the dark clouds were dense and formed into a vortex. From ten kilometers away, you could feel that energy was accumulating in the dark clouds and they might fall at any time.

At this time, all the monks in the nearby provinces and cities sensed the abnormality at the same time, because most of the spleen spiritual energy in the air seemed to have been taken away, and was being rapidly absorbed by the sky of S City, but most of them did not understand why or what happened. situation!

Yuan Yiming and Bai Su were practicing on the bed. Suddenly, they stopped and looked out the window~

Bai Su: Senior brother, is someone going to be promoted to Nascent Soul?

Yuan Yiming: I haven’t seen the transition, but it feels like it. Let’s go and take a look?

Bai Su: It’s better not to go, it looks too scary.

Yuan Yiming: Yeah, let’s continue practicing...

On Xiaobai's side, a family of three has woken up. They also know that they are about to pass the tribulation and advance. The three foxes stand upright on the top of the mountain, looking up like the sky, their eyes are unusually determined~


Three thunderbolts as thick as a baby's arm fell and hit Xiaobai's family. Xiaobai's family was shaken by the blows, but fortunately nothing happened to the first thunder~

Because Xiaobai's family drank the essence and blood of the Qingqiu Nine-tailed Fox, their bodies were extremely strong. In addition, the first sky thunder was the weakest in attack, so when this sky thunder struck down, it actually did not break the defense!

Jie Fei: Damn it, you’re awesome!

Seeing that nothing happened to Xiaobai's family, Jie Fei couldn't help but say something about the quintessence of Chinese culture.


After the Xiaobai family passed the first thunderstorm, their confidence increased greatly. The three foxes roared at the whirlpool of dark clouds above their heads, looking extremely unscrupulous, as if they were mocking, "Is that all you can do?"

Then the second sky thunder came down. This time it was obviously thicker than the first thunder, but not much thicker. This time, Xiaobai's family didn't even move. The family looked at each other and looked at each other. After his family members were all fine, he continued to stare at the sky, and continued to sneer at the sky while waiting for the third thunderstorm to come down.

About ten minutes later, the dark clouds in the sky had accumulated for a longer time this time, and then three stronger thunder struck down. This time, except for Xiaobai who was staggered by the lightning, Xiaobai's parents still did not move.


Two hours later, the eighth thunderbolt had finished striking. Xiaobai's family was now lying on the ground, gasping for air, with blood spilling from the corners of their mouths. The thunderbolt just now was already as thick as a bucket~

But soon Xiaobai's family stood up again, and their bodies were recovering quickly. Jie Fei knew that this was the effect of the magic blood stone's automatic blood recovery~

At this time, Ying Yueyang frowned beside Jie Fei and said: Young Master, Xiaobai's family's thunder tribulation is not right. I was lucky enough to see a human monk advance to the Nascent Soul to transcend tribulation. The monk's thunder tribulation was different from Xiaobai's. Compared with the power of the family's thunder tribulation, the monk's thunder tribulation was like a child playing house. The ninth thunder tribulation was no more than the thickness of an adult's arm, but Xiaobai's thunder tribulation was definitely comparable to when Yuanying advanced to become a god. Thunder disaster!

Jie Fei: Needless to say, my pet must be extraordinary.

Ying Yueyang, who was originally worried, looked at Jie Fei's confident face, and a group of little stars flashed in his eyes~

At this time, a group of heads were sitting together in the Supernatural Archives Bureau~

Situ Li: Can you find out who is going through the thunder tribulation?

Everyone shook their heads...

Because there is currently no powerful person above Nascent Soul in China, at least on the surface, so no one dares to get close to see who is going through the tribulation, for fear of letting this powerful person misunderstand. If they encounter someone with a bad temper, it is really He died unjustly, so everyone here didn't know who had overcome this thunder tribulation!

Situ Li: Hey, the news I got from Dong Qing is that the thunder tribulation this time is the thunder tribulation of the divine transformation stage. I don’t know if the ancestor of that sect came out~

I hope that after the spiritual tide passes, we will be on the side of our country!

Everyone looked solemn. You looked at me, I looked at you and you didn’t say anything...

Because everyone sitting here knows in their hearts that they don’t dare to hold out much hope that this powerful man can stand on their side, otherwise he would have already come out when the country was facing a catastrophe a hundred years ago~

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