Genshin: The god picked up by Fufu

Chapter 70 We are getting married!


Momang Palace.

"Lord Funina! Please put on the veil!" Fadia, the hidden cook, held a white veil in one hand and shouted to Funina.

Funina was seen wearing a fitted white long skirt, which was a slit long skirt without suspenders. The skirts were stacked on top of each other like waves. The design of this wedding dress is very simple, with only white as a whole, without any other color embellishments.

However, wearing this simple wedding dress on Fu Nina made her even more beautiful and lovely.

The simple design coupled with Fu Nina's girlish vitality unexpectedly attracts attention.

Although there were no decorations on the wedding dress, Funina wore a necklace made of unknown material on her white and slender jade neck.

The necklace is silver-white as a whole, with mysterious patterns on it. At the same time, a brilliant drop-shaped sapphire was set on the necklace and swayed with Funina's movements.

This gem necklace was given to Funina by Yurifas with great effort. There is only one in all worlds!

The necklace in the gemstone necklace is cylindrical and ring-shaped, with a total of nine sections, which means longevity.

The material used to make this chain is the nine great worlds.

Please don't worry, although Yurifas is a love brain, he is not a love brain that does not distinguish between right and wrong.

He did not touch the worlds in the Ten Thousand Realms, but instead created nine [empty worlds] that were the same size as the big world he was in now and had no intelligent life.

Although these nine big worlds are lifeless, the energy and future they possess are not inferior to this [Tree] and [Sea] system world.

Euripas compressed the nine great worlds into a circular cylinder, connected them together with authority, and then applied a blessing.

[The person wearing this is my beloved. May you be free from troubles, may you be happy forever, and may you always be with me. 】

This chain already has a lot of history, and the water drop sapphire has an even greater history!

That is a crystal of time and space!

One hundred percent pure, a time and space crystal condensed by Yurifas himself!

Born in darkness and chaos, Yurifas is nourished by time and space. His understanding of time and space is naturally the best in all worlds.

The ending of time and space condensed by his own hands brings together the knowledge about time and space and the use of all powers that he has accumulated over endless years, as well as the time and space energy that is so huge that it can directly destroy dozens of big worlds.

And Urifas also designed the function of automatically triggering the time and space crystal.

The purpose is to prevent Funina from having a way to protect herself if he is delayed for something in the future.

The sharing of personality and authority, Fu Nina has already created an immortal body. Not to mention the space-time energy that destroyed dozens of big worlds, even ten thousand times more energy would not be able to harm Funina at all.

Because Yurifas is not dead, Funina cannot be injured.

And if you want to kill Yurifas, you must have the power to destroy all worlds, but then you will arouse the murderous intention of the Supreme God.

A perfect endless loop!

Therefore, this water drop sapphire is said to protect Funina, but in fact it is more because Urifas wants Funina to learn how to use authority. After all, this is Funina’s power!

And the more use of this energy is for Funina to demonstrate her authority. Destruction is only incidental.

After all, Yurifas is not an evil god who destroys the world, he is just a love brain with eyes full of Funina.

The name of this gemstone necklace is [Fuyu], and it will serve as a testimony of their love.

After talking about the skirt and necklace, let us move our attention downwards.

A pair of snow-white over-the-knee socks fit tightly against Funina's slender legs. The fleshy thigh heels were just between the front skirt and the white socks, forming a wonderful absolute realm!

The most terrible thing is that the ends of the white socks are still lace.

But it's a pity that there is no leg ring to tighten the flesh this time, but the white silk leg ring is used to tighten the flesh, which can be regarded as a kind of compensation.

Finally, there is a pair of minimalist black high heels.

The large proportion of white is paired with a little black, which is suitable and eye-catching.

That's right, the wedding of Yurifas and Funina!

As today's heroine, the bride, Funina is being chased by a bunch of people in Momang Palace to dress up.

"Funina! Don't run, wait for us, your makeup is not finished yet!" Paimon flew in front of everyone holding a pile of makeup.

"Eyeliner, eyeliner! And blusher. Madam Funina, can you please stop first?" Navia held various types of eyebrow pencils and makeup brushes between her fingers, and followed closely behind Funina. .

"Lady Funina! You forgot the bouquet!" This is Clolind, she is holding a bouquet of blue roses, there are nine in total.

The flower language of blue roses is pure love, precious and rare love. Meeting you is a miracle and kindness. Among them, the meaning of nine blue roses is sincere love. You are my only one and my eternal future.

Oh ~ this damn love atmosphere!

"We know you are impatient, but how can you meet Mr. Eurifas if you don't dress yourself up beautifully?" This was her message, and she hit Funina's weakness with just one word.

After hearing Ying's fatal question, Funina, who was holding up her skirt and running on high heels, finally stopped.

Her face was slightly red and she was breathing lightly. It was obvious that she had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Huh... Then, let's delay it for a while..." Funina said intermittently.

"That's great, Lady Funina. You finally stopped." Fadia quickly put the veil on Funina's head.

"Quick, quick, sisters, move!" Navia yelled and immediately took action.

Her fingers were flying, and she was painting on Funina's face.



Navia showed off her skills, and Paimon followed closely beside her.

A few minutes later……

"Okay." Navia quickly moved away.

Then came Clolinde, who held a blue rose and handed it to Fonina.

"Lady Funina, don't forget the flowers." Clolind smiled.

"Well, don't worry." Funina took the flower and then turned around.

At this moment, her mission as a sister group was completed, and she had to walk alone the rest of the way until she reached that person's side.

"Come on! Lady Funina!" Fatiya waved her fists and encouraged.

"Come on, Lady Funina, happiness is right in front of you!" Navia smiled heartily.

Ying: "Come on, Funina..."

Paimon: "Come on Fonina!"

Clolind: "Lady Fonina, please."

With the encouragement from the sisters behind her, Funina's eyes narrowed and her expression became serious.

Go, Funina, he's waiting for you outside!

Tap tap tap... High heels tap the ground.

Squeak...the door opened, and someone pushed it open from the outside.

The man's golden eyes stared at her like this, he raised the corners of his mouth and spoke softly.

"I kept you waiting, madam..."

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