Genshin: The god picked up by Fufu

Chapter 15 God and Choice

(Private design! Private design! There are still private designs in this chapter!)

There is a sea of ​​nectar and flowers in the sky.

Legend has it that this is the country of Nabu Malikata, the mistress of the Flower Dream. She led the beautiful and innocent Zhenling clan to open up a world of endless vitality with her own power in this barren desert. The land of oasis.

[Etrunpetiland] means the land of eternal beauty. This is the beautiful blessing of the flower god Nabu Malikata to her people, and it is also the beautiful expectation for the country she governs. (I really can’t find the ancient name for the Kingdom of Flower God, so I just set it up privately)

However, the reality is extremely cruel!

The Demon God War has not yet ended, and the Flower Goddess has died. Although her country has not been completely destroyed, there are only a few Zhenlings who have lost their bodies and are still alive.

Time passed, the Demon God War ended, and the Seven Gods System was established.

On the earth, the kingdoms of the seven gods are prosperous and developing, but underground, where the eyes of the gods cannot reach, there is also a kingdom struggling to survive.

That is the godless country - [Kanria]!

More than five hundred years ago, Khanria opened the Gate of Darkness and released a tide of black beasts that devoured the world. Teyvat was once again plunged into war.

At that time, [Heavenly Principle] ordered the first-generation grass god, the Great Merciful Tree King, to deal with the pollution of the World Tree caused by the [forbidden knowledge] brought by Kanreya. He came to Kanreya with the other six gods and judged it.

The first-generation Water Goddess Egolia was the endless tide of dark beasts resisting the black abyss of the desert.

In order to protect the people she loved so much, the old water lord resisted wave after wave of beasts.

Although the beast tide is not strong, it has no end. They crawl out from the black abyss of Tumi, baring their sharp fangs at Teyvat's life.

The endless black beasts made Egolia exhausted.

In order to block the endless tide of beasts, Egolia sacrificed herself and turned into thousands of mother trees, patching up the cracked sky and blocking the black abyss from which the beast tide gushed out.

At this point, Egolia, the former lord of water and the first-generation water god, rests underground in the sea of ​​nectar and flowers.

Time is running forward, and more than five hundred years have passed.

Under the sea of ​​nectar and flowers, a huge flower bud grows here.

Two figures, one tall and one short, stopped in front of the flower buds.

In this underground space, the water element is very strong, and it also has a strong breath of life.

"Teacher, this is the place where the previous water god died as recorded in the earth's veins." Nasida pointed to the flower bud and said.

The flower buds are in a blue gradient to purple as a whole, and the center of the flower buds is a huge platform. The strange shape of this bud made Euripas doubt Egolia's aesthetics.

"Well, then I'm going to recreate the memory of the Earth's veins." Yurifas nodded and walked to the center of the bud, while an unimaginable amount of life energy gathered in his hands.

"Wait a minute, teacher..." Nacida was suddenly stuck on what she wanted to say. She felt that her worry about not having enough energy to recreate Agolia was too ridiculous.

Her teacher has more power than she could ever imagine.

The life energy in Yurifas's hand was dark green, and the energy was so rich that it rippled like water.

At this level of life energy, Nacida was extremely convinced that it was pure life energy that could compare to the life of a top demon god.

If the life energy in the teacher's hands is out of control, it should be able to immediately give birth to consciousness and become a new demon god.

Rubbing the devil casually?

Teacher, how high is his status?

Nacida originally thought that the status of [God from outside the world] was already very high, but now it seems that her teacher should be of a higher status than this.

[Supreme God outside the world] or [Creation God outside the world]?

Nacida couldn't imagine it. She only knew that her teacher used the life energy of the top demon god just to recreate a memory.

It's not accurate to say that her memory is accurate. Egolia is a god after all. Maybe she still has some residual soul left?

After all, gods and demons are the same, and their obsessions are difficult to eliminate. The only difference between the two is that the obsession of the demon will turn into curses and resentment after death, while the obsession of the god will only remain an obsession due to the heart of God and the power of the god, and it cannot affect the present world without external interference.

Nacida didn't know what to say. She could only stand aside and watch silently as Yurifas pressed his hand on the ground and injected huge life energy into the earth's veins.

With the injection of demon-level life energy, the energy of the earth's veins immediately rioted. In order to ensure the normal operation of the earth's veins, the earth's veins autonomously released excess energy, along with the past history.

This is the memory of ley lines, a method used to maintain the balance of the earth.

The biggest memory of the earth here is Egolia who resisted the tide of pitch-black beasts five hundred years ago.

"Succeeded." Yurifas said calmly.

Under the gaze of the two people, a woman with a slender figure, long white hair, and a blue and white dress slowly appeared. The woman looked like an ordinary person, but her figure was extremely illusory.

"Former Water Goddess Egolia!" Nasida was shocked. Earth veins can really be used like this!

"Unfamiliar faces." Agolia looked at Eurifas and Nacida, and she seemed to feel something. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, her eyes stayed on Nacida.

"I feel the aura of the Tree King in you. It seems that you should be the new Grass God." Agolia said with a smile to Nasida.

"Tree King? I don't know who the previous Water God you are talking about is, and the Grass God of Sumeru has always been me. There is no change of position." Nasida looked confused, and she shook her head to deny what Egolia said. Word.

Hearing this, Eurifas looked at Nacida with strange eyes. He clearly remembered that Nacida was a new god and was imprisoned by mortals three hundred years ago. But why did Nacida say that Xumi had no previous grass god?

Nasida's denial caused Agolia to fall into silence for a while, and then she smiled bitterly: "Is that so? It seems that I have been [forgotten] for a long time. Old friend, the only ones who can remember you are me and the Adventer."

"Then, the person who awakened my dirty soul that refused to dissipate must be this friend." Egolia did not feel sad for too long. Although it was a trace of obsession, she clearly understood that the two of them had something to do with each other. beg.

"It's me." Yurifas said flatly, "I have nothing to ask for, I only come here for Fontaine's prophecy."

"..." Egolia was silent.

After a long time, she spoke: "Fengdan's prophecy is the punishment of the people of Fontaine. The prophecy cannot be changed and will definitely happen."

"The reason why prophecies are prophecies is to warn people of disasters that may occur in the future, so that people can take preventive measures in advance. No prophecy is unchangeable." Urifas retorted calmly but resolutely.

"You are not from Fontaine, why are you so concerned about Fontaine's prophecy?" Egolia's water-blue eyes stared at Yurifas quietly, her lips and teeth parted slightly, "If my perception is not wrong, you are too You are not a human being, and your status seems to be higher than mine, so why would you worry about Fontaine's prophecy?"

"I am a descendant of the contemporary water god Fukalos. I wonder if this reason satisfies you?" Yurifas's eyes were unwavering, and he knew that Egolia was testing him.

"Hahaha." Egolia chuckled, feeling like she was listening to a popular joke.

A high-status being should be a dependent of a low-status being? What is this outrageous thing?

Isn't this as outrageous as [Heavenly Law] acting as a servant to mankind?

But looking at Yurifas' serious look, Egolia could only choose to believe him.

"Well, since it is the family of the child of Fukalos who is here to ask for help, I will tell you as much as I can about what I know." Egolia stretched out her hand towards Eurifas.

Looking at those illusory but slender hands, Yurifas held them without hesitation.

He is not worried about Egolia harming him. No one knows better than him Egolia's current state, a powerless obsession, and her current figure is still maintained by him.

Nasida quietly acted as a spectator. She knew that what the two said next involved Fontaine's secrets. Since Agolia chose to avoid her actively, she didn't want her to know.

She is already a sensible god and will not cause trouble to the teacher.

Yurifas felt as if he was surrounded by warm water.

Opening his eyes, he found that he was in an aqua blue space.

Opposite him, Egolia was looking at him quietly.

"I can see that when you mention the child of Fukalos, you have very different emotions in your eyes. I think that child must have a deeper meaning to you." Egolia said, "Then, you can tell me Your true identity? The powerful Mr. Demon God."

"According to Teyvat, you should call me [The Fifth Adventer]."

"I see. No wonder I always feel that the aura on your body is very mixed." Egolia nodded thoughtfully, "So it's the [Adventor]!"

"I heard Nasida say that [Adventors] all have the power to rewrite the world, so..."

Before Yurifas could finish his words, he was interrupted by Egolia.

"So you think you have the ability to break Fontaine's prophecy, right?"

"That's right." Yurifas nodded, his tone confident.

"Haha, it's a pity that Fontaine's prophecy cannot be changed even by the [Adventor]." Egoria's tone was full of sadness and self-blame, "Fontaine's prophecy, that is the end of Fontaine's sins, it is the end of Fontaine's sins. The [judgement] that people must accept cannot and cannot be changed by anyone.”

"Why? Can't even the [Adventor] do it? As the [Fifth Adventer], I have very strong power." Yurifas frowned, he hated prophecies.

"It would be better to say that it is precisely because you are the [Adventor] that you must not interfere with Fontaine's prophecy." Egolia looked up at the top of the aqua-blue space and said meaningfully, "You, the one in the sky, Have you seen it?"

"[Heavenly Law]? If you are worried about His intervention, then you can rest assured, He is not my opponent." Yurifas said confidently.

Although he can only use one-tenth of his authority, it would only take a little more effort to deal with Teyvat's [Heavenly Law].

"Haha, you are indeed very strong." Egolia smiled and continued to explain, "But no matter how strong you are, as long as you interfere with Feng Dan's prophecy, even if that person is afraid of you and dare not take action directly, he can still pass through the Heart of the Water God Kill the water god who [betrayed] Him and destroy everything in Fukalos.”

"Can you bear to see the death of the water god Fukalos?"

Egolia's question hit Euriphas' heart like a hammer.

yes! How could he accept the death of a lesser god? Wasn't everything he did to avoid the fulfillment of the prophecy?

He had vaguely guessed what was hidden behind the prophecy during the confrontation with [Tianli].

He was afraid of the reality that the prophecy would come true. That would be too cruel and unfair to the little god.

"All Fontaine people will dissolve in the sea water, leaving only the water god himself crying on the throne..." Egolia whispered the [Prophecy].

"Do you know what the end of the prophecy is?" Egolia suddenly asked.

"...This is the end of the water god..." Yurifas' voice was low, and he was in an extremely bad mood at the moment.

"Haha, this [Prophecy] is actually the punishment of the God of Heaven, you should have guessed it. After the Fontaine people dissolved, and after the Water God cried, what awaited her was the judgment of [Heavenly Law], [Water God] ] will survive, but the water god Fukalos will not." Egolia said the last paragraph of the cruel prophecy.

Euripas clenched his fists tightly, and the end result of the prophecy was indeed as he had guessed.

The throne and authority of the Water God will continue to be retained for the next Water God to inherit, but the current Water God Fukalos will die according to the prophecy!

hateful! hateful! hateful!

He couldn't let the little god die! He does not allow the little gods to be judged by [Heavenly Law]!

Urifas really wanted to vent his emotions by swearing like humans, but in his long life he could only use adjectives such as "hateful xx" and "stupid xx".

I really want to solve the [Heavenly Law] in advance, but the life of the little god is in His hands.

Euripas never imagined that one day he would not dare to take action because of the fear of a rat.

"I can only watch the prophecy come true, and can't do anything?" Yurifas was unwilling to give in. He obviously had powerful power, but he could only watch and could do nothing.

It's not that he hasn't thought about resurrecting his little god, but Egolia said that [Heavenly Law] would destroy everything in Fukalos, and he was worried that this would also include the soul of the little god.

His current authority is incapable of resurrecting soulless life. The soul is the key to resurrection. Without a soul, resurrection is just a walking corpse.

And he didn't want the little god to get hurt.

There must be a way for all this!

"If there is a way, then I think there is only one." Egolia's words made Yurifas' eyes light up, "Fukalos is an extremely special one among my many relatives. If it were her, she would definitely be able to think of that way. .The method that I died and was forced to put on hold before I could even practice it.”

"What is it?"

"Deceive [Tianli]!"

"Are you preparing..." Yurifas was stunned. Is this former water god so powerful?

"Everything starts because of me, and everything should end because of me. I am both the cause of [prophecy] and the effect of [prophecy], and cause and effect should end with me."

"But before that, I still need the help of you [the Adventer]."

Egolia's aqua blue eyes stared at Eurifas. The latter's golden eyes were as calm as before, but this time they were even more determined, and there was also a faint admiration for Egolia.

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