"About a month. The time it takes for Saye Orchid buds to bloom is the longest part of its growth cycle. By the time your vacation is about to end, Nenelli, it will almost bloom."

Ryan smiled lightly and explained for Nenelli.


Nunnelli looked at the flower bud and responded softly, somewhat absent-mindedly and not knowing what she was thinking.

"Don't think about using the healing spell on it a few more times, otherwise it may be counterproductive."

Ryan reminded with a smile.

Hearing this, Ninelli's face turned red and she turned around and said, "I...I didn't think so!"

"It's best if you don't think so."

Ryan stood up and rubbed Nunnally's little head:

"You must remember that no matter what happens, don't act too hastily. You must stay absolutely calm and take one step at a time... It's getting late. Let's go outside and draw the magic circle again, shall we?"


Ninelli looked up at Ryan for a moment, then nodded, followed Ryan to the yard, and began to draw the magic circle that Ryan taught her.

The main magic element of this magic array is the fire element. Although it is complex, it incorporates many of the essence of the fire element magic array.

As long as Ninelli can master this set of magic arrays, she will definitely be able to master other fire element magic arrays in the future.

So today, Ryan did not ask Ninelli to simply draw the magic circle and end it. Instead, he deliberately asked Ninelli to slow down and asked Ninelli about the principle at every step.

Because as mentioned above, what Ryan hopes is that Ninelli can understand this magic circle comprehensively, instead of just being able to simply draw this magic circle.

Fortunately, Ninelli's talent in this area has never let Ryan down. As long as Ryan asks questions, Ninelli can basically answer them fluently.

Ninelli's performance in this area was so good that in Ryan's eyes, it was completely unlike what a nine-year-old girl could possess.

After carefully drawing the magic circle, the sky turned completely dark. Nenelli returned to the mansion and took a bath. After Ryan blew her hair, the two of them went back to their rooms to rest.

That night, Ninelli slept soundly and had a sweet dream.

In the dream, she won first place in the magic test. Ryan, who was accompanying her, happily picked her up and kissed her on the face.

Because of this dream, Ninelli woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, rolled around on the bed several times with her pillow in her arms, and finally fell asleep sweetly.

? ? ? ?

The next morning, Ryan opened his eyes, sat up from the bed slightly sluggishly, then stretched, waiting for his brain to start up.

After the brain was successfully restarted, Ryan got out of bed, put on his black butler uniform, and was about to open the door and walk out of the room, when a soft voice appeared in Ryan's mind.

——Mr. Butler, good morning.

Ryan smiled faintly, closed his eyes, and replied in his heart:

——Amiya, good morning, what can you do?

——No, it’s okay, I just want to say good morning to Mr. Butler.

After saying that, Amiya's voice stopped ringing.

Ryan laughed dumbly and then walked out of his room.

Before he could see the outside environment clearly, Ryan felt a black shadow flash before his eyes, causing Ryan to subconsciously put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

But the next moment, Ryan put his hand down.

"Good morning, Mr. Lane!"

Seeing that it was Daisy who threw herself into her arms, she then raised her head and said hello with a bright smile.

Ryan breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and tapped Daisy on the head: "You scared me to death."

I almost drew my sword and cut you down...


Daisy let go of Ryan with a smile, took two steps back, and said, "I heard from my sister that Mr. Ryan wants to cheer up the young lady today, so Daisy also wants to cheer up Mr. Lane today!"

Ryan crossed his arms: "The way you cheer me up is to scare me?"

"Not at all!"

Daisy curled her lips and said, "This is Daisy's hug! Did Mr. Lane feel full of energy after being hugged by Daisy?"

I didn’t feel that I was full of energy, but the scare just now really made me energetic...

Of course, Ryan did not say this directly to Daisy. Instead, he rubbed Daisy's head and said, "Thank you, Daisy."

Daisy catered to Ryan's hand rubbing her head, her eyes narrowed, looking like she was enjoying it:

"Hmm~ If Mr. Lane likes it, Daisy can give Mr. Lane a hug every morning!"

I feel like Daisy is like a puppy...

After hearing Daisy's words, Ryan's lips twitched slightly:

"Uh... forget it."

After washing up, Ryan began to prepare breakfast.

Because the ingredients had been processed last night, today's breakfast was quickly brought to the table by Ryan, and at this time, Ninelli had not yet come out of the bathroom.

After finishing the table, Delly yawned lazily, with hazy tears hanging from the corners of her eyes, as if she hadn't woken up at all.

Seeing this, Ryan couldn't help but ask: "Is it because you didn't sleep last night? I remember that the dinner I made last night can be very effective in helping you sleep."

"It's just so effective..."

Delly rubbed her eyes and said: "Last night Daisy suddenly woke me up and asked me what I should do to make Mr. Lane happy. After chatting for a long time, I told Daisy that actually just giving Mr. Lane a hug in the morning would be fine. …It’s a shame that Daisy is still so energetic in the morning.”

Ryan: "..."

It turns out that this idea was yours!

Ryan was about to say something, but at this moment, Nunnally walked out of the bathroom and sat on a small chair with her wet blond hair.

Ryan stepped forward knowingly and began to blow-dry Nenelli's hair.

When her hair was held up by Ryan, Nunnally suddenly remembered the dream she had last night, and her face couldn't help but blush slightly.

Why did I have such a strange dream last night...

Although... I really want to be praised, but hugging her and giving her a kiss is too much, right?

Who wants to be kissed on the face by this guy?

"Nenelli, your hair is done. It's time to have breakfast."

While Ninelli was thinking wildly, Ryan quickly blew out Ninelli's hair.

Nunnally shook her head to get rid of the distracting thoughts in her heart, and sat down at the dining table to eat breakfast.

After enjoying breakfast, Ryan took Ninelli to Olcott College to prepare for today's autumn assessment.

(Many people have wondered what the Minotaur is, so I’ll post a picture here for you to understand)

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