After retiring, I became Loli’s magic mentor

Chapter 7 The lady is actually shy?

The next day, as soon as a ray of sunlight penetrated into the house, Ryan opened his eyes.

Get out of bed, change clothes, and start a new day of housekeeping work.

Regarding the housekeeper's work, Ryan took over the job very quickly and very naturally.

After giving Nenelli the magic tutorial last night, Ryan found that he also began to like this proud and tenacious little loli.

If the butler's job is just to take care of Nenelli, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.

When I opened the door, I saw the maid sister Daili Daisy mopping the floor. It seemed that she had been working for a while.

I thought I woke up very early...

"Good morning, Mr. Lane."

Seeing Ryan, the two sisters smiled and said hello. Ryan nodded, said "good morning" in reply, and prepared to get water to wash their faces.

"I have already prepared the water for washing in the morning, including Mr. Lane's share."

At this time, Delly suddenly said.

Ryan was startled for a moment, then smiled and nodded to Delly: "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard. Mr. Lane, please go wash up first. You have to send the lady to the academy later."

Alcott College allows students to enter with escort knights or personal butlers, but they can only bring one, which is a way to show their status.

After washing up, Ryan walked to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast.

Daisy came over smelling the smell, her mouth was still salivating: "Mr. Lane, what are you eating this morning?"

"Why are you asking what to eat? Just wait until you eat."

With that said, Ryan put his palm on Daisy's face and pushed Daisy's face away from the pot: "Go, don't drool into the pot!"

After taking out the pot, putting it on the plate and serving it on the table, Ryan was about to call Ninelli to get up when he saw the door to Ninelli's room being opened. Ninelli walked out of the room yawning, her little face full of exhaustion.

The smooth blond hair yesterday became messy and messy, like a bird's nest.

Ninelli is now wearing the school uniform of Alcott College. The overall uniform is beige, with a small skirt, a red ribbon tied at the collar, and white knee-high socks on her legs, which is very in line with the look of an aristocratic college. temperament.

It also makes Ninelli a bit cuter in Ryan's eyes.

"Miss, it's time to wash up."

Seeing Ninelli's appearance, Ryan had already guessed that Ninelli probably didn't sleep last night.

Just as Ryan guessed, because she suddenly learned the magic she dreamed of last night, Ninelli has been tossing and turning on the bed since she returned to the room, and she was so excited that she couldn't sleep.


Nunnally rubbed her eyes, responded, and walked towards Ryan.

The two sisters Daisy and Delly looked at each other with a strange expression.

After the death of Butler Lamb, the two sisters were the ones who stayed with Nenelli the longest in the mansion.

They also understand Nenelli's character very well.

Normally, when Miss Nenelli is called to wash up, the most she can do is nod her head in response, and she doesn't have a good look towards anyone.

But now, even though she was only facing Ryan, whom she had just met yesterday, Miss Nenelli actually said "here"?

The two sisters blinked and finally looked at Ryan with admiration.

As expected of Mr. Lane!

Ryan didn't know how difficult it was for Ninelli to say "I'm here". He just felt that the relationship between Ninelli and him was finally not so distant compared to yesterday, and he couldn't help but feel a little happy in his heart.

After Ninelli finished washing, Ryan pulled a chair over to Ninelli, and asked Ninelli, who was still a little dazed, to sit on the chair and prepare to blow-dry Ninelli's hair.

After using a towel to absorb most of the water on Nenelli's wet blond hair, Ryan recited a spell silently in his heart, and a gust of wind was released from his palms.


With her hair blown by the wind magic, Nenelli's eyes finally showed a little more sparkle: "Where did you learn your magic?"

This is actually something that Ninelli has been curious about since last night.

"The person who taught me magic is an elf."

Ryan didn't hide anything and answered frankly.


Nynnally became even more curious.

However, due to her personality, she suppressed her inner curiosity and did not ask further questions to avoid being regarded as a curious baby by Ryan.

However, is Ryan's magic mentor actually a real elf? No wonder Ryan knows so much about magic theory.

After blow-drying Ninelli's hair, Ryan smoothed Ninelli's blond hair with his hand.

Well, it's very soft and feels good in the hand. It reminds Ryan of a round fur ball monster that he often encountered in the demon territory when he was in the Knights.

This kind of furball monster is only as big as a palm and screams very fiercely. In fact, it is not aggressive at all. Every time Ryan takes a break, he always grabs one and plays with it.

Sitting on the chair, Nunnally took the knife and fork from Ryan and started to enjoy breakfast.

Ryan stood behind Ninelli and watched Ninelli quietly eating breakfast.

Suddenly, Nunnally turned to look at Ryan, tried her best to pretend to be indifferent, and asked: "Have you eaten?"

Ryan shook his head.

"Sit down and eat together."


Ryan was slightly startled and expressed doubt.

"I don't mean anything else, it's just have to send me to the academy later, and I don't have time to wait for you to have breakfast..."

As she said that, Nyneri looked away and her voice became softer and softer.


The maid sisters whispered and leaned together. Miss Nenelli was actually shy? so cute!

"My pleasure."

Ryan didn't see Ninelli's shy expression, but responded in line with the rules of a housekeeper, and then went to the kitchen to get his own breakfast.

What Ryan hadn't noticed yet was that after he said that response, Nenelli's shy expression instantly darkened.

After finishing breakfast in a silent atmosphere, Nunnally wiped her mouth and jumped off the chair: "Is it time to go?"

"Yes, it is."

Delly stood standard, squinting her eyes and smiling: "The church bell is probably going to ring soon, right? If you two don't set off quickly, I'm afraid you'll be late."

Ryan & Nunnally: "!!!"


The huge bell of the church also rang at the right time, which meant that it was time for Art City to officially face a new day, and the residents of Art City should also go out to work at this time.

There are still ten minutes until class starts at Alcott College!

Ryan immediately picked up Nunnally and rushed out of the mansion to the stables.

The skinny horse that Ryan brought yesterday was eating grass leisurely in the stable. When he saw Ryan, he was very familiar with it and called out.

Putting Nernelli, who had become a little stiff, on the horse's back, Ryan then climbed onto the horse, holding the reins with one hand and hugging Nernelli with the other:

"Miss, sit tight!"


Nynaeli seemed to have just come back to her senses and expressed doubts, and the next moment, Ryan waved the reins.


The thin horse whinnied loudly, then rushed out of the stable and out of the mansion gate like the wind, galloping towards Alcott College.

Ninelli subconsciously wanted to scream, but she forced herself to swallow it back, causing her face to turn red.

Closing her eyes tightly, Nernelli unconsciously grabbed onto Ryan's clothes, wanting to rub her whole body into Ryan's body.

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