Orders were quickly given.

Ryan was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the Alliance Army, and the Dragon Lord Stasa as the deputy commander-in-chief.

Stasa had no objection to this assignment, but Ryan was a little surprised.

Daly was in charge of overall logistics, while the other generals had their own arrangements, and most of them went with the army.

Nemituya and Matsumiya Chiba first led elite troops to escort Fina back to Weifeng to ensure that the food and grass could safely reach the border city. Once there were enough food and grass, they would immediately launch an attack on the demons!

After everything was arranged, everyone dispersed. Although the distance between the border city and Wei Feng was not far, there was no way to deliver so much food and fodder all at once.

However, the army only needs a batch of food needed for the expedition, and the subsequent food will be sent directly to the front line by Wei Feng, which can greatly speed up the time.

Even so, it will take five or six days.

On that day, Ryan stayed in the border city for a day. After making sure that the border city was stable, Ryan hurried back to the elf settlement.

There, Ryan had another important thing to do.

The next day, every household in the elf settlement received an invitation.

The content of the invitation was very simple, it said that Ryan and Ivy were getting married tomorrow and everyone was welcome to come and support them if they were free.

Just such a simple invitation caused an uproar in the entire elven settlement.

Needless to say, Ivy, the leader of the Archer Corps, is well-known for her superb archery skills. There is no one in the alliance who doesn't know her.

Who is Ryan? Not long ago, he led his army to defeat the 200,000-strong demon army and captured the border city in one fell swoop, solving the current dilemma of the alliance. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a hero of the alliance!

Just two days ago, Ryan was appointed as the commander-in-chief to lead the army to war. It was hard for the people of the alliance not to know him.

Many people want to thank Ryan in person but haven't had the chance yet.

On the night when the invitations were sent out, Futini in the palace looked at Ryan with a headache: "Ryan, you are a little too anxious, the people in the border city are still farming.

As soon as they heard that you were going to marry Ivy, they didn't want to farm anymore and insisted on coming to the wedding."

Ryan smiled awkwardly: "Let's tell them to farm well. The overall situation is more important."


Futini sighed. To be honest, she was very envious of Ivy at the moment.

In fact, the moment Ryan came back, she was eager to fulfill her engagement with him and get married on the spot.

But... the demon army is outside, and the situation of the alliance is not optimistic. As a leader, she can only put her love affairs aside for the time being.

Now that the border city has been taken and the alliance situation is gradually improving, Futini thought that she could now marry Ryan in a grand ceremony.

However, it won't be long before Ryan has to lead his troops to war, and she becomes busy again, making it difficult to find time.

Do we have to wait until Ryan defeats the Demon King? What if Ryan defeats the Demon King and goes back to ten years ago?

Thinking of this, Futini sighed again.

Seeing Futini sighing repeatedly, Ryan said with a wry smile: "How about I discuss it with Ivy and postpone it for a few days."

"Forget it, the invitations have already been sent out, and don't keep Ivy waiting any longer."


The next day, Ryan and Ivy held a grand wedding in front of the branches of the Eternal Tree.

The Eternal Secret Realm was crowded with people. The people who came to attend the wedding completely filled the secret realm. They spontaneously brought food from their homes and held a sumptuous banquet.

Harold took time out of his busy schedule to serve as the master of ceremonies. He was extremely happy when he saw the handsome man and beautiful woman.

The traditional wedding dress of the elves is an emerald green, dress-like garment. When worn by Ivy, she looks like a dancing flower fairy.

There was no complicated process. The two of them made vows to each other in front of the branch of the tree of eternity, then kissed, and their relationship as husband and wife was established.

The branches of the Eternal Tree suddenly shook, summoning a ball of dew formed by pure magic, which slowly floated in front of the two.

Ryan and Ivy stretched out their index fingers at the same time, and the essence of magic was absorbed by them, symbolizing that they accepted the blessing of the Eternal Branch.

Thunderous applause suddenly broke out in the secret realm, and the wedding banquet officially began.

It was not until late at night that everyone dispersed and Ryan and Ivy entered the bridal chamber. Ivy finally got what she wished for.

The next morning, Ryan combed the hair of Ivy, who had officially become his wife. Ivy enjoyed Ryan combing her hair while writing in her notebook with beautiful handwriting.

Ryan looked at Ivy's notebook and found that it was recording what happened yesterday. Every time she wrote a word, Ivy's face was filled with happiness.

However, if you look closely, you can see that there is still dust on the notebook that has not been wiped clean.

"It seems like this notebook hasn't been written in a long time?"

"Well, after all, it only records things between you and me. I haven't touched it in the ten years since you were away."

At this point, Ivy paused and continued, "If possible, I hope you can go back ten years ago and bring this notebook with you so that I can take a look at it."

"Can't I just tell you orally?"

"No, after you achieve Nirvana, I will tell you all these things. What if I missed some details?"

Ryan stopped talking immediately.

Noticing that Ryan was a little depressed, Ivy stood up, turned around and hugged Ryan, saying softly:

"Well, nirvana isn't a bad thing - at least it's not a bad thing for me, because then you can always be with me.

If you hadn't achieved Nirvana, I would have been alone when I was over a hundred years old, and would have been a widow at such a young age."

Being over a hundred years old, it was indeed not a problem for an elf to be young, but it sounded weird.

Ryan couldn't help but laugh out loud, raising his hand to scratch Ivy's delicate nose: "Why are you a widow? I will always be with you."


After spending some more time with Ryan, Ivy went out to the archery training ground.

Because she had to mobilize a large army, Ivy was quite busy these past two days.

? ? ? ?

In the library of the magic space, Alice watched the interaction between the two quietly, then looked down at the half-created magic she had created, and fell silent for a while.

In the past two days, after studying the ancient elf magic brought by Fina, Alice discovered that this magic has a lot in common with Ryan's Nirvana.

After further careful study, Alice discovered that as long as she spent a little time to modify the magic and combined it with Ryan's Nirvana characteristics, Ryan could retain all his memories without any sequelae even if he achieved Nirvana.

However, this also means that Ryan will gain true "eternal life". (Fox Canteen, there is nothing to cook, just use the air fryer to fry something)

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