After retiring, I became Loli’s magic mentor

Chapter 512 Retaking the Border City

While the magician army continued to bombard the city walls, the rest of the troops also assembled siege equipment and began to attack the sturdy gates of the border city.

The demon defenders did not dare to show their heads on the top of the city wall. They could only watch as the city gate was breached bit by bit by the allied forces. Their will was gradually worn out by the sound of the city gate being banged against.

"What are you all standing there for! Form your battle array, quickly form your battle array, and be ready to meet the attack of the allied forces at any time!"

The Demon City Lord roared in frustration. In fact, he was also extremely frightened at the moment, but he never thought of abandoning the city and fleeing.

It’s not that this demon city lord is so righteous. He will die if he defends the city, but if he abandons the city and flees, he will be caught by the Demon King and his life will be worse than death!

It was not until it was completely dark that, with a huge roar, the gate of the border city was finally broken and the allied army swarmed in.


The demon defenders waved their weapons in desperation and rushed forward with strange cries.


The vanguard of the alliance army was the orc warriors. After Nemituya led the warriors with a loud roar, she swung her giant sword and smashed a leading demon guard into the ground.

Behind the beast warriors came Minggao's warriors. They brandished their swords and began to vigorously kill the chaotic demon guards.

As soon as the two armies met, a one-sided massacre ensued!

The demon warriors who had blocked the Four-Tribe Alliance in the Whispering Forest for a full ten years were now completely weak beasts, allowing themselves to be slaughtered by the alliance army whose hearts were filled with hatred and anger.

Seeing this scene, the Demon City Lord finally collapsed. After taking two steps back, he turned around and tried to escape.

Fuck the life worse than death! Anyway, it’s not death! I don’t want to die! I want to live!!

Then, the Demon City Lord had just turned around when he felt a chill on his neck, and a slight tingling sensation spread from his neck throughout his body.

He lowered his head in a daze, and saw a slender hand holding a short knife that was flashing with cold light. The blade was now on his neck, and a line of blood was flowing from the wound caused by the blade.

At the same time, Yazhi's ghostly voice came from behind him:

"Where do you want to escape to, Your Excellency the City Lord?"

The Demon City Lord immediately opened his mouth wide: "Don't..."


The fighting continued until dawn. The flag of the Allied Forces was raised on the city wall of the border city. The haze that had been covering the sky over Hedley seemed to dissipate, and the sunlight spread over the flag that was fluttering in the wind.

The Allied Forces recapture the eastern border city!

The entrance to the elven settlement opened, and a large number of people poured out, cheering as they headed towards their homes.

Capturing the border city is not as simple as taking down a city. There are large tracts of wasteland and the entire Whispering Forest behind the city, which allow the people to cultivate more fields and build larger homes.

At this moment, they finally no longer have to worry about crowded living space and scarce survival resources!

Noelle was immediately transferred to the border city and began to deal with the issue of resource allocation for the people.

As the land resources that could be mobilized became more abundant, Noelle became more radiant.

At this time, Noelle was sitting in the city lord's mansion of the border city, taking care of government affairs, while Ryan was standing behind Noelle, taking care of her hair.

With Ryan's operation, Noelle's originally messy gray hair became smooth and seemed to be shining.

"Thank you for your hard work, father."

Noelle turned her head and smiled at Ryan, then continued to take care of her own government affairs.

Ryan poked his head in and looked over: "Are they letting the dragons build nests directly outside the Whispering Forest?"


Noelle nodded and said, "The environment of the Whispering Forest is very suitable for dragons to live in. At the same time, if the dragons live outside the Whispering Forest, they can also support the border city at any time.

In addition, while letting the people reclaim the wasteland outside, we must not neglect the resource construction in the elf settlement. If an accident happens outside, we can always return to the elf settlement to continue the stalemate with the demons. "

"Don't worry."

Ryan rubbed Noelle's head and said, "We no longer need to live in the elf settlement. Not now, and not in the future."

"Well, I believe in father."

After accompanying Noelle to handle government affairs for a while, Ryan left the City Lord's Mansion and breathed the fresh air outside.

Well, it’s not too fresh actually. The smell of blood still lingers in the air.


At this moment, a lively shout was heard. Ryan subconsciously turned his head and saw a petite black shadow flying into his arms.

Ryan smiled and hugged him, flicking his cute black ears: "Noah, didn't you go to the academy today?"

"The academy is closed today."

Noah hugged Ryan tightly and said with a smile: "I saw everything Dad did yesterday. Dad is so handsome!"


Being praised by Noah, Ryan was very proud: "Is Li'er here?"

"Mom is here too. Sister Ysera brought us here."

As soon as Noah finished speaking, Sajili's figure appeared in Ryan's sight.

Holding Noah in front of Sajilier, Ryan noticed that Sajilier had slightly swollen eyes, and asked, "Didn't you sleep last night?"

"I'm a little worried about you being away at war."

Sajilier did not deny it.

Ryan gently stroked Sajili's hair: "Don't you still trust me? Look, I'm fine now, right?"

"Well, I'm glad you're okay. By the way, I heard that Fina is coming today too."

"Fina is coming too?" Ryan raised his eyebrows slightly.

It is worth mentioning that Fina did not die at the hands of the demons during these ten years.

When Hedley fell, Futini led most of the people to the elven settlement, while Fina went to Weifeng and became a local emperor.

Wei Feng was on the north side of the Whispering Forest, forming a clever pincer attack with the elven settlement.

Under Fina's management, Wei Feng was able to barely resist the attack of the demons - it would be better to say that the demons focused all their attention on the elven settlement. After all, Wei Feng was troublesome to attack and had little strategic value.

The demons attacked the alliance of four tribes. Wei Feng's dispatch of troops did not have a big impact on the demons as a whole. However, if the demons attacked Wei Feng and the alliance of four tribes had enough energy to attack the border city, it would be a big trouble.

Just like the situation now.

"Well, after all, we have taken a big step towards fighting back against the demons. As a staunch ally, Fina will definitely come to take a look."

As she spoke, Sajilier stared at Ryan, her eyes narrowed slightly:

"At the same time, she is also missing you as her old friend, right?"

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