After retiring, I became Loli’s magic mentor

Chapter 46 Introduction to the Magic Swordsman

After listening to Ryan's words word for word, Yvette nodded, raised her sword, and began to mobilize the magic power in her body.

According to Ryan, Yvette first used the magic swordsman's magic vein channeling method to guide the magic power to her right arm.

Then, is the most critical step.

Yvette took a deep breath, recalling the flames she had just summoned, and began to control the magic power guided into her left arm, turning it into such flames!


With a thought of Yvette, all the magic power in the magic veins of her right arm turned into scorching flames. The feeling of the magic veins being burned was like countless spikes piercing into her body, and the severe pain spread instantly. whole body!

With a thud, Yvette knelt on the ground with her sword in hand, her teeth clenched, and her eyebrows were covered with sweat in the blink of an eye.

And as she couldn't hold on any longer, the severe pain increased instead of decreasing, making Yvette even more miserable!

"Keep calm! Don't let the fire in your body lose its stability!"

Ryan's shout came from the side.

Hearing Ryan's voice, Yvette's blurred eyes regained some clarity. She worked hard to straighten her body and regain control of the flames in her magic veins.

Although the severe pain was still there, Yvette still gritted her teeth and held on.

"it is good!"

Ryan once again couldn't help but sigh at Yvette's willpower. This willpower is one of the best even among his Knights of the Eclipse.

Like his deputy captain, Ryan also tried to teach him two moves, but after a while he screamed and stopped practicing.

To use the old guy's exact words, "I would rather die on the battlefield because of poor martial arts skills than practice this kind of ghost thing."

"Next, treat the sword in your hand as part of your body, and then control the flames in the veins to guide them to the sword like it is guided to other magic veins!"

According to what Ryan said, Yvette began to guide the flames in her body to the long sword in her hand.

The flames flowed through the magic veins, as if magma was flowing through it, but Yvette still held on.

The next moment, the long sword in Yvette's hand was slowly wrapped in a layer of hot flames.

Seeing this scene, Nunnali opened her mouth slightly, a little surprised.

Because this is different from simply attaching magic elements to a weapon, Nenelli can clearly feel that the flames wrapped in this long sword are far more powerful than the flames that Yvette usually summons with magic!

Ryan nodded vigorously and said, "Now, swing your sword! Release all these flames!"


Yvette could also clearly feel the connection between the flame and herself. When she heard Ryan's words, Yvette let out a scream and swung down the long sword in her hand with all her strength!


A huge half-moon-shaped flame was released along with the trajectory of Yvette's long sword, carrying a blazing heat wave. Although it dissipated after cutting for a certain distance, no one present dared to underestimate its destruction. force!

All the magical elements that tortured her were released in one breath. Yvette felt that her whole body was light, and she breathed heavily in relief, and the sweat on her face was still flowing down.

However, seeing the flaming sword energy she had just wielded, Yvette's little face showed a smile from the bottom of her heart.

"Is this...the power of the magic swordsman..."

The magic swordsman's power did not disappoint her.

Just the simple sword energy just now made Yvette feel that her efforts during this period were completely correct.

Ryan nodded. The magic sword energy released by the magic swordsman through the magic veins is completely different from the magic that is simply thrown or the magic that is attached to the weapon and then wielded.

This concept is similar to a weapon called a gun in the memory of the evil time traveler in Ryan's mind. A bullet loaded into the gun and fired through the barrel is much more lethal than simply throwing it out.

"Master...are we...still going on?"

After releasing the first sword energy belonging to the magic swordsman, although Yvette was very tired, her fighting spirit was unprecedentedly high. She gasped and asked Ryan excitedly.

This was the first time that Ryan saw Yvette so excited. However, for the sake of Yvette's health, Ryan did not strike while the iron was hot. He shook his head and said:

"You'd better go and rest. Take a rest for a while before continuing to practice. There is still plenty of time."

After saying that, Ryan waved his hand and gave Yvette a healing spell.

The huge green magic ball enveloped Yvette's entire body, making Yvette feel that her whole body was warm, and her aching magic veins gradually healed.

After taking a long breath, Yvette walked aside and began to recall the feeling when she just released the sword energy.

Ryan continued to teach Nenelli swordsmanship.

The scene of teaching Ninelli the swordsmanship was much more pleasant. Ryan was teaching Ninelli the simple basics of swordsmanship step by step. In Yvette's opinion, Ryan was like teaching a child to learn to walk...

But looking at such a scene, Yvette found herself feeling more and more envious.

When she was practicing swordsmanship in the past, no one had ever taught her swordsmanship so considerately.

During the training, Ninelli glanced at Yvette a few times, and then asked Ryan:

"Isn't the way that elf swordsmen use swords as a medium similar to that of magic swordsmen?"

Ryan held his chin and thought for a moment, then nodded: "It's very similar..."

Nenelli's face turned pale.

"...But the overall training methods of elf swordsmen are very gentle, so don't worry."

Ninelli breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't be out of breath when you talk!"

"Okay, okay, your posture when holding the sword is crooked again."

After practicing with Nunnally, Ryan started practicing with Yvette again.

The second time Yvette wielded the sword energy, she was obviously much more proficient than the first time. Her progress was like a rocket, which is enough to show Yvette's talent in this area.

In this way, Ryan trained the two little lolita in turns until lunch time.

After having a satisfying lunch at the mansion, Yvette said goodbye and went home.

Before Yvette left, Ryan told Yvette:

"Before next Sunday, you just need to practice stabilizing the flame. As for the sword energy, you must not practice it by yourself without my guidance. Do you understand?"

Yvette nodded solemnly, agreed, and then left the mansion with her maid.

After eating and resting for a while, Ryan and Ninelli continued to practice swordsmanship in the yard until it got dark before returning to the mansion to rest.

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