After retiring, I became Loli’s magic mentor

Chapter 44 Where is the little match girl?

Because there are many nobles in Art City and Fina is the Duke, the quality of life of the common people here is also improved by the consumption level of the nobles.

In addition, there are not many entertainment projects on weekdays, so most people in Art City, no matter whether they are nobles or commoners, will habitually buy a cheap newspaper every day.

It is precisely because of this that even if the response to "Cinderella" is good enough, the newspaper may not sell too much more, so it is still willing to give Ryan 10% of the profit, which shows how much the person in charge likes this fairy tale.

Ryan nodded: "Next time you go, thank the person in charge for me. As for the meeting, I'm afraid it will be difficult in a short time."

"I understand, and that's how I responded to him at the time."

Delly smiled and said: "As for the signature, because I thought Mr. Lane might not want his real name to be used, I took it upon myself to give him one."

"What signature?"

Ryan couldn't help but ask.

At the same time, Ryan couldn't help but sigh in his heart for Delly's carefulness.

Many things that might have taken four or five times to resolve were all considered and completely resolved by Delly at once.

After only getting along for a few days, Ryan felt as if he had been seen through by Delly.

Is this one of the talents of a good maid?

"Black Butler."

Daisy was still smiling.

Ryan: "..."

Well, these two words are connected together. They are simple and slightly weird at the same time, but they are indeed very consistent with Ryan's identity.

No matter, as long as it's not your real name, anything will do.

Soon, lunch was cooked and plated, and Ryan and Delly brought it to the table together.

Ninelli had already sat down at the dining table. Ryan raised his head and shouted towards Ninelli's room:

"Yvette, it's time to eat!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the door to Nenelli's room was opened, and Yvette walked out of the room.

Although Yvette was resting in Nenelli's room, she did not fall asleep. Instead, while resting, she kept recalling and consolidating her last successful method of summoning fire.

Another small part of the reason is that Yvette is very much looking forward to the lunch made by Ryan...

It had been a long time since Yvette had been in such a mood of looking forward to every meal. It wasn't that Yvette was precocious, but that Yvette was too easily satisfied with food, as long as it could fill her stomach.

But after eating the meal cooked by Ryan last night, Yvette ate the breakfast cooked by her servant this morning, and found that it was a bit tasteless...

To put it bluntly, it took just one meal for Ryan to spoil Yvette's taste.

Arriving at the dining table, Yvette sat down opposite Nunnelli, and after nodding to each other, Yvette began to prepare for the meal.

Ryan handed Ninelli the chopsticks, and then handed Yvette the knife and fork.

However, Yvette did not take the knife and fork, but said to Ryan:

"Excuse me, Master, can I use chopsticks too?"

"Oh that's fine."

Ryan nodded and replaced Yvette's knife and fork with chopsticks.

Yvette took the chopsticks, arranged her posture very familiarly, and picked up the dishes smoothly. Her movements were even more skillful than Nenelli, who had practiced hard yesterday.

Seeing this, Ryan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

By the way, Yvette took a pair of chopsticks from her yesterday. Could it be that she practiced secretly after returning home?

Ryan couldn't help but feel a little funny when he thought of this.

Yvette's unwillingness to admit defeat is quite cute.

After taking a bite, Yvette took another sip of the soup made by Ryan with a spoon. As the soup entered her throat, Yvette's eyes lit up slightly, and her head, which was still a little dizzy, suddenly became much clearer.

As for the taste, Yvette couldn't really distinguish it for a while. There was some familiar taste, but it seemed to be neutralized by other tastes.

Anyway, it tastes good!

Ninelli's eyes brightened slightly after drinking the soup, and her frequency of using the spoon became visibly faster.

Spoonful after spoonful, the soup bowl quickly reached the bottom, and all the food on the plate was eaten away.

The two little lolita couldn't uphold the elegant etiquette of the nobles anymore. They slumped on the chair and started rubbing their bellies, and they could hardly stand up straight.

I seem to have accidentally cooked too much for lunch today...

Ryan twitched his lips, feeling that the afternoon swordsmanship practice would have to be postponed for a while longer, and the two little guys had to digest it.

They brought the tableware into the kitchen, and while Ryan and Delly were washing the tableware together, a cute little head poked out from the kitchen door.

Ryan noticed the little head and said:

"Daisy, what's wrong?"

Ryan suddenly realized that he didn't seem to see Daisy much all morning.

Daisy lowered her head and walked into the kitchen silently, holding a piece of paper in her hand. On the paper was the story Lane wrote that morning, "Little Red Riding Hood".

Seeing that Daisy was a little depressed, Ryan wiped his hands and came to Daisy: "Don't you like today's story?"


Daisy shook her head quickly: "I also like the story Mr. Lane wrote today! But... but..."

"But what happened?"

Daisy lifted the paper in her hand:

"Although Cinderella's life was miserable, she had the help of birds, married a prince, and the two sisters who bullied her also suffered a deserved end; Little Red Riding Hood had a grandmother who loved her, although in the end her grandmother was killed by the Big Gray The wolf swallowed it, but with the help of the hunter, the big bad wolf died. Little Red Riding Hood and grandma were all safe, but...

What about the little match girl? "

Ryan was startled.

Daisy continued: "The little match girl's life was also very miserable, but there were no birds to help her, her grandmother who loved her passed away, and there were no hunters to help her. In the end, she froze to death on the street, beating her The father did not get the punishment he deserved...

Why is that little match girl so miserable? "

Ryan opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

In fact, Ryan really wanted to tell Daisy that the little match girl was actually the current situation of most people in miserable situations. There were not that many birds and hunters in the world who were willing to help the miserable people.

But when he met Daisy's pure eyes, Ryan found that he couldn't speak.

You are already fourteen years old, why are you still so innocent...

In the end, Daisy didn't get a reply from Ryan and had to leave alone.

Ryan looked at Delly, who followed Ryan's example and shrugged:

"After reading your story about Little Red Riding Hood today, Daisy became like this and asked me the same question. I don't know how to reply..."

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