After retiring, I became Loli’s magic mentor

Chapter 296 Orcs are still durable!


In the morning, Nesaldo opened his eyes in the tent, yawned and sat up.

Listening to the laughter of the children outside the tent and the sound of the cavalry's hoofbeats, Nesaldo couldn't help but laugh.

It's better to be in the tribe. If we were migrating at this moment, we wouldn't be able to sleep so well.

After washing his face with the water prepared in advance in the tent, before Nesaldo could wipe it, the curtain was opened, and the cold wind that came in made Nesaldo shiver.

Turning his head and seeing that it was the tribe's shaman, Nesaldo said, "Lagus, what's wrong so early?"

"The scouts have come to report that Hei Niyin, the leader of the Kaquan clan, has personally led an army and is already heading towards us."

The situation sounded quite serious, but there was no hint of anxiety in Ragus' tone.

On the contrary, this matter is still in their plans.

Nesaldo also showed no signs of losing his composure. He wiped his face calmly and then asked:

"Where's Lil?"

"Li'er led the army to set off last night. By this time, it should have been missed by the Kaquan clan's army."

"That's good."

As long as there's nothing wrong with Sajili'er, now it's up to Ryan.

Thinking of this, Nesaldo raised his head and looked at the roof of the tent.

It feels so good that I don’t have to use my brain at all.

It would be better if Mentor Ryan could be kept in the tribe...

"By the way, where is Teacher Ryan?"

"Uh... Master Ryan, he..."

Hearing this, Ragus looked a little strange: "Master Ryan is training our cavalry?"


Nesaldo was stunned for a moment, then quickly strode out of the camp and walked towards the tribe's training ground.

Ragus quickly followed.

Seeing that outside the training ground at this time, the tribe of beast children were lying in a circle, looking at the ground, talking and laughing.

"The patriarch is here!"

Someone shouted, and the children immediately dispersed like birds and beasts.

Nesaldo ignored the children and stepped forward to look inside the venue.

Seeing that his orc cavalry were neatly lined up, Ryan stood on one side and looked at his impressive cavalry.

The cavalrymen also held their chests and heads high, showing their best grace.

Seeing this, Nesaldo nodded with satisfaction.

The orc cavalry of our Cat Claw tribe are no worse than your human knights, right?

But the next moment, Ryan's expression changed, and he suddenly shouted: "Run!"

As soon as the words fell, the cavalrymen who were posing hurriedly waved their reins one by one, and the originally neat queue suddenly became chaotic.

Nesaldo's expression hardened.

After the cavalrymen finished this messy lap, Ryan said coldly:

"I sent you to the battlefield to kill the enemy. Is it just for you to show off? Are you just rushing into the battle in such a mess that you want to laugh the other soldiers to death on the battlefield?"

The orc cavalry all turned red in the face.

An orc cavalry said dissatisfied: "Sir Ryan, what's the use of shouting slogans so suddenly and asking us to run immediately? I went to the battlefield to kill the enemy, not to compete."

"Really? Then let me ask you, how did Li'er win the last battle?"

"of course……"

The orc cavalry was suddenly speechless.

The orc cavalry present had all participated in the previous battle, and they knew very well how to win.

The victory in the last battle was largely due to Sajeel's ambush plan. She rushed down the hillside and smashed the enemy's defense line without the local cavalry taking off.

However, if the enemy cavalry could react faster and start running, then the battle damage ratio would definitely not be what it is now.

"Do you understand? Do you accept it? If so, go over there and get the ten big boards."

As he spoke, Ryan stretched out his hand and pointed at the two orcs holding boards beside him.

The orc who talked back to Ryan was speechless and silently ran to the two orcs to get slapped.

He lay down in front of the two orcs and shouted: "Hurry up and fight, I still need to train!"

The two orcs holding boards looked at each other. One of the orcs swung the board and weakly hit the orc cavalry on the waist.

Feeling the tickling force coming from his waist, the orc cavalry immediately blushed and shouted: "With such little strength, have you not eaten? Or do you want to humiliate me?!"

Hearing this, the two orcs stopped using their strength and swung their big boards to hit the orc cavalry on the waist.







Ryan nodded with satisfaction. Orcs are still good at this. When they are punished even lightly, they will not be satisfied. They are quite upright.

Ryan was even more satisfied when he saw that the cavalry orc returned to the horse as if nothing happened after taking ten hits.

The body is also strong enough, and it can cause disaster at will when punished. I think of the knights in my past, who would suffer from pain in the waist, legs and arms if they received some corporal punishment.

Orcs are still very durable!

Ryan didn't teach anything early in the morning, he just taught some horsemanship to the orc cavalry.

Thanks to their innate closeness to nature, orcs' equestrian skills are generally better than those of humans. However, they lack research in tactics, so they are often defeated by the enemy's cavalry in normal cavalry confrontations.

It was not until noon that Ryan's training of the orc cavalry finally came to an end. He saw a little loli with black hair and yellow eyes and cat ears holding a glass of water, trotting into the field and coming to Ryan:

"Lord Nemitu, drink water!"

Under the surprised gazes of the orc cavalry, Ryan, who was originally stern and cold, suddenly changed to a gentle smile:

"Thank you, Duoduo, you can just call me Ryan from now on."

Laduoduo is the name Ragus gave his daughter, which means a good harvest in the orc language.

After Ryan finished drinking the water and walked out of the venue, Nesaldo and Ragus immediately greeted him.

Although Nesaldo couldn't understand Ryan's training of the orc cavalry, he could feel that it was not in vain and did not interfere.

Anyway, now Nesaldo also knows that Ryan used to be the leader of the Hedley Empire Knights, so what Ryan taught must be correct.

"What's going on with the Kaquan clan?"

Seeing Nesaldo, Ryan asked.

"Hei Niyin has led an army to rush over and is expected to arrive at us at noon tomorrow."

"It's noon tomorrow...that's still a long time. It's time to eat and drink."

Ryan waved his hand indifferently.

It was obvious that Ryan was just an outsider, but seeing Ryan's attitude, Nesaldo unexpectedly felt much more relaxed.

"Let's go, Tutor Ryan, let's go have lunch together."

"Can you bring Duoduo with you?"

"Huh? Oh, of course, of course, hahaha!"

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