After retiring, I became Loli’s magic mentor

Chapter 294 Entering the Cat Claw Tribe for the First Time

Somewhere in the Amos Plains, among a tribe.

A burly orc male wearing a wolf-skin coat stood in the center of the tribe, instructing the tribesmen to pack supplies.

This orc male is Nesaldo, the leader of the Cat Claw tribe.

Because he knew that the soldiers on the front line couldn't hold on for long, Nesaldo looked a little anxious at the moment.

"Lord Patriarch."

At this time, an old orc with black hair and yellow eyes, wearing a mage robe made of deerskin, walked over and said to Nesaldo:

"Lord Patriarch, the most basic supplies needed by the tribe for winter have been packed."

Nesaldo nodded: "Gulas, now organize the tribesmen to start migrating north immediately. Simply burn the supplies that cannot be brought with you. Don't leave even a single fruit to the black-skinned bastards of the Kaquan clan. !”


Following Nesaldo's orders, several members of the Cat Claw tribe lit torches and prepared to destroy the food that could not be taken away.

The Cat Claw Tribe has lived in this place for a long time, and the food reserves can even be piled up into a hill. It would be a lie to say that they don't feel bad about burning so much food.

At this moment, an orc rushed over and shouted hurriedly: "Master Patriarch, those black-skinned orcs are coming!"


Nesaldo turned his head sharply: "How many people?!"

"There are so many people in Wuyang that I can't even count them. I estimate there are more than a thousand people!"

"Black bastard!"

After cursing, Nesaldo raised his ax and shouted: "Women and children continue to migrate, men of the tribe! Pick up your weapons! We will fight those black-skinned bastards!"


The men of the Cat Claw tribe immediately picked up their weapons and came to Nesaldo's side.

Nesaldo looked at Gulas and told him: "Gulas, you lead the tribe to continue migrating! You must bring the tribe to a wealthy place!"

Gulas opened his mouth, and finally bowed: "I understand, I hope the Spirit King of the North will protect you."

"Fighters! Charge with me!"

After giving the instructions, Nesaldo led the male orcs of the tribe and charged out fiercely.

However, when approaching the Kaquan clan army, Nesaldo suddenly felt that something was not right.


Noticing the leader of the team, Zakiriel, Nesaldo braked hard and then shouted loudly to the orcs behind him.

The orcs also noticed Zakiriel and stopped one after another.

"Lord Patriarch!"

From a long distance away, Saguire waved to Nesaldo and said with a smile: "We are back!"


Looking at the large group of black-skinned orcs behind Sajeel, Nesaldo felt that his head suddenly couldn't turn around.

Sajili'er rode forward and said, "Don't be afraid, these orcs from the Kaquan clan are all prisoners we captured."


Looking at the remaining warriors under Saguire, Nesaldo felt even more confused.

Could it be that Samaro's daughter... is actually a military god?

Did you call a military god back?

Gulas in the tribe also noticed this scene and quickly turned around and shouted: "Don't burn the food yet! They don't seem to be here to attack us!"

Sensing Nesaldo's doubts, Sajiriel scratched her head and said, "Not all of these prisoners were captured by us, a large part of them were captured by Ryan."


Hearing this name, Nesaldo seemed to remember something, and immediately looked at the only human in black present.

When Nemitua came home from the previous vacation, she had been telling him about Ryan with Sajeel, which made his ears almost go numb.

Nesaldo is also aware of the fact that Sajeel entrusted Nemitua to Ryan before returning.

At this time, Ryan was also looking at Nesaldo.

Is this Nemitua's father? He is indeed the strongest orc in the tribe, and his size rivals that of Timo.

After a while, Nesaldo took the initiative and said, "Are you Mentor Ryan? I heard Tuya and Li'er both mentioned you."

Ryan nodded slightly: "Hello, leader of the Cat Claw Tribe."


Nesaldo wanted to ask something more, but noticed that Ryan was still on the horse and said repeatedly: "Teacher Ryan, you can go first and sit down in the tribe."

Hearing this, Ryan was not polite and rode into the tribe on horseback.

Several of Sajili'er's cavalry quickly followed Ryan. After all, they knew what Ryan was capable of. It would be bad if the tribe members made things difficult for Ryan.

When Ryan walked into the tribe, Nessaldo asked Sajiliel in a low voice: "What is going on."

Saguire opened her mouth and recounted the situation on the battlefield to Nesaldo.

"You said... Instructor Ryan captured Brother Black Ni's cavalry unit by himself?"

After listening to Saguire's story, Nesaldo felt like he had a dream-like sense of unreality.

"That's right!"

Sajili'er looked a little proud, as if she had captured Brother Hei Ni: "Lian is very powerful!"

"Yes, yes, Master Ryan is really powerful!"

The orc warriors following Sajiliel also echoed.

Along the way, it was not that there were no prisoners who wanted to cause a riot because of the large number of people, but they were all dealt with by Ryan resolutely. They all saw it with their own eyes.


Nesaldo scratched his hair for a long time. He must have been shocked, but since he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it was still a bit unbelievable.

How could it be possible for one person to capture hundreds of people? Even if Ryan is really powerful, wouldn't these Kaquan clan cavalry be able to run even if they are mentally retarded?

Are you really being held captive?

After thinking for a long time, Nesaldo simply gave up: "In short, it is a fact that Teacher Ryan saved our Cat Claw tribe in a critical moment. Next, we must entertain Teacher Ryan well. Okay, everyone, let's go back to the tribe! Thank you for your hard work during this time!”

Because of this victory that no one expected, the migration of the Cat Claw tribe was temporarily stopped.

However, the grain equipment on the Cat Claw tribe's carriage has not yet been unloaded, and the grain continues to be loaded onto it anyway.

In a tent of the Cat's Claw tribe, Nessaldo, Saguire, Ragus and Ryan sat together. The three orcs discussed the next strategy. Ryan did not want to get too involved in the affairs of the Cat's Claw tribe. Just eating in silence.

The dinner Nesaldo arranged for Ryan was a fried steak. The fruit that Saguire used to make biscuits was made into jam and spread on the steak before frying. The taste still had a unique flavor.

"Master Shaman, what should we do next?"

While asking questions, Sajeel was still looking at Ryan from time to time.

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