After retiring, I became Loli’s magic mentor

Chapter 205 You obviously had a lot of fun...

However, Ryan finally realized another side of Amiya.

In Ryan's eyes, Amiya's character has always been somewhat withdrawn. She likes to stay in dark corners, like to read quietly, and doesn't like to be exposed to the sun... No matter how you look at it, she should be autistic and socially anxious. That's right for little girls.

Oh yes, Amiya does suffer from social anxiety.

However, after getting to know Amiya, Amiya will be unexpectedly talkative, especially when she is in private with two little lolita of the same age as Nynelly Yvette.

After a while, Yazhi was also called in by the little lolita, and soon there were sounds of playing.

Ryan shook his head with a smile and continued to drive his carriage. Even if he was just listening to their voices, Ryan was very happy.

The autumn wind blew, and a branch of a tree was blown off and hit the side of the carriage. As a result, a magic circle flashed past the carriage. The branch was suddenly bounced away, turning into cold light, which instantly penetrated the tree. trunk.

"Sister Yazhi, what was the first time you and the housekeeper met?"

In the carriage, after having fun for a while, Amiya asked Yazhi the same question again.

After hearing this, Ninelli and Yvette immediately sat down and listened attentively.

After Ryan came back, although he told them a lot of interesting things about Minggao, he seldom talked about what he did in Minggao.

And Yazhi is inseparable from Ryan almost all the time, which makes it difficult for them to find opportunities to chat with Yazhi privately.

"The first time my lord and I met?"

Yazhi lightly pressed her cherry lips with her index finger, swung her tail back and forth, and a light gradually lit up in her eyes:

"At that time, I received an order from the Palace Chief to follow the lord and obey the lord's orders, so I thought of using ninjutsu to hide beside the lord and follow him. However, I was frightened by the lord at a glance, and was almost raped by the lord with a sword. It’s been chopped.”

Although he was almost cut down by Ryan with his sword as he spoke, Yazhi's expression looked very happy no matter how you looked at it.

"What happened after that? What happened after that?"

Nynaeli suddenly asked.

If Yazhi had been inseparable from Ryan in Minggao, then knowing everything that happened between Yazhi and Ryan would mean knowing all of Ryan's itinerary in Minggao?

Ninelli couldn't help but praise her own wit in her heart.

Yazhi nodded and continued talking.

However, the more they listened, the expressions on Nenelli and Yvette's faces became weirder.

Amiya's expression does not change, but her eyes also reveal something strange.

Wandering in the shrine, wandering on the streets, sleeping in occasionally, drinking tea and chatting with the shrine's palace minister, always accompanied by the goddess Lolita and the young shrine maiden... Are you on a business trip? Are you going on vacation?

After hearing what happened, Ninelli was really depressed. She bit her lip and said, "This guy... is so cool and unrestrained over there in Minggao. It's a shame that I still... hmph at home every day!"

Yvette also sighed: "I still miss Master all the time..."

Amiya should be more considerate: "After all, Mr. Butler's task is just to wait. The help of the Shrine Palace Secretary has made Mr. Butler's return many days earlier. We should be happy."

Time passed quietly like this. Suddenly, the women in the carriage felt that the carriage had stopped, and they all looked out.

Seeing Ryan parked the carriage, he looked at the women in the carriage with a smile and motioned for everyone to spend the night here.

That's right, half of the sky at this time has been dyed black, as if it will enter the night at any time.

Because there were three little lolita in the team, it was naturally impossible for Ryan to just let a group of people lie down on the grass to sleep like he did in the caravan.

After taking out the tent prepared in advance and fixing it, Ryan lit a bonfire here and started grilling meat with the women.

Many years of knighthood have made Ryan's barbecue skills so perfect that no one can cook as well as his barbecue skills.

The prepared monster meat was roasted until golden brown, and then sprinkled with special seasonings. The aroma suddenly overflowed, making several little lolita swallow their saliva.

After roasting the meat, Ryan divided it neatly into several portions and handed one to everyone.

Yazhi took the roasted meat and took a bite. His face was immediately filled with satisfaction, and his tail waggled behind him.

After swallowing the roasted meat in his mouth, Yazhi suppressed the urge to take another bite and said to Ryan:

"My lord, according to this progress, when can we reach the Whispering Forest?"

Hearing this question, the other three little lolita also looked sideways.

Ryan thought for a moment and replied: "Probably at noon tomorrow. Anyway, we will definitely be able to go to the Whispering Forest tomorrow."

"Then the elves, who reject foreign races, will welcome us?"

Amiya asked.

Hearing this, Ryan smiled lightly and said confidently:

"Don't worry, I will."

Hearing what Ryan said, Amiya felt relieved.

The little girl from the Elf clan had approached Mr. Butler before. According to Mr. Butler's answer... Mr. Butler seemed to be related to a very important person in the Elf clan?

After dinner, Ryan put out the bonfire, and the women got into the tent to rest.

Before entering the tent, Ninelli turned her head and glanced at Ryan, who was sitting motionless outside, and couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you going to rest?"

"Me? I'll just keep watch, Nenelli, good night."

Ryan smiled slightly and nodded to Nunnally.

Nunnelli opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but after a moment, she just nodded and got into the tent.

As soon as Ninelli got into the tent with her front legs, Yazhi jumped on Ryan with her back legs: "My lord, please let me keep watch!"

"You'd better have a good rest, I'll just keep watch."

"No, my lord has to drive the carriage tomorrow, let me do it! Otherwise it will be quite boring along the way. I can just sleep to kill the time!"

"Didn't you have a lot of fun with Ninelli and the others..."

After arguing with Yazhi for a while, Ryan said helplessly: "I will guard the first half of the night, and you will guard the second half of the night. Is that okay?"

"It's agreed!"

Yazhi swooped back into the tent, not forgetting to poke his little head and say: "Remember to call me when the time is up, Lord!"

In the tent, after listening to the interaction between Ryan and Yazhi, Ninelli's little face looked a little depressed.

Yvette, who was in the same tent with Ninelli, saw what Ninelli was thinking and said softly: "Sister Yazhi, she's not much older than us."

Hearing this, Nunnally raised her head silently.

Yvette continued: "As long as we are able to take care of ourselves, Master will feel free to let us keep vigil on his behalf and share his worries, right? This day should come soon."

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