Ryan's face darkened: "Have you never ridden a horse?"

"I...I always ride in a carriage..."


Ryan once again felt helpless towards this magister.

How did such a stupid woman become a tutor at Alcott College?

Are there really no successors for human magicians?

? ? ? ?

Because taking into account Ninelli's mood, Ryan rode slowly and steadily all the way.

Occasionally, Ryan would ask Ninelli to look up at the scenery on the roadside, but Ninelli would just lower her head and remain silent.

Compared to Nunnelli, Rowling, who had never ridden a horse before, seemed shocked and hugged Ryan's waist tightly all the way.

Every time the horse Lane rode took a step, she would squeal, leaving Lane speechless.

Who is the child between you and Nenelli?

Suddenly, Ryan noticed a flower shop on the side of the road.

After thinking about it, Ryan stopped his horse by the roadside and said to Rowling: "Do you have money? Lend me a gold coin."

"Oh, yes... yes."

Luo Lin responded weakly, took out a gold coin from her pocket, and muttered in her mouth:

"The servant of the earl's rich daughter doesn't even have any money..."

Ryan: "...Do you only have gold coins?"

"Well, I just brought the gold coins."

Well, I still belong to the type where people are stupid and have too much money.

After receiving the gold coin, Ryan jumped off the horse and said, "Thank you very much. Look after the horse for me. I'll treat this gold coin as if you borrowed it from me, and I'll pay it back to you later."

After saying that, Ryan trotted into the flower shop.

After Ryan left, Nenelli raised her head belatedly and looked at Ryan's back. Her lips moved as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say a word.

Soon, Ryan ran out of the flower shop.

Rowling originally thought that Ryan was going to buy a large bunch of flowers, but when Ryan came out, she discovered that Ryan only bought a small, slightly shabby white flower.

Ryan also had a money bag hanging on his waist, which looked bulging.

The small white flowers are not beautiful, and are not much different from ordinary flowers on the roadside. They are even more fragile than those on the roadside, as if they will break if the wind blows lightly.

When Ryan came forward with a smile on his face, Rowling couldn't help but ask: "You... just bought this flower?"


Ryan nodded with a smile and said, "It cost three silver coins."

"Three silver coins in this thing?!"

Rowling couldn't help but break her voice. Three silver coins could buy a large bundle of flowers, right?


Ryan didn’t think there was anything wrong: “This is a flower that can only survive at the border. Because it is very fragile, it is very difficult to transport. The three silver coins were probably used for transportation costs.

By the way, there are ninety-seven silver coins in this bag. Do you want it? "

The exchange rates of copper, silver, and gold in this world are all 1:100. To be honest, Ryan still feels that the kind of banknotes in the memory of the time traveler are more convenient to carry, and there is also the method of using a passbook to save money. .

When Ryan took out a gold coin, the owner of the flower shop was stupid. He rummaged through it for a while before getting together the silver coins for Ryan.

Rowling's cheek twitched: "...No need, you should keep it for yourself."

"Thank you then."

After saying that, Ryan ignored Rowling and handed the flower into Nenelli's hand.

Ninelli took the fragile white flower and looked at Ryan in confusion. She didn't know why Ryan suddenly gave her such a flower.

But... yes, such a fragile and frail little flower really looks like her.

"Saya orchid, this kind of flower will glow at night, it's very beautiful."

While Nernelli was looking at the flower, Ryan got on his horse and drove the horse slowly towards the mansion:

"Actually, I have experienced a period of time like this before. I was not understood by anyone. Even though I tried my best to prove myself, I was still not recognized by people. I was even... treated as a monster by people."

Hearing this, Nunnali couldn't help but shift her gaze from Sayelan, and looked up at Ryan who was hugging her.

Ryan looked forward, as if he was remembering something, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

“My heart has also been numb, and I have been greatly shaken by my responsibilities, mission, and even the goals I persist in, making me want to give up countless times.

However, just when this state was almost infinitely close to breaking out, someone gave me a Saye Orchid. "

Having said this, Ryan lowered his head and looked at the Sayoran in Nenelli's hand.

"When everyone was looking at me with fear, she came up and looked at the scarred me with clear eyes. She gave me a Sayelan picked from the roadside and said to me Goodwill was expressed.

The faint light that the Saye Orchid was emitting at that time was beautiful, really beautiful. I also found the meaning of my protection in that Saye Orchid. "

Although Nenelli didn't know exactly what happened to Ryan, she heard the meaning of Ryan's words, so she listened attentively.

"Miss, I give you this Saye Orchid today, not because I hope you can protect me, but because I hope you can cheer up, that's all."

"Actually... I'm feeling a lot better. Thank you, Ryan."

Although Ninelli's voice is still a little hoarse, her mental state has indeed recovered a lot.

Especially after hearing the stories Lane told.

At this time, Ninelli suddenly found a similar aura in Ryan's body - no, maybe Ryan had endured more than her.

At this time, Ryan received a Saye Orchid, which helped Ryan get out of his slump.

Now, Ryan gave her a Saye Orchid when she was like this.

Ryan has the person who gave him Saye Lan, and she...has Ryan.

Only then did Nenelli realize that it turned out that only one person was needed to be recognized, and that was completely enough.

During the rest of the journey, Nernali kept holding the Saye Orchid and looked at it over and over again.

Rowling is inferring Lane's identity based on Lane's story.

Since saye orchid is a flower that can only survive at the border, then maybe Ryan comes from the border?

Moreover, based on Ryan's words, coupled with Ryan's theoretical knowledge of magic that can transform Nynaeli overnight, it is not difficult for Rowling to guess that Ryan should have belonged to the empire before.

Moreover, people regard him as... a monster.

The...monster at the border?

Luo Lindai frowned slightly and suddenly remembered something.

Looking at Ryan's elegant and easy-going smile and the evil nature that always showed up accidentally, Rowling immediately confirmed her idea.

After returning to the mansion, Nenelli locked herself in her room.

Ryan also knew that Ninelli needed a quiet space, so he didn't bother Ninelli. He and Rowling found a random place to sit down.

For some reason, Ryan noticed that Rowling became more reserved after arriving at the mansion.

When facing himself, he was like a snow-white rabbit, so cowardly.

"Mr. Lane brought a woman back on the first day!"

"Mr. Lane is really awesome~"

Dailly Daisy and the two maids were scratching the door frame, looking at Ryan and Rowling, and whispering.

The whispering was a bit loud, and Rowling couldn't help but blush after hearing it.

Originally, if Ninelli was still here, the atmosphere would not be like this.

But as soon as Ninelli came back, she locked herself in the room. Why did the situation become that she and Ryan were alone!

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