Hedley Empire, in the Earl's Mansion in Art City.

Ryan stood in front of the door of a room in the mansion, still in a daze for a moment.

Because not long ago, he was still on the border, fighting against the invading demon army as the leader of the Knights.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in the Earl's mansion again, and was about to take care of the Earl's daughter as his personal butler.

The exchange of two extremely contrasting identities made it difficult for Ryan to adapt to it for a long time.

After taking a deep breath, Ryan raised his head and knocked on the door.

"Knock knock knock..."

Soon after the knock on the door, the door was slowly pushed open.

As the door of the boudoir was slowly opened, a faint floral fragrance floated out from the crack in the door.

Then, a little loli poked her head out from behind the door and raised her head to look at Ryan.

The only daughter of Horace Ashe, Earl of Hedley Empire, Nenelli Ashe, nine years old.

Ryan looked down and found that most of Nernali took after her beautiful mother, whether it was the pink and jade-carved facial features or the blue gem-like eyes.

Nenelli's hair is golden and hangs down just down her petite body. The fluffy look is very soft. She is wearing a clean princess dress, and her little feet in clean white socks are stepping on the ground, like Dolls are generally cute.

The two people, one big and one small, looked at each other, symbolizing the beginning of all fate.

This is the story of a knight butler wearing a smile mask and a lonely and fragile noble lady.

? ? ? ?

The matter goes back to two days ago.

Outside the borders of the Hedley Empire, led by the demon clan, it was September, autumn, 1404 in the human calendar.

In the space created by the demon mage, a man in black armor sat on a mountain of corpses with a sword.

An invisible coercion was released, making it difficult for the demon warriors below to advance even half a step.

The man's dark black armor is branded with blood that cannot be cleaned. At first glance, he looks like a dark knight of the demon clan.

But the golden Hedley Empire national emblem on the left side of the breastplate showed that this man was a knight of the Hedley Empire.

Behind this man, there were a group of knights wearing the same dark armor, but the national emblem on their breastplates was not gold.

The demon warriors couldn't figure out why the Hedley Human Empire, which had always been holy and noble, created such a group of monster knights wearing black armor.

The dark red sky, which was originally used to suppress the fighting power of the human knights, seemed to have become a foil for this man, making the demon generals and soldiers below feel terrified.

At this time, the man slowly raised his head, and the friction between the helmet and the breastplate made a harsh sound, causing the demon warriors below to take a step back.

"It's time to end..."

A voice that sounded like emotion came through the helmet.

Although the man's face cannot be seen clearly through the helmet, just listening to the voice makes people feel that this man is... harmless?

It gives people a very young feeling, without any sense of majesty - if he is not sitting on the mountain of corpses at this time.

Just as the demon warriors were wondering what this man meant, a loud horn sound came from the demon city behind them.


Hearing the sound of the horn, the demon clan retreated like a tide as if they had been granted amnesty.

Looking at the retreating demons, the man did not choose to pursue them, but slowly stood up and jumped off the mountain of corpses.

Looking at the group of knights standing upright in front of him, the man said calmly: "Go back to the city."


? ? ? ?

The border of Hedley Empire, within the gate.

"Captain Ryan!"

The man who had just been sitting on the mountain of corpses had just found a place to sit down when a messenger rushed over:

"News from the Council is here. The demons have signed a peace agreement. We don't have to fight anymore!"

"No more fighting?"

After the words fell, the knights in the surrounding circle turned to look at the messenger.

"Yes, no more fighting!"

The scene was silent for a moment, and then all the knights burst into unprecedented cheers.


Hearing this, Ryan slowly took off his helmet, revealing a face that looked gentle and elegant but also showed perseverance under the helmet.

Ryan, the leader of the "Eclipse" Knights. According to the standards of the leader of the Knights, the twenty-four-year-old can be said to be quite young.

Unlike the people around him, Ryan has black hair that is extremely rare in the Hedley Empire and is very eye-catching.

After receiving the information sent by the messenger, Ryan glanced at it and said:

"Last time, the demons signed an armistice agreement and the armistice lasted for six hundred years. I don't know how long they can be honest this time..."

"If you ask me, let's just rush into the Demon King's City and completely eliminate the demons once and for all!"

The deputy captain on the side clenched his fists and said fiercely.

Ryan glanced at the deputy leader: "If the devil comes out, will you fight?"

Hearing this, the deputy captain suddenly shivered and said with a smile: "It's not you!"

"Screw you!"

Ryan gave the deputy captain a kick, causing him to roll several times with the armor on him.

Looking at the deputy leader’s almost white beard, Ryan shook his head:

"There's no need to think so much. The demons have retreated, and our responsibilities have been completed. We can just go back to our hometown to show off... and enjoy ourselves. Anyway, when the demons come back next time, it will have nothing to do with us."

At this moment, another messenger rushed over: "Captain Ryan, there is a letter for you!"

"My letter?"

Ryan took the envelope doubtfully, read the contents of the letter, and fell into silence.

"Captain, what's wrong?"

The knight on the side couldn't help but ask.

Ryan silently put away the envelope and spoke slowly: "My adoptive father is critically ill."

"Captain, please... show your condolences?"

Looking at the slightly raised corners of Ryan's mouth, the knights always felt that something was not right.

After suppressing his smile, Ryan stood up and said, "Take off your armor for me."

The deputy captain stepped forward and removed Ryan's armor, and the group members also brought a horse over.

Seeing Ryan mounting his horse lightly, the deputy commander solemnly said: "Captain, have a safe journey!"

"The king, please tell me, I'll go back first..."

After explaining to the deputy captain, Ryan waved goodbye to the knights, and then waved the reins——


"Let's go have a meal!"

Seeing Ryan Yiqi Juechen disappearing quickly, the deputy captain was stunned for a long time before slowly coming back to his senses:

"What does eating... mean?"

? ? ? ?

Art City is located on the side of Hedley's capital city, and its prosperity is even more prosperous than the capital city.

After two days of travel, Ryan finally arrived at the city on his skinny horse.

Slowly weaving through the busy traffic and looking at the bustling scene of the street, Ryan felt like he was in another world for a moment.

The empire is developing at the speed of light. After ten years of knighthood, Ryan feels that he is somewhat out of tune with the current world.

Unfortunately, it is still far from the prosperous city in my memory, with high-rise buildings and constant traffic.

Ryan is not a time traveler, or rather, Ryan almost became a time traveler.

The reason why I say this is because when Ryan was still in the orphanage as a child, an inexplicable consciousness rushed into his mind and wanted to take over his body.

Then... that conscious body failed and was swallowed by him, leaving him with a lot of inexplicable memories.

Although the body is still controlled by the main consciousness, Ryan's daily behavior is always affected by those inexplicable memories.

For example, some strange words often pop out of my mouth...

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