Ark: I adopted Seria at the beginning

Chapter 94 Evaluation Guide for Tails from Another World

The moment finally arrived.

That young man was right. With this card, you can travel throughout Victoria's business circle, even if you don't have to spend a penny.

She still couldn't imagine the world of rich people, where a small card could represent wealth and power.

Handing the card back to the young man in front, Chen Huijie looked at him with her arms crossed.

"How do you feel?" Huang Cheng said.

"It's unimaginable that you can get everything you want with just this, even if you don't know who the owner of this card is." Chen Huijie replied.

"Then it's time for me to fulfill my promise. Ms. Chen, who believes in justice, won't be a broken promise, right?"

Huang Cheng looked at the tail on Chen's waist and felt his hands were a little itchy. How did the dragon's tail feel to the touch? He hadn't tried it yet. Is it exactly the same as Ceria's?

But the tail on Lao Chen looks soft instead of hard. Is it like Jeragond?

I can't wait. Serve it up quickly.

"Of course not!" Chen Huijie turned around and pointed her tail at Huang Cheng, not coy at all.

To him, it's just a touch of the tail, so what does it feel like? It's not like I didn't touch it while taking a shower.

You didn't feel anything at all, so when you turned around, Chen Huijie was very calm, completely ignoring Huang Cheng's brave look behind you.

Just kidding, I'm super brave, okay?

Chen Huijie is very confident that she will never feel or blush at all.

Seeing Chen Huijie's confident and decisive look, Huang Cheng stopped being vague and grabbed the tail with one hand.

"Hmm... Why did you catch me so suddenly..."

Chen Huijie felt the touch on her tail and suddenly felt a tingling sensation, but she resisted this feeling with her own perseverance.

This is just a sudden fright. This feeling will disappear after a while.

Chen Huijie said to herself.

But as the person behind her rubbed her tail, she felt waves of numbness coming from her tail. This feeling made her couldn't help but rub her legs to resist the feeling.

At the same time, he hugged himself tightly with his hands, his face began to turn red, and his breathing began to quicken.

how so? What did he do?

This feeling was something Chen Huijie had never experienced before.

At this time, Chen Huijie felt that her tail seemed to be very sensitive in someone's hand, and the tip of her tail was still being teased, which made her feel a little itchy.

End it quickly!

Chen Huijie endured the feeling in her heart and glanced at her watch and found that only three minutes had passed.

This means that she has to endure this feeling for 7 or even 6 minutes.


The tip of the tail seems to have turned red, which is really interesting, Ms. Chen.

Sure enough, the tails of different races have different flavors to touch.

Chen's tail is not as fluffy as Yeragonde's, but it doesn't feel like it's full of hard splints like Ceria's.

It feels like a fish, but full of a sense of power, soft but with a smooth and tender touch. When the scales on the tail pass across the palm of the hand, it brings bursts of coolness, which makes people feel Can't put it down.

What's more, the small tuft of tail hair at the tip of the tail seduces your heartstrings like a devil's temptation. Coupled with the process of the white part on the back of the tail gradually turning red, it is really inseparable from the eyes.

My God, how could there be such a perfect tail in the world? Simply a work of art!

Just as Huang Cheng touched Chen Huijie's tail and sighed, she couldn't hold it any longer.

Not over yet? Chen Huijie has already begun to regret it.

She swore that if there was a machine that could allow her to travel back in time, she would give herself a big pussy.

Chen Huijie looked at the watch on her hand again.

There are only three minutes left, hold on!

Chen Huijie, you can do it! How could it fail!

Obviously, this encouragement is useless, everything pales in comparison to Huang Cheng's superb stroking techniques.

If the tail is directly pinched with strong force, it will probably only cause pain, but not any comfort.

But Huang Cheng's massage techniques made even the gods unable to control him.

And how could she, a mere little dragon, handle such a feeling?

Unknowingly, Chen Huijie was squatting on the ground with her red face in her arms.

Finally, at the last moment, Huang Cheng's sinful little hands touched the base of the tail, which is the section close to the waist.

Then he pressed lightly.


Following a weak shout from a certain Miss Long.

Chen Huijie seemed to have lost all strength and collapsed on the ground, her body completely soaked with sweat.

The hands of the clock just pointed at the 10-minute mark.

it is finally over......

She can no longer feel the tail on her body now, it has taken the shape of someone else.

Chen Huijie felt the cold touch on the floor, completely relaxed her whole body, and allowed her body to completely press against it.

She wanted to cool down her hot body and face.

Huang Cheng felt the warm touch remaining on his hands. He was particularly satisfied today.

He felt like he had awakened a little bit, what kind of sexual fetish.

I wonder what Linguang's tail feels like. Is it that cute and fluffy feeling?

I'll go back and see if I can try it. It doesn't cost any money to ask anyway.

"As for Kasheena, does she have a tail on her back? It seems she doesn't. That would be a pity." He suddenly said.

Huang Cheng shook his head regretfully.

But little did he know that his voice was not only heard by him and Lao Chen.

What he doesn't know now is.

Kasheena was standing outside the door with a test paper in her hand. She had completely seen the 10 minutes that Huang Cheng and Chen Huijie had just spent.

Her eyes, which were always full of tenderness, were filled with tears. This was not because she felt that her home had been stolen.


Kasheena touched her waist and began to look very sad.

She has no tail, which is a sad story.

No wonder her master was not interested in her. Kasheena began to think about all the women who had come into contact with her master.

It was discovered that except for the king of the Sakaz clan, all of them had a tail.

And the white-haired girl who spoke to the owner remotely last time also has a tail!

"Is that so? The result is really unpredictable..."

Kasheena rubbed the test paper in her hand into the trash can and gently closed the door.

I walked to the rooftop and thought about life.

He stared at the starry sky above his head for a while, as if he had made up his mind.

"If you can't change yourself, then change the environment!"

Kasheena clasped her hands tightly and made a strong decision in her heart.

One day people will feel the beauty without a tail, and humans will eventually overcome the shackles of the tail!

My Lord I will change you!

After making up her mind, Kasheena swept away her previous decadence.

He returned to his room with brisk steps, picked up the pen in his hand and the equipment next to him, and began to sink into the sea of ​​questions.

At this time, Chen also slowed down and got up from the ground shakily.

Looking at Huang Cheng, there was a hint of resentment in his eyes.

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