"Tina! Remember to come back for dinner tonight!"

Europa 100 human colony, this planet is located on the border of the human empire. Because it has just begun colonization, there are less than million residents on this planet plus a few thousand auxiliary soldiers from the wandering earth world.

"Uncle Jissen! Come to our house for dinner tonight!"

Tina took her green doll and ran to a soldier wearing the Light Chaser Legion and said.

"No, I have patrol duties tonight."

Gissen, wearing a soldier uniform of the Light Chaser Legion, bent down and said.

The uniforms of the Light Chaser Legion are all gray. The helmet is composed of a steel helmet similar to an M35 and a gas mask. The uniform is composed of an M36 military outfit with various bulletproof vests and bomb slings.

Since they are only colonial troops and are not equipped with weapons of mass destruction, they only have the M35 M-Galaxy short-barreled laser rifle, which can fire 220 rounds per minute.

"Okay, let's go play"

Giseon patted Tina on the back and said with a smile.

Tina happily ran out of the village and then turned into the sunflower forest and ran freely, holding the doll in her hand while running.

At this moment, thousands of meteorite-like objects fell from the sky, and Tina on the ground widened her eyes in horror.

"Attention all! Repeat! Unknown army enters the atmosphere! Level 1 combat preparation! Level 1 combat preparation!"

Just when Tina was stunned in the sunflowers, Jissen suddenly ran over, then picked up Tina and ran to the village.

"Quick! Tell your mother to hide in the house! Don't come out!"

After putting Tina into the house, Jissen quickly went to the planet's defense base.

Soon, the battle began.

General Youtai in the sky looked at the beautiful Europa 7 in front of him and smoked a cigar. His name was Neyali, and he was General Youtai who had not been captured by the imperial army before.

"Long live the Yutai Restoration Army!"

Thousands of pirates and mercenaries boarded spaceships and landed on Europa 7.

"Attention all units! Behind us are our relatives! We will never retreat!"

Europa 7 is the settlement place of European and Pacific people, and most of the people here are European and Pacific people.

"Hans! Aim at the enemy's fighter plane and fight!"

The soldier on the side reminded the soldier controlling the anti-aircraft gun.

"Have you contacted Terra yet?"

"Contacted! But haven't received a reply yet!"

At this time, the little firepower was unable to stop the enemy's rain-like attack.

How can thousands of soldiers contend with hundreds of thousands of enemies without heavy firepower?

"Load the transports with weapons!"

This is the only way to alleviate it at present. The air battlefield has been lost, and we can only compete with the enemy on the ground battlefield.

"The enemy's troops are gathering at the Kasha Nest! Our militia troops have already rushed to the defensive position!"

"Chief Schneider! What should we do next?"

"What to do? Guard! Until the last drop of blood dries!"

Schneider said, picking up the helmet and a laser pistol and walking out the door.

"I'd rather die on the battlefield than in the office!"

After receiving encouragement from their superiors, except for the information personnel in necessary positions, all the others received their equipment and entered the defensive position.

"Everyone! Evacuate to Jiasha Nest! The official announcement has been issued!"

A man in a militia uniform rushed into the village, shouted something, and then took a car to the next location.

"You must come, Mr. Space Marine"

Tina hugged the doll tightly and followed the crowd into the truck.

Jiasha Nest

A young man was walking on foot in a luxurious hall.

"Father! The enemy is coming! Let's run..."

Before the young man finished speaking, a kettle was thrown at him.

"How can I run away if I bleed and sacrifice for the emperor? I'll drag two aliens on my back even if I die!"

A noble man with mechanical eyes and luxurious clothes looked at his unfulfilled son and cursed angrily.

"We must use our own sacrifices to realize our loyalty to the Emperor. Remember! We are humans! It is under the protection of the Emperor's light that we can achieve our current noble status!"

The aristocratic old man said and threw a gun to his son.

"The time has come to prove our family's loyalty to the Emperor!"

"Let all family members hide in the air-raid shelters! All men go and get weapons! The time has come to prove our loyalty to the Emperor as House of Laud!"

After the aristocratic old man made an eagle salute to the emperor statue next to him, he picked up the weapon passed down by his grandfather and followed the team.

"For the Emperor! For the honor of the Laud family!! For the glory of mankind!!"

All the troops that could be mobilized were transferred to the Kasha Nest. At this time, the enemy's troops were also slowly advancing towards the Kasha Nest.

"We will fight on the ground! To prevent accidental damage! Please enter the air-raid shelter immediately! Please enter the air-raid shelter immediately!"

Soldiers with loudspeakers maintained order among the crowd, and Tina followed her mother into the air-raid shelter.

At this time, the two sides were ready to go to war at any time.

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