Galactic Conflict: I Restore the Glory of Humanity

Chapter 75 Open the door! The human empire!

(I repeat it again at the end. Those who like the Na'vi people must not read these ten chapters. When the time comes, don't scold me if you say my writing is cruel)

Yang Cheng recalled the details of the Avatar movie in his mind. Since the first movie has passed, it means that the protagonist has completely joined the Na'vi tribe and has his own children, but this will also become the protagonist's weakness.

Yang Cheng couldn't help but feel disgusted when he recalled what the protagonist had done. As a human being, betraying his own race was a complete act of betrayal. Moreover, in the second film, the earth was already in danger, and the human army had begun to slowly approach Pandora.

But our former human being, Jack, resolutely started fighting with humans again.

This kind of proud behavior of betraying his own race makes Yang Cheng feel sick. If he catches it, he must let it feel the care of the Inquisition and the Night Lords.

"As for the will of the planet..."

Yang Cheng looked at the golden power armor on his body, and he decided to take action himself. No matter what it was called, Ava's own psychic power could directly crush it, or directly have a fierce battle between the two psychic powers.

"Attention everyone! Prepare for a hyperspace jump!"

As the order was issued, the Supremacy and dozens of Star Destroyers began to accelerate, this time not for resources, but for genocide.

"Pandora, here I come"


In the dark galaxy, a shining ship is moving slowly.

This is the ship of RDA Minerals Company, the Venture Star.

The driving system of Entrepreneurship Star is a dual antimatter-nuclear fusion hybrid engine.

Its 1.6-kilometer-long hull has a huge 264-meter-long reactor, 99.5% of its volume is a nuclear reaction chamber, and the other 0.5% is an annihilation chamber.

However, this volume only accounts for 0.5% of the total system volume. The annihilation system provides more than 95% of the interstellar navigation power.

The antimatter fuel used by Entrepreneurship Star is antihydrogen and hydrogen. When antihydrogen and hydrogen gather together and annihilate each other, emitting huge energy, the magnetic guidance system composed of superconductors generates a super strong directional magnetic field, which will generate Photon energy is injected into the exhaust system.

The plasma gas it produces is 1 million times brighter than a welding arc, and the exhaust gas it emits is more than 30 kilometers long, while allowing it to travel at 70% of the speed of light.

Humanity has such powerful weapons but still loses. Whether it is the commander's indecision or strategic mistakes, facts prove that the Na'vi people were cheated by the director.

"A bunch of trash, they can't even defeat a civilization that didn't even have a planet."

The Entrepreneurship Star in the distance that Yang Cheng was looking at began to complain crazily. As Yang Cheng complained, the Supreme also completely left hyperspace, and its huge hull appeared directly in front of the Entrepreneurship Star.

"Oh! Shet! Don't eat the sour radish!!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the giant battleship, the crew members of the Entrepreneurship Star were stunned to the spot.

Not even the Earth government has such a huge warship, and looking at the terrifying muzzles above, everyone knows that the attacker is evil, but they have no way to fight back.

To put it bluntly, Entrepreneurship Star is a ship modified from a transport ship. It has armed forces but not much.

"Ships ahead! Stop engines! Surrender to the Empire of Man!"

As the sound rang out, pure white Star Destroyers one after another left hyperspace and surrounded the Venture Star.

"Don't ask for help! Your communications have been cut off by us! Don't make any bold moves to resist! Otherwise, the outcome will be ugly."

"What to do? Captain?"

The employee on the console looked at the captain beside him and asked.

"What are you looking at me for? Surrender"

The captain said helplessly.

Soon a white flag was projected on the ship, and then it gave up all armed forces and announced its surrender.

"Notify all stormtroopers and prepare for response"

Thousands of Stormtroopers armed with blasters lined up neatly in a square formation and looked at the Entrepreneurship Star that was about to dock.

"We are RDA Minerals Company. I want to ask you who are you? Why do you need..."


Thousands of stormtroopers aimed their blasters directly at the man.

"I reiterate for the last time, there is only one outcome for you, and that is surrender."


All kinds of human weapons were collected by the stormtroopers, and at this moment a blue-skinned humanoid creature stood up from a training chamber.

"Colonel Quatch"

Yang Cheng looked at the blue humanoid creature in front of him, the Avatar, and said slowly.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

Kuaqi asked Yang Cheng in front of him while holding on to the armrest.

Yang Cheng, who was wearing yellow armor, walked up to Kuaqi and handed him an image.


"So, am I fired?"

After Yang Cheng explained everything clearly, Kuaqi smiled helplessly. While he was watching the image, Yang Cheng also told him everything through spiritual energy, and Kuaqi also understood his situation.

"I pledge my allegiance to you, Emperor"

Kuaqi half-knelt in front of Yang Cheng and said.

"Very good, as long as you obey the orders, your soul and memory will not be trapped in this dirty skin."

Yang Cheng's implication was that after Pandora was defeated, he would give Colonel Quaqi a new body.

"Follow your instructions"

"How far is it from Pandora?"

Yang Cheng looked at the star map on the side and asked.

"It only takes one day to arrive, Your Majesty."

These members of the Entrepreneurship Star had understood their situation and decisively gave up their jobs to work for Yang Cheng. After all, they did not think they could win a military fleet.

"At that time, we will directly parachute into the lair of those dirty aliens, and then chop off their heads?"

Angron asked puzzledly from the side.

"Angron, don't panic, there's no point in doing this. We're going to make this human traitor pay an unforgettable price."

Yang Cheng's smile began to turn cruel, and he would naturally use any means to deal with traitors.

(Note: Because the timeline is too long, I changed the appearance time of Colonel Quachi)

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