Since the last incident, Zi Junyan locked herself in the room for two months without seeing anyone. She wanted to hate Shen Guang and avenge Zi Ming and Ming Gu, but she couldn't do it because this was impossible from a practical and emotional point of view. In reality, if Zi Ming and Ming Gu were still alive, , the supernatural beasts still have the power to fight Shen Guang, but now, Zi Junyan and the giant beasts alone are no match for Shen Guang. In terms of emotions, if Zi Junyan takes action against Shen Guang, how will she face Yanyue? And after spending a hundred thousand years together, she had already developed feelings for Shen Guang. Although she didn't expect that this was just her wishful thinking, she still couldn't do it, so she could only close herself off and try to escape.

But Shen Guang didn't feel any guilt at all. Instead, taking advantage of Zi Junyan's hiding, Ming Gu Zi Ming's death, and the vacuum in the leadership of the supernatural beast clan, he handed over the command of all the giant beasts of the supernatural beast clan to Yan Yue. , further strengthened the power in Yanyue's hands, and cut off the connection between the supernatural beast clan and Zi Junyan. Since Yanyue has the blood of the supernatural beast clan, the giant beasts of the supernatural beast clan have no regard for this. Too much resistance.

In the past few days, Shen Guang plans to take Yanyue on a business trip to Pakistan, the first parallel universe, to inspect the floods there and make corresponding solutions. By the way, he will also exercise Yanyue's ability to handle government affairs and see her face reality. Are you a nerd who can adapt to the situation or just memorize things by rote?

Soon, Shen Guang took Yanyue to the first parallel universe.

At this time, soldiers from Ba and soldiers from the White Tiger and Phoenix tribes sent by Shen Guang were repairing the dam.

Seeing Shen Guang's sudden visit, some of the soldiers who knew him hurriedly knelt down to greet Shen Guang.

Shen Guang: "Everyone, get up. What's going on with the dam?"

Phoenix soldier: "Your Majesty, this dam is in disrepair and may not be able to stop the flood caused by this heavy rain."

Shen Guang: "That's not right. I remember that every year I distribute various technologies and funds to countries in the First Parallel Universe so that they can improve their infrastructure. Where is the local parent officer? Let him come and see me."

As soon as he finished speaking, a fat black man who looked full of fat fell to his knees on the ground and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, I am the mayor of this city. It has rained too much this year. In addition, The length of this dam is too long and the funds are not enough, so...therefore..."

Shen Guang glanced at the sweating fat man and said, "Sorry, I have a ledger of the funds required for all the infrastructure in the first parallel universe. The funds for each infrastructure are precisely processed by hundreds of machines. The calculated conclusion is that there is no possibility of insufficient funds. If all the funds I distributed are really used on this dam, then even if the rain continues for another three years, this dam will not be able to withstand it. Come here, pull this fat guy down and chop him down. Then his house will be ransacked, and all the property will be used to build embankments."

"Lord, have mercy on me, Lord, have mercy on me!" The fat man kowtowed like a pound of garlic, causing the ground to shake.

"Wait a minute!" Yan Yue shouted to stop the two Phoenix soldiers who were about to be executed. Then he faced Shen Guang and said, "Father, I think it is inappropriate to deal with it this way."

Hearing this, Shen Guang's heart moved: "This kid won't be soft-hearted, right? Kindness can't lead an army."

The fat man looked at Yanyue with a grateful face, but his appearance made Yanyue feel sick, but what Yanyue said next shocked everyone, and even dragged the fat man from heaven to ten. Eight levels of hell.

"Father, I think that just executing him is not enough to anger the people. Just confiscating his family's property may not be enough to fill the hole in the dam. So I request that all officials in this city, big or small, be executed and their homes confiscated."

As soon as these words came out, Shen Guang was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time, not to mention everyone else present: "I checked the look and found that he is his biological son. He did this even more ruthlessly than me."

Instead, Shen Guang began to excuse them: "No, is there any reason? Other officials may not be corrupt."

However, Yanyue said plausibly: "Isn't the reason why the mayor dares to commit corruption because no one of his officials has exposed it? Why have no one exposed them? Half out of fear and half out of receiving benefits, or maybe they are indifferent to people's livelihood. Without any knowledge, what are these officials still doing? If we can handle it this time, then I think if a similar situation occurs again in the future, within three days, the subordinates of such officials will rush to report it, and they may even start from Address the root cause of this problem.”

Shen Guang was very pleased with Yanyue's statement. This child looks like me!

So Shen Guang waved her hand and signaled the Phoenix Clan soldiers and White Tiger Clan soldiers to do as she asked.

Just like this, overnight, all the officials in the city turned into cold corpses, and the flood problem was properly solved with Shen Guang's support.

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