They have long been accustomed to each other's existence, just like the left hand and the right hand.

If one of them leaves suddenly, the other will definitely feel that life is worse than death.

"Old lady, to tell you the truth, I often have such thoughts.

I'm worried about leaving you here alone and helpless.

I’m afraid that you will have no one to accompany you when you sleep at night and have to face loneliness alone.

Worrying that there is no one to comfort you when you are sad, no warm chest to lean on when you are upset, and no one to listen to you when you are in pain.

Although there are still children, they have all started their own families and have their own families to take care of.

And as a mother, how can you tell your sons about your inner pain?"

Yun Youran suggested: "How about this, you go first and I accompany you, I go first and you accompany me, this way we don't have to worry about each other. What do you say?"

Nangong Cheng lowered his head and kissed the top of the woman's head. "You are still so young. If I leave tomorrow, you will have to accompany me. Are you willing to do that?"

“I am very willing, but I am afraid that if I cannot go with you, my life will be worse than death.

In a world without you, I am no different from a zombie." Yun Youran hugged the man's tall waist.

Hearing her words, Nangong Cheng was deeply moved, his voice choked up, "Okay, I'll follow your arrangements."

In fact, he could feel that his body was gradually deteriorating and heading towards destruction.

But he didn't know how to tell this woman who loved him so deeply, and he was afraid to see her sad.

Yun Youran leaned her head against the man's chest, feeling his strong heartbeat. "No matter what happens, we must be together. Even if we die, we must die together."

Nangong Cheng hugged the woman in his arms tightly, his heart filled with reluctance and helplessness.

The love between them is like a burning flame, hot and firm, but it may also be blown away by the storm of fate.

But no matter what the future holds, they will face it calmly and move forward hand in hand.

After the two of them reached an agreement, they gradually arranged their affairs after death.

Explain clearly everything that needs to be explained.

Nangong Yi looked at his parents in confusion, "Dad, Mom, you are so healthy, isn't it a bad idea to arrange your funeral so early?"

He felt like it was a curse, making him feel uncomfortable.

Yun Youran explained with a smile: "We are old, and although we are in good health now, who can predict what will happen in the future?

We arranged our affairs early because we were worried that one day we would suddenly leave this world and many things would not be explained clearly, leaving us with regrets. "

She hopes the children can understand their good intentions.

Nangong Xiang also echoed, "Yes! Mom and Dad, why are you in such a hurry? He is obviously still healthy, but you are arranging his funeral affairs so early. Aren't you just cursing him to die early?" He thought it was very unlucky to do so.

Looking at the two sons with frowns on their faces, Yun Youran smiled slightly and patiently explained, "Don't think too much, this is just a precautionary measure.

We don't want to leave you with any trouble and just want to make sure everything is in order.

If that day really comes, you won’t be in such a rush.”

Nangong Yi and Nangong Xiang were silent for a while and could only nod their heads to support their parents' actions.

Yun Youran continued to instruct, "Big brother, second brother, you two are the two oldest brothers in the family. If your father and I are gone one day, you two must take on the responsibility of taking care of your younger brothers and sisters.

We must protect them and not let them be oppressed by anyone.

But at the same time, we must always be vigilant and educate them not to bully others by relying on family power, but to learn to respect others.”

Nangong Yi and Nangong Xiang nodded and promised to take good care of their younger brothers and sisters.

Yun Youran was very pleased with their attitude and believed that they would definitely do what they said.

Half a month later, the family sat together for dinner, feeling warm and harmonious.

Yun Youran continued to nag, and although the topic was heavy, everyone knew that this was a manifestation of her responsibility as a parent to her children.

"Mom, after so many years, don't you understand the personalities of us brothers and sisters?" Nangong Yao said calmly and gently.

"How dare you say that? You're the one who makes me most worried among the family." Yun Youran said as he pointed his finger at Nangong Yao's head and complained.

"Dad, look at Mom, why are you touching me when you should just talk?" Nangong Yao pretended to look at Nangong Cheng aggrievedly.

However, Nangong Cheng didn't buy it at all, and didn't even look at her, but continued to attack:

"Your mother is right. Among the family members, you are the one that makes her most worried.

From your eldest brother to your eighth sister, they each have their own families, and their children have all grown up and have their own families.

But what about you! You are still single at your age. "

"Dad, I don't want to be single either! But the problem is that there is no man I like!

Those men are all weak and annoying to look at.

I really can't accept a man who is weaker than me.

After all, not everyone is like my mother, who likes men who are weaker than herself." Nangong Yao explained helplessly.

It would have been fine if she didn't explain, but this explanation was met with Nangong Cheng's angry glare.

"Fifth sister, I think you are doomed to fail in your life if you want to find a man who is stronger than you. After all, not everyone can have a strong mother.

Just be prepared to be single for the rest of your life!" Xiaoba Nangongxue looked at Nangong Yao.

She really couldn't understand her sister's train of thought. She was already strong enough, so why did she want to find a man who was stronger than herself?

Wouldn't it be better to find a weaker man and control himself?

Just like his father, in front of outsiders, he is domineering and majestic, a big boss that everyone is wary of and afraid of.

But when she returns home, her mother is the boss and has the final say in the family.

Yun Youran said angrily, "You think others are weak, but maybe others think you are strong as an ox!

But it's too late to say anything now. Your appearance hasn't changed much, but you've aged.

You should just stay calm and wait for your nephews and nieces to support you! It’s better not to cause trouble to others.”

"Mom, your words are so sarcastic! What do you mean by harming others?"

"I don't want to mock you, but the facts are right in front of us.

You are over 60, right? Apart from your father, your brothers and sisters, I am afraid you have never even touched a man's hand!"

Nangong Yao suddenly laughed and said with a playful face: "Mom, you are very clear about it!"

"Well, I'm your mother, how could I not know?"

The children at the other two tables all covered their mouths and laughed as they listened to the conversation between their grandmother and aunt.

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