Suddenly, Nangong Cheng's originally unfocused eyes suddenly opened, revealing disbelief and ecstasy!

I saw his arm quickly stretched out, and as accurately as lightning, he grabbed one of the three people who had just walked into the room!

The person who was caught obviously did not expect this turn of events, with shock and confusion on his face.

But Nangong Cheng ignored all this. He held the other's arm tightly, his voice trembling with excitement, and shouted in surprise: "Xiao Jin!"

It was as if this name had an extremely important meaning to him.

Before Nangong Jin could respond, Nangong Cheng saw another familiar figure.

He didn't have time to think about it, and rushed forward at lightning speed, calling out to the man, "Xiao Ling!"

After hearing the voice, Mu Bingling looked straight at Nangong Cheng, his eyes full of confusion.

He pointed at himself, his lips slightly parted but no sound came out, as if asking if Nangong Cheng was calling him.

Seeing this, Nangong Cheng raised the corners of his mouth slightly and nodded gently to express his affirmation.

Seeing them like this, Yun Youran said, "If you have anything to say, go inside and sit down first."

Only then did Nangong Cheng let go of Nangong Jin's hand and followed the other three people into the house.

After entering the house, Yun Youran called Chi to the other side.

Chi reported to Yun Youran the expansion of the area in recent days.

Since he could not speak fluently, he wrote everything down on paper.

Fortunately, he has a special talent for learning words and can learn them quickly.

Yun Youran was secretly guessing that he must have been a top student in the past.

No wonder he became the zombie king after becoming a zombie.

As for Nangong Jin and Mu Bingling, they probably benefited from being the sons of luck. Even if they became zombies, their memories could be awakened after their abilities were upgraded.

Of course the memory also includes words.

Therefore, the two of them learned everything at once and understood everything at once.

As for speaking, the three of them were in agreement, they were all stumbling.

However, Yun Youran did not embarrass them and let them take their time.

She stared intently at every word written by Chi, carefully read all the circumstances recorded therein, and analyzed and summarized them one by one.

As time went by, a satisfied smile gradually appeared on her face.

Finally, she gently closed the book, raised her head, her eyes sparkling with admiration, and praised Chi generously:

"Well, not bad! He is indeed my number one brave general!"

This sentence was full of recognition and affirmation of Chi, as if telling Chi that she had always known that Chi had such ability, and Chi's performance at this moment made him feel extremely gratified.

At the same time, it also reveals a kind of trust and dependence, indicating that Chi occupies an important position in her heart and is someone worthy of being entrusted with important tasks.

Xiao smiled happily and wrote on the paper: "Thank you Emperor for your praise and praise. It is my honor to serve you."

There was no trace of flattery on his face, but full of positive energy.

Yun Youran smiled gently, took out three shining eighth-level fire crystal cores from his arms, and gently handed them to the front of the child.

These three crystal nuclei contain powerful fire element energy, and the surrounding air seems to become hot due to their appearance.

Then, Yun Youran took out a bag full of crystal nuclei again, shook it in his hand, and then said to Jie:

"Take these crystal cores back later and distribute them to the zombies under your command."

She knew that for these zombies who fed on crystal nuclei, these crystal nuclei were undoubtedly the best reward.

Xiao took the three fire crystal cores, then took the bag, and sincerely thanked you again: "I have thanked the emperor, and I also thank you on behalf of the zombies below."

Yun Youran didn't care: "These are what you deserve.

You are loyal to me and work hard for me. Of course I cannot let you down.

These crystal cores are not counted among the snacks given to them every day, but are a kind of encouragement and reward. "

Yun Youran hopes to use this method to inspire Zhen and his zombies and make them work harder for him.

When he saw Nangong Jin and Mu Bingling in Nangong City, the smile on his face was as bright and dazzling as a blooming spring flower, as if the whole world was illuminated by this smile.

This feeling of joy was beyond words and everyone who saw it was moved.

Indeed, it is only in front of his loved ones and friends that Nangong Cheng's cold and hard heart will melt, showing his approachable and unpretentious side.

At this moment, he is no longer the high and mighty, awe-inspiring figure, but a big brother full of warmth.

In the eyes of his relatives, he is a towering mountain that they can rely on; and in his heart, these relatives are also the most precious treasures in his life.

In this era of war and chaos, ordinary people were as fragile as a candle in the wind, always facing the tragic fate of having their homes destroyed, their loved ones separated, and becoming displaced.

Therefore, when Nangong Cheng saw his long-missed relatives with his own eyes, the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time in his heart surged out like a flood, and he could hardly suppress it.

After all, if you have to pretend to be so callous, aloof and arrogant to outsiders even in front of your closest relatives and loved ones, wouldn't such a life be too boring and boring?

Getting along with your loved ones should be the most real and warm moments. If you can't put down your guard and be honest with each other, how can you feel that precious family affection?

Only by treating others with sincerity can we get the same sincere emotional response from others.

This is like sowing the seeds of truth, goodness and beauty in the garden of interpersonal relationships. After careful watering and patient waiting, colorful flowers of friendship will eventually bloom.

When we interact with others sincerely, the other person will also feel the warmth and kindness and be willing to repay us in the same way.

In this way, the spiritual bond between each other will become stronger, and the sincere friendship will last forever as time goes by.

On the contrary, if we always treat others hypocritically, then others will naturally not be sincere to us, and the so-called friendship will be nothing but a mirage and a flash in the pan.

Therefore, if you want to obtain true friendship and affection, you must first learn to give your sincerity.

Only in this way can we gain the heartfelt recognition and love from others.

Nangong Cheng frowned and asked with worry on his face: "Xiaojin, Xiaoling, are you okay?" There was a hint of concern in his voice.

Nangong Jin and Mu Bingling stared at Nangong Cheng with burning eyes, as if they wanted to see through his appearance to see deep into his heart.

Then, they took out the pens and notebooks in their pockets in unison, quickly turned the pages, and began to write furiously.

All that could be heard was the rustling sound of the pen tip rubbing against the paper, and soon, the two people stopped what they were doing one after another.

Then, they raised the paper with the writing on it together and showed it to Nangong Cheng.

There were only four big characters clearly written on it: "Who are you?"

The handwriting is flying and phoenix-shaped, penetrating through the back of the paper. It is obviously written with emotion.

What’s even more surprising is that not only are the words on the two pieces of paper exactly the same, but the meanings they express are also the same.

Nangong Cheng was completely confused by the scene before him and had no idea what tricks they were playing.

But from the strange and indifferent eyes they looked at him, Nangong Cheng noticed something strange.

So he decided to try it carefully and whispered, "Don't you know who I am?"

Nangong Jin and Mu Bingling nodded at the same time.

Nangong Cheng was anxious, "Do you really not remember me? I am your eldest brother, we grew up together."

He looked at Nangong Jin and said, "I am your biological elder brother, your biological brother from the same father and mother."

Then he looked at Mu Bingling and said, "I am your cousin, and my mother is your aunt."

As expected, when Nangong Jin and Mu Bingling heard this, they were slightly stunned at first, and then nodded without hesitation.

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