Beginning: I created all the cheats in the world to become cubes

Chapter 65 Chen Yu, who has a lot of money, and the information left by the ancestors of the human r

Chen Yu and the others just finished buying those things and then went to buy other things. Along the way, they just bought and bought several times faster than you. After all, in order to improve the strength of the group members. , the idiom turns into Wang Duoyu and becomes extremely rich. Well, the current state of the idiom is called Wang Duoyu state. The author finalized the draft and Chen Yu personally approved it, which was called Wang Duo's status.

Moreover, Chen Yu wandered around here and found a lot of good things, such as the Dimension Spider, the Supreme Dimension, the God of Dimension, various methods of cultivating dimensions, and explanations of various dimensions. It's comfortable, and there is a four-dimensional timeline, all kinds of messy things, and some information left by the strong men of the human race was also found in it.

Chen Yu was always looking at this information. They wandered around here and found a lot of things. Don't read it at the time, which shocked jth directly because the information left behind was too huge.

Chen Yu couldn't digest it for a while, but it didn't matter. At present, Chen Yu is only responsible for frantically buying various treasures. Except for the dirty dimension, every dimension is croaking. Okay, I just hope he can buy more things. Alas, this is really six. Compared with our Marshal Chen, he has become the king of excess, and the king of excess is in such a terrifying state.

And we, Marshal Chen, don’t even know how many things we bought to improve our strength, including cultivation techniques in various dimensions, and analyzers in various dimensions. We bought a lot. Xu Zhenyun can hardly accept it, especially Leng Feng, since He reported the existence of so many technologies and chat groups. Alas, not to mention how comfortable that little life was, especially now that the dimensional analysis has come out, the group of passenger transport staff were overjoyed. What about U.S. imperialism? Once I maintain my own time and space, you will have to stop. They don’t have this level of materials, but they don’t have chat groups. There are no chat groups elsewhere, and there are too many of them. Chen Yu bought piles of materials, all of which were used by members of the enemy group in the chat bureau.

Moreover, these materials play a key role in future performance, and are one of the important conditions for defeating logical creatures later. They also pave the way for future victory, which shows that Chen Yu's vision is extremely ruthless, and it is also for all this. Victory, the helpless resistance is a bit weak, but at least it is useful.

Although the enemy Chen Yu currently faces is particularly difficult, I believe he will be able to defeat him soon. How long will it take me? This is my confidence today. His confidence in the human race is also his confidence in himself, but he is also helpless. With this helpless resistance, he hopes to last a little longer until the news and return of the strong human race. ?(●′?`●)??(●′?`●)?

They are so fucking happy here that they boast about buying the group of besieging creatures! In all dimensions except the dirty dimension, everyone is going crazy with joy! Today, everyone had their pants removed, and they all used logical-level Zhang. This is really, really comfortable! Moreover, Chen Yu's MC power has also been greatly improved.

Sure enough, Chen Yu's efforts were not in vain. After a lot of boasting about buying, his wallet finally couldn't support it anymore. After all, with this level of Guagua buying, he must take a short break. Of course, this stop After coming down, Chen Yu took out the information left by the ancestors of the human race.


As soon as Chen Yu opened it, he saw the message inside. The message stated why the human race wanted to leave. It was the disaster that the human race would face due to the riots in the logical space. They had investigated clearly in advance, and all this exploration was for the better. of victory.

When he saw the rain, Chen Yu couldn't help but want you. You should just leave without leaving any protection for the human race. Moreover, the information is only placed in the dimensional space. How can we find it? Who would have thought that you would be placed in the fucking dimensional space? Alas, if it weren't for our Dashuai Chen's bikini, we would have missed this key information.

Chen Yu suppressed his urge to swear, because what the human ancestor said next completely shocked him.

The ancestors of the human race: "We don't know the reason for this logical riot, because we are very likely to sacrifice me next. What I want to say next, you must keep in mind the extremely large amount of information brought by this sentence. Big, be prepared. The logical riot may be related to that person's awakening. As for who that person is, we can't say more. If I say more, I will be restricted by his logic, which will lead to a complete sudden death. We I don’t know who he is, maybe he is from our human race, but of course there is a high probability that he is from our human race. He is very partial to our human race, and I don’t know why he always gives us a sense of affinity, a bit similar to the seniors of the human race.”

"We don't know what is going to happen next. This kind of logical judgment is because the logical space has shocked a new logical person who has entered the Nine Heavens. A person of this level has led Logitech to plan a large-scale invasion of the human race. , we don’t know how long time can last, we can only take risks to explore, otherwise, why do you think we should explore? Of course, all this information is to tell you, we can only continue to resist, why is it stored here? Here The logic is relatively hidden and not easily discovered by that person."

Chen Yu and the group members' heads exploded after receiving this information. The amount of information received was too huge. First of all, the senior, and who is that? There was too much information to process at once, and when Chen Yu processed this information, his mind was a little dizzy. A sense of logic began to bind him while he was reciting it, making it difficult for him to recite other words. name.

Once he wants to create a binding force, it will become bigger and bigger. It seems that only a medium level of logic can resist this binding force. The binding force is too great, and it is impossible to pronounce his name or describe his existence. , cannot be heard or seen, cannot be seen or seen.

Unable to be understood and unable to obtain any useful information, this is how Chen Yu feels now. Sure enough, his level is still too low. He can't get in touch with this kind of existence, and he almost takes half of Chen Yu's life without even meeting him. Life.

His brain received this information and couldn't process it for a while. It is now difficult for him to understand what kind of existence the other party is. How can we defeat those ancestors of the human race? Are they okay? They stored the information here. It turned out that this was the reason why all of this happened. He wanted to tell the other emperors about this.

What happens after Chen Yu calms down? This information was told to other feudal emperors, and the other fiefdoms received this information and immediately fell into silence.


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