Beginning: I created all the cheats in the world to become cubes

Chapter 25: All kinds of sighs and a new world

Chen Yu and others walked out of the core of this world. They looked at everything outside. Even though they sighed in their hearts, the case still weighed them down.

When Chen Yu looked at the red flag in his hand, he seemed to have new hope in his heart, because there is still a long, long road ahead. We have to go a long, long way. The road ahead is long and the years have not changed.

At this moment, Chen Yu and the others kept walking until they reached the place where they originally came back, and saw that the other people had suddenly come to their senses.

Perhaps this is where the human race should really be.

Chen Yu and others who watched him come out said in unison: "What, you went in to eat the defense, and when you came out, you looked like you had eaten shit, like a fool."

When Chen Yu and others heard what others said, they laughed and scolded: "Zhao Zilong and Limulu, why are you going to accuse the leader of this group? It's true. They also said that I eat shit. I think you are the one." Eat the defense.”

Xiao Yan also smiled and said: "What? You also want to eat the food? I just have a lot of food in my stomach, so I'll treat you to it."

Lengfeng looked at the two people in front of him and said directly, "Fuck you, you're not big or small, you're not serious, you're just scolding me, damn it."

Several people were fighting and scolding together, as if they had been brothers for many years, because the scenes just now had been broadcast live to the outside by the heaven of this world.

In this live broadcast, everyone completed their mission as if they were still teenagers after losing contact with old friends.

There is a mixture of light and dark in their eyes, but let them go as they say.

However, after several people finished talking this time, their xinxing improved again, and when they were still teenagers, Chen Yu's own heart knot was finally solved.

I finally know what my significance is, why the human race should be led by me, and the truth that with great power comes great responsibility.

I have found my truth and my true self. This time my state of mind has improved, as if something has broken.

(ps: It’s really hard to find a reason for this stupid protagonist to improve his strength. It’s in my outline. According to the current statement, it’s just a preliminary awakening. It’s hard to improve the logic in the short term. Alas. , but looking for a reason to improve my strength, I cheated on several of them, oh yeah.)

Chen Yu looked at the crowd and watched his new friend untie him. The knotted person in his heart slowly said, "Do you want to reply? Do you want us to go on an adventure in a new world? Let's go now."

When everyone heard what Chen Yu said, they all said in unison: "Fuck you, who is the respondent? Remember to take me with you, I am going to adventure in other worlds."

Chen Yu said in a joking tone again: "Okay, let's leave quickly after a few answers."

When the crowd heard Chen Yu's words, they were speechless. You can call him whatever the hell you want, I don't care.

Is it really me who keeps asking us to reply that we look like poop? Or do we have the strength to respond?

A few people wanted to play, but they stopped thinking about the topic and said directly: "Okay, you handsome and awesome Cheng Dashuai, open the door for us quickly, we are going to the new world."

Chen Yu heard the conversation of several people, and instantly opened a dark and deep opening in front of him, and slowly said to several people: "There are stupid group friends with serious illnesses, let's leave quickly, or we will kill you if you don't leave." Eat still."

The crowd smiled when they heard Chen Yu's words, and walked over with Chen Yu without saying anything. Inside the deep and dark portal.

This endless power of rules opened up the energy between the channels connecting the other worlds, and the rules began to become more and more stable. It also separated the rules of this space, but it just can't pass. Are you angry?

Rules of both sides of the world:...fuck you, I want to follow the rules of the other side, but you just blocked me, right? I'm really **********.

I won’t care about the two worlds for now. Let’s put aside the scolding and calling us handsome guys. Let’s first take a look at Chen Dashuai and his team of gangsters. The handsome guys came to a new world.

Several people in the crowd passed through the world in front of them. The portal looked at a new world in front of them and asked directly: "Stupid group leader, which world have I not been to? Please tell us in detail."

Xiao Yan: "Yes, otherwise the 800-million-ton Xuanzhong Ruler, I just need to take it out and discuss it with you, Amitabha."

Several other big gangsters also gave the same answer as Xiao Yan and Zhao Zilong.

Chen Yu looked at these people, jumping back and forth on their death line with all their strength, sometimes dead and sometimes alive, stepping on them one by one.

After slapping him a few times, Chen Yu said directly: "Damn it, I can't tell the difference between the big and the small kings. I'm the fucking leader of the group. If you go ahead and scold me, I won't be embarrassed."

Even after the shooting, you took it out of his trouser pocket and returned the Bedrock Sword. Everyone received a blow on the head. Of course, the force of the shooting was definitely within the range that they could bear.

After Chen Yu finished filming, he said directly about one thing: "Oh, by the way, Leng Feng seems to be the only one with nothing to do, and you also seem to have something to do."

Leng Feng: "???...No, I just went out to be a fool."

Mentioning this, Chen Yu remembered that it definitely seemed that he had just been released from prison, so the following things had not happened yet, and your timeline was suspended after time travel.

(PS: Some readers have been asking me before why Leng Feng did not complete their work. I will make some additions here to avoid future readers asking again.)

After the episode ended, the crowd and Chen Yu all looked at the new world they had traveled through. Chen Yu knew what kind of world it was as soon as he scanned it.

When I saw this world, it turned out that this was the famous armored warrior. The world's top combat power was only the armor of the Skyfall Emperor in the fifth dimension.

Just after detecting our rogue team, Chen Yu and the big rogue Zhan Lijia directly uncovered the way of heaven in this world, that is, they uncovered the emperor's armor hiding in the dark.

The Emperor's Armor, everything is in good condition. It was supposed to slowly digest these powers through a large number of flowers and planes. But as a result, it sensed the arrival of Chen Yu and his party, so he observed in secret. As a result, our Marshal Chen also Mr. Chen, the hooligan, just grabbed him with one hand.

The Armor Plane encountered a huge crisis. They needed to evolve the realm, so they captured a large number of characteristic planes similar to the Armor World, trying to absorb their power and supplement their own origins. However, they were a little greedy, which led to the dark Planes have also received a number of enhancements.

That's why they had to slowly digest the power. The emperor still wanted to go out to find his grandfather, but in the end, he saw our gangsters and several people blocked the road and broke in.

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