After thinking for a while, Guan Yu still couldn't figure out the train of thought of the power of the galaxy, but no matter what, he got the thing, which was a good thing for him!

Now that the password has been unlocked, Guan Yu naturally has to take a look to see what secrets Carl has hidden in it!

After fiddling with the crystal ball for a while, Guan Yu almost understood how to use it.

Guan Yu opened some of the files stored there and looked at them.

Photos of Liang Bing in armor, photos of Liang Bing in casual clothes, photos of Liang Bing with her wings folded, photos with Carl, photos with Kai'Sa, photos during the Three Kings period, photos during the Morgana period...

Guan Yu felt that he was not looking at any secret. This was clearly Liang Bing’s photo album!

Carl, why don’t you take such a private thing with you when you leave?

Could this be what Morgana wanted? Could these photos be what Carl said were important to him?

When I thought about it this way, I suddenly understood what was going on.

When Guan Yu saw these, he felt like he was peeking at other people’s browser history!

After reading the rest, Guan Yu realized that not all the photos stored here were of Morgana.

There were also some records written by Carl at the back. After flipping through them a few times, Guan Yu completely understood.

This crystal ball is none other than Carl’s diary!

Well, we don’t understand why a great man would write a diary, but now this thing is in his hands!

But this diary is not useless. It records Carl's inner thoughts and some things he encountered over the years.

Of course, most of them were related to Morgana. Guan Yu searched for some of the privacy details at a glance.

I want to see what hidden message Carl left between the lines!

Not long after, Guan Yu found some interesting records, which were the records of Carl and his teacher.

'In the Shenhe years, the teacher suddenly found me and told me that he had discovered something that shocked the world. I asked him what it was, but the teacher didn't tell me. He only said that this discovery would change the entire universe, and then he hurriedly left the academy.'

'Shenhe Year, the teacher returned to the academy. He said that his research had reached a critical point and the results seemed to be quite gratifying. It seemed that he had never seen the teacher so happy.

I asked the teacher what the research was, but the teacher still didn't tell me, and just told me to wait and witness his ultimate achievement.

I am very curious, is the research really that magical? The teacher has achieved many results, so what is it this time that makes the teacher think this is his best achievement?

I asked several times, but the teacher just smiled and shook his head. After staying in the academy for a while, he left again! '

'In the years of Shenhe, the teacher finally came back after a hundred years. I thought the teacher had succeeded, but after he handed over the affairs of the academy to others,

He left me the permission to use the big clock and left again. This time the teacher didn't look very happy.

I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart. The teacher seemed to have changed. He became a little...'

"Nine hundred years have passed in the Shenhe calendar, and the teacher still hasn't come back. What did he discover that caused him to never come back? What is that thing? I want to know!"

"Five hundred years have passed since the Shenhe calendar, and the teacher still hasn't come back!"

"In the Shenhe calendar, the time is approaching 2,000 years. The teacher has returned. It seems that his research is complete. The teachers in the academy are very excited.

I went to ask my teacher about this matter that had puzzled me for thousands of years, but the teacher still didn't tell me.

It just said that the time has not come yet. What time? I didn’t understand, but the teacher said that when the time comes, I will naturally understand it. He also told me that when the time comes, I should not hesitate and should hurry up! ”

'Shenhe came to the academy after many years and suddenly felt that the atmosphere of the academy had changed. All the teachers had become so... crazy? They were muttering some words that he couldn't understand, as if they were crazy.

Crazy? This is impossible. How can teachers be crazy?'

'In the past few years of Shenhe, the academy disappeared, just so suddenly, without leaving any trace. Everyone disappeared, as if everything had never appeared.'

Guan Yu flipped through the pages, but couldn't find any record of this incident.

Looking at these messages, Guan Yu fell into deep thought. It sounded like a ghost story, but it was true.

"Kuang San, what do you think is the reason behind this?"

Guan Yu asked Kuang San who was standing next to him. She had just seen these messages as well. He wondered how she felt about it!

"Master, it seems that what happened in this universe should be related to Carl's teacher!"

Kuang San also gave his own guess. After hearing what Kuang San said, Guan Yu also nodded.

Guan Yu didn't know if the universe had anything to do with Carl's teacher, but it seemed like it had something to do with it.

The entire disappeared academy, and Carl's subsequent disappearance, Guan Yu himself did not believe that they had nothing to do with it.

But where did they go? There has been no news of them for so many years. Could they have gone to the other side of the cosmic rift?

Will the other end be the empty universe that I guessed? The so-called ultimate fear,

What happened? Things suddenly started to get weird.

This is the Super Seminary, right? Why do I suddenly feel like there's a strange invasion?

Afterwards, Guan Yu looked through the records again, but did not find anything else of value.

I did find some swimsuit photos of Morgana, but I'm sorry to refuse them! Collect them!

"Okay, it seems that we have already got the most worthwhile thing. Let's go home!"

Guan Yu put away the crystal ball, then called out to Kuang San.

Just looking at so many books, it still feels a bit regrettable. It would take too much time to collect so many books. I'd better leave it at that next time!

Then the two of them quietly teleported outside, and then teleported into the universe. Guan Yu used the space gem to return to Planet No. 3.

However, this trip to Planet No. 8 not only failed to give Guan Yu a reasonable explanation, but also caused more and more questions.

He previously thought that the Galaxy Force was the number one boss in the universe, but now he discovered that behind the Galaxy Force there was Carl who had entered the rift, and the entire Super Seminary that had disappeared!

"Ah, if it weren't for me, this universe would be completely hopeless. Really, I suddenly became the savior!"

Guan Yu also felt a little emotional. It is really hard to be a good person!

But now that he has got the crystal ball, Guan Yu naturally wants to meet Morgana. Not only to repay the conditions he promised her before, but also to see what this girl is doing.

We clearly agreed to go to the expedition to the No. 3 celestial body together, how dare you stand idly by?

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