Super God: Make the Mechanical Nuwa at the beginning

Chapter 420: What’s the best way for He Xi to leave?

"Ahem, even though what you said is very tempting, I am still willing to give her a chance. After all, she didn't do anything harmful. She stayed with me very honestly. It's just like that. Aren't you afraid that she will come back to you at night?"

"Looking for me? How can she look for me when everything is already cut to pieces? There is only one way she could find me, and that is if I am not dead yet. If you can't bring yourself to do it, I can do it for you. Queen, my sword is fast and fierce, it will definitely kill you completely!"

Morgana, who was the stumbling block on He Xi's way to survival, urged Guan Yu to act as soon as possible, and even went so far as to send He Xi off herself.

I don't know if he really wants to send He Xi off personally, but he looks quite serious, it doesn't seem like he's acting.

Guan Yu looked at Morgana speechlessly, not understanding how she could say such chilling words with a mouth that was only over 30 degrees Celsius. Was that what he meant?

"Let's wait and see. She can't cause any trouble with me. Let's have her checked later to see if she has any mental problems. If she is really beyond repair, I invite you to personally send He Xi off!"

Morgana looked at Guan Yu with strange eyes, and asked Guan Yu with some doubt in her tone:

"You, have you been seduced by that bitch? I'm trying to clear up the hidden danger for you, and you're still trying to stop me? She's not an easy person to deal with. If you really want to conquer He Xi, you're probably dreaming!"

"Put away your weird thoughts. What do you mean I was seduced? We are innocent and have only met a few times. How could I be seduced by her? Don't you underestimate me?"

"Then why don't you do it?"

"That's because...wait, weren't we discussing your meeting with He Xi? How did it become a He Xi trial meeting? We really have to discuss how He Xi should die, right?"

Guan Yu reacted. Are they discussing how to kill He Xi? No way? How did Morgana lead them into this trap?

"Because this is a hidden danger. Are you sure she is not infected? Even if not, mental problems are a huge hidden danger. After all, you never know what a mentally ill person is thinking!"

Morgana said solemnly that no one understood better than her how harmful mental illness was. If you didn't believe it, Morgana could give Guan Yu an example, such as Kesha. That bitch was definitely mentally ill. She stopped her from studying the void and chased her for tens of thousands of years. If this wasn't mental illness, what else could she be?

The main reason was that she didn't want a hidden danger in the rear to cause problems on the front line, even though she didn't know whether He Xi had any problems or not.

After all, Morgana doesn't have a brain as good as He Xi, who is proficient in all kinds of calculations.

Guan Yu, a man who inexplicably came out of the fake universe. Although Morgana didn't know what went wrong, causing the fake universe to give birth to this powerful guy,

But it is undeniable that Guan Yu really has the ability to solve this cosmic problem. In order to defeat the power of the galaxy, Morgana even came to participate in this war in person.

It would be fine if she wasn't involved in this war, but this time she was going to reveal all her assets. Even though she just thought that she would run away if she couldn't win, she was already tired of the life of running away.

She ran when she saw Kesha, and continued to run when she saw the galactic force. She has been hiding for more than 30 million years, so why would she run again? Wouldn't she have become Liang Pao-Run?

So this time, she had planned to go all out. This was her last battle against the power of the galaxy. If she lost, she thought it would be okay to die.

Simply put, she is tired. If she cannot win this time, then let it be destroyed, whatever!

But why lose when you can win? This time it seems like there is a great chance, so she won't allow the war to fail due to an accident later.

Even if it was He Xi, her former friend, that was tens of millions of years ago. In her life, the memory of He Xi was less than one fifty millionth, which could be said to be negligible.

If there wasn't He Xi's information in the database, she would have forgotten about He Xi long ago.

So even if it meant killing He Xi, she would not hesitate. After all, she suspected that Guan Yu had just taken over the pathogen information she had given him and did not understand the pathogen, so when analyzing He Xi, he did not find out her deepest things.

Even though they haven't seen each other for 30 million years, Morgana remembers the image of the old He Xi silver coin clearly. Who knows if He Xi has hidden something?

What if He Xi really wanted to destroy the world? What if she was an undercover agent of the Galaxy Force? Especially after hearing Guan Yu's description of her changes, Morgana felt that this He Xi should be killed!

Guan Yu saw all kinds of emotions in Morgana's expression: anger, sadness, determination, and firmness. In a trance, he seemed to see the protagonist of the world sitting in front of him and talking to him about the future.

This feeling was very strange, and it made Guan Yu feel conflicted. No matter what Morgana's purpose was in fighting against the power of the galaxy, Guan Yu always felt that she had a strange sense of justice.

This feeling was devastating. He knew in his heart that Morgana was not that kind of person, but she gave Guan Yu that feeling.

Guan Yu couldn't help but be stunned and sigh at her fate.

He remembered that Space Principal Jilan once commented on Liang Bing, saying that Liang Bing might be the future of the known universe.

At that time, I thought how could it be possible? If Liang Bing’s devil could become the future of the universe, how tragic would that universe be!

But now he knows that Jilan is just a running program of the fake universe, and that program itself was set up by He Xi, and Liang Bing is just a copy of Morgana.

So it was Morgana who made He Xi think this way? Did she just inadvertently transmit the thoughts at that time into Ji Lan's program?

He had some guesses about this. Perhaps He Xi had just been captured by the Galaxy Force not long ago, and Morgana was the only person left alive in the entire universe who had not been infected.

So at that time, she hoped in her heart that Morgana, who escaped, could become the future of the universe?

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