Because of Keli, Guan Yu stopped his plan to go to Inazuma and wanted to play with his daughter first.

Through Kuang San's teleportation, the group of three big and two small appeared inside the Wind Dragon Ruins. However, probably because the traveler didn't come, or Tevarin didn't close it, there was a thick wind wall outside to prevent outsiders from entering.

But these are useless to Kuang San, they can go directly inside. Guan Yu looked at the raging wind wall and couldn't help but wonder in his heart, could this be Tevalin's defense against Alice?

"Wow, it's so big, big brother, big brother, there is a small lake over there, with fish, fish!"

Klee was running around in the Wind Dragon ruins, her eyes shining as she stared at a lake not far away. She ran over and saw some fish swimming around in the water.

This made Klee very happy. This was really a good place. Without Captain Jean, she could use bombs to fish at will.

Shen He also put Heuliah on the ground. Maybe Heuliah's appearance was too deceptive. Shen He always wanted to hold her. But this loli is also a real demon. Even the weakest demon is still a demon, not a child. She is thousands of years old!

For Heulia, there is a kind of love called Shenhe feels that you are dangerous, and Shenhe carries you all the way.

"Slow down, Klee, don't fall."

Guan Yu reminded Klee and asked Kuang San to sense the monsters in the Wind Dragon Ruins. The scan showed that most of them were some hillbillies tricking flower slimes and the like, and they did not pose much threat.

Look at Guan Yu and his group, and ask them who is afraid of the Hillilchul Slime?

Don't underestimate Klee. Her constellation is the four-leaf clover and her luck is off the charts. It's impossible for her to be in danger. She was fine even when she was playing with bombs. A few monsters want to hurt Klee. They are dreaming, unless they don't want to live anymore.

Klee excitedly took out bombs from her backpack and threw them into the water happily. There were a series of explosions, and all the fish in the water turned over and floated to the surface.

But at this moment, Tevarin suddenly shuddered, feeling a piercing sense of danger, a sense that fate had come.

What's going on? The last time it felt this way was when Alice came to it, but Alice had already left. Besides, it had already raised a barrier around it, so even if Alice came, it would be impossible for her to get in.

It was an illusion, it must be an illusion. It seemed that the big iron shell had caused some psychological trauma to me. Yes, it must be like this!

Tevarin decided to sleep for a few decades. It was impossible for him to go out. He would never go out even if he was beaten to death. It was safer at home.

"Klee is so young, isn't it a bit dangerous to play with bombs?"

Kuang San was a little worried. Although Kuang San had only known Klee for a short time, she also liked this child very much.

"It's okay. Just think of Klee as the embodiment of luck. She won't be in danger."

Guan Yu told Kuang San not to worry. Even if there was danger, could Guan Yu still ignore Klee?

Heuliah followed behind Klee and watched Klee throw bombs into the water.

Klee looked at this person who was a little older than herself and handed a bomb in her hand to Heulia.

"Sister, do you want to play too? Here you go, just throw it out!"

Heuliah took the bomb and tried to throw it into the water. Instantly a splash of water was created, which was very beautiful. Heuliah's eyes suddenly lit up.

It seems quite fun!

Then, he and Klee started throwing bombs together.

Guan Yu spread a piece of cloth on the ground not far away, took out some food and drinks and put them on it, just like he was here for a trip.

The pleasant scenery made Guan Yu feel a lot more relaxed. After all, there was no pollution here and the air was very good.

I just watched Klee and the other girl playing with bombs, but the power of Klee's bomb was a little weak, and the splashes made by the explosion were not good enough to see.

"Keli, who taught you how to make your bomb?"

Guan Yu called Ke Li over and asked,

"Bounce bomb? Of course my mom taught me that. Isn't big brother Klee very powerful?"

Alice? This didn't teach Klee the real skills at all. When she turned the Wind Dragon Ruins into Wind Dragon Ruins, Guan Yu didn't believe that she used bouncing bombs to blow it up bit by bit.

"Well, Keri, do you want to see the power of the bomb I made?"

Guan Yu smiled and wanted to teach Keli a lesson.

Kelly opened her mouth wide immediately. "Big brother, can you also make bouncing bombs?"

"It's not a bouncing bomb, it's a bomb that big brother made himself. Do you want to see it, Kelly?"

"I want it, big brother, let me see it quickly!" Keli pulled Guan Yu's arm and looked at Guan Yu with great curiosity.

Guan Yu sat up from the grass, "Okay, big brother, today I will show you the bomb I made!"

Guan Yu has a lot of knowledge and reads a lot of books. He knows how to make bombs and has done it before. After all, who doesn't want to make a nuclear bomb by themselves?

Although nuclear bombs are useless in his world and cannot harm gods, it cannot be said that they are weak, it is just that gods are immune to radiation.

Guan Yu took out two bombs from the space, one was a de-radiated nuclear bomb, more than ten meters high, and the other was a bomb with increased ammunition, a little smaller than the nuclear bomb. It was only eight meters high, and Guan Yu added two thousand pounds of explosives inside.

"Wow! Is this the bomb you made, big brother? It's so big! But why doesn't it look like a bomb?"

Klee looked at the bouncing bomb in her hand, and then looked at the big bomb that was ten times taller than her. There was a huge difference. Was this the bomb that adults played with? It was just not as good-looking as her own bomb.

"Of course. Bombs are fun only when they are big. Small ones are suitable for you, Klee, but I am more suitable for playing with big ones."

Guan Yu picked up Keli and pointed at the two bombs and introduced them to her: "This one is a nuclear bomb, and this one is called an aerial bomb. We will demonstrate the nuclear bomb when we leave. Now let's try the power of this bomb."

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